

This object defines an individual meter run from which data can be collected for a specific device.

Meter objects cannot be shared among devices. Example: If a device has three meter runs configured in it to collect data, three separate Meter objects will need to be configured for the device in ACM.


See the General Object Configuration guide for assistance configuring the General tab.

Meter Tab

Advanced Configuration

Default = Not Selected. When selected, Click  to browse for the appropriate Meter Configuration object if required. See Meter Configuration for details.


A Meter Configuration may or may not be needed depending on the configuration requirements of the device. See the device configuration page for the device type for more information.

External GC Reference

This is the name of the GC from which the meter gets its data. See Gas Chromatograph for more information.

External Meter Reference

If the meter is known by something else outside of ACM (eg. in gas accounting software), that name can be entered here. This enables ACM to match the external name to its ACM meter name.

Meter Name

Determines the location of the meter id. This value is used for the $$Meter.Name$$ token discussed in Substitution Tokens.

  • Use this meter's object name (Default)
  • Use the advanced configuration. This uses the MeterID property in the selected Meter Configuration object.
  • Use protocol fixed location. This allows the Device Protocol to determine the name of the meter.

Meter Content

The default value for this property is Use protocol value which lets the protocol decide whether the meter is a gas or a liquid meter. The selections Gas or Liquid can be used to override what the protocol detects.

Treat meter as GC during publishing

Default = Not selected. Sets the meter's gas analysis data to be treated as a global gas quality record as defined in publishers.  See the PGAS XML section for more information.

User Meta Data Fields

User configurable text fields to include in meter publishing. 

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