Time Synchronization

Time Synchronization


Time Sync is used to define rules and/or actions to be used when comparing the device clock with the host clock.


See the General Object Configuration guide for assistance configuring the General tab.

Time Sync Properties

Synchronization Type 

  • Always
  • Range (Synchronization is based on Range Seconds)

Range Seconds

Default = 120. This field defines the minimum time difference between the device and host that should result in a time synchronization. If this value is set to zero, all time checks will result in time synchronization.

Range Examples

Device TimeHost TimeRangeResult
9:00:00 AM9:02:00 AM0Host Time Is Sent To Device
9:00:00 AM9:02:00 AM120Host Time Is Sent To Device
9:00:00 AM9:01:00 AM90No Changes Sent To Device
9:00:00 AM8:58:00 AM0Host Time Is Sent To Device
9:00:00 AM8:58:00 AM120Host Time Is Sent To Device
9:00:00 AM8:59:00 AM90No Changes Sent To Device

Follow DST 

Default = Not Selected. Automatically Adjust for Daylight Saving Time. 

Do not sync if it would change the hour in the device.

Default = Not Selected. Select to prevent synchronizing if the hour on the device will change, even if within the "Range Seconds" established above.

Do not change the time if it is off by more than (configurable) seconds.

Default = 0. This field defines an overall maximum time difference between the device and host that should result in time synchronization. If zero (no max) this check is disabled.

Alarm Only

Default = Selected. Alarm and Error values are used when this option is selected. When selected and a time synchronization is triggered by the configured options here, these will be values written to the LastTimeSyncResult OPC item and no synchronization will take place.

Alarm Value

Default = -100.  The value of the alarm as seen in the OPC client and log files.

Error Value

Default = -200. The value of the error as seen in the OPC client and log files.

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