Totalflow OPC Items
Standard Items
Protocol Items
OPCItem/x can be used to reference an OPC Item on specific meter runs. The "x" represents the zero-based meter run, so to access the CurrentDP on meter run 2, the item would be entered as CurrentDP/1. The CurrentDP value for meter run 3 can be accessed by CurrentDP/2 and so on.
This only applies to items that are meter specific. It does NOT apply to App:Array:Index tags.
Item | Data Type | Description |
ACCUMMCF | R4 | Accum. Volume (MCF) |
APHIGHCAL | R4 | AP high cal |
APHIGHLIMIT | R4 | AP hi limit |
APLOWCAL | R4 | AP low calibration |
APLOWLIMIT | R4 | AP lo limit |
APMIDCAL | R4 | AP Mid High Calibration |
APMIDHIGHCAL | R4 | AP mid high calibration |
APMIDLOWCAL | R4 | AP mid low calibration |
App:Array:Index:DataType/Bit | UI1, I1, UI2, I2, UI4, I4, R4, R8, String, Time, Timestamp, TimestampUTC | App: Application number; Array: Array number; Index: Index number; Data Type:
BAROPRESS | R4 | Barometric pressure |
BATTVOLTS | R4 | Current battery voltage |
CALCMETH | UI1 | FCU volume calc. method |
CALCUNITS | UI1 | FCU calculation units |
CONTRACTHOUR | UI1 | Contract Hour |
ControlValve.Alarm.1 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.2 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.3 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.4 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.5 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.6 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.7 | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.8 | I2 | |
ControlValve.AnalogValve | I2 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.APBias | R4 | |
ControlValve.Alarm.APOverride | I2 | |
ControlValve.BatteryLowLimit | R4 | |
ControlValve.ClosePeriod | UI2 | |
ControlValve.CloseTime | UI2 | |
ControlValve.CMD2 | UI2 | |
ControlValve.CommandExt | I2 | |
ControlValve.CurrentAP | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrentBV | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrentCP | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrentDP | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrentExt | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrentTF | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrHour72Flag | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrPercOnSched | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurrSetupStart | String | |
ControlValve.CurrSetupStop | String | |
ControlValve.CurrStatusActualVol | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurSetupTargetVolume | R4 | |
ControlValve.CurSetupTermMode | UI1 | |
ControlValve.DPDeadband | R4 | DP Deadband |
ControlValve.DPGain | I2 | DP Gain |
ControlValve.DPHighLimit | R4 | DP High Limit |
ControlValve.DPLowLimit | R4 | DP Low Limit |
ControlValve.DPLowTime | I2 | |
ControlValve.DPSetpoint | R4 | DP Setpoint |
ControlValve.DPShutinMode | I2 | |
ControlValve.ExtendedMode | I2 | |
ControlValve.ExtEventMode | I2 | |
ControlValve.ExtFeatureFlags | I2 | Feature Flags 2 0x0001: On/Off timer 0x0002: External flow rate process variable |
ControlValve.FeatureFlags | I2 | Feature Flags 0x0001: Valve control 0x0002: Nominations mode 0x0004: SP override for valve control and nominations 0x0008: Radio key delay supported 0x0010: Don’t send step or ramp commands twice 0x0020: SP override type available 0x0040: Turbine Meter 0x0080: Additional VCI commands available 0x0100: Nominations mode available 0x0200: KDT active 0x0400: PBUT active 0x0800: More features in Feature Flags 2 0x1000: VCI 0x2000: EXIO 0x4000: EXIO2 |
ControlValve.FRDeadband | R4 | Flow Rate Deadband |
ControlValve.FRGain | I2 | Flow Rate Gain |
ControlValve.FRHighLimit | R4 | Flow Rate High Limit |
ControlValve.FRLowLimit | R4 | Flow Rate Low Limit |
ControlValve.FRSetpoint | R4 | Flow Rate Setpoint |
ControlValve.LastHour72Flag | R4 | |
ControlValve.LastPercOnSched | R4 | |
ControlValve.LastSetupStart | String | |
ControlValve.LastSetupStop | String | |
ControlValve.LastSetupTargetVolume | R4 | |
ControlValve.LastSetupTermMode | UI1 | |
ControlValve.LastStatusActualVol | R4 | |
ControlValve.Mode | I2 | Controller Mode 0 Manual 1 Step Open 2 Step Closed 3 Ramp Open 4 Ramp Closed 5 Auto Dp Control 6 Auto Flow Rate Control 7 Auto Sp Control 8 Auto Nominations Control 9 Auto Dp Control with shut-in 10 Auto Flow Rate Control with shut-in 11 Auto Sp Control with shut-in 12 Auto Nominations Control with shut-in 255 Invalid control mode |
ControlValve.NextSetupStart | String | |
ControlValve.NextSetupStop | String | |
ControlValve.NextSetupTargetVolume | R4 | |
ControlValve.NextSetupTermMode | UI1 | |
ControlValve.NominationActive | UI1 | |
ControlValve.OpenPeriod | UI2 | |
ControlValve.OpenTime | UI2 | |
ControlValve.PipeID | R4 | Pipe Inner Diameter |
ControlValve.PulseWidth | UI2 | |
ControlValve.RadioPowerupDelay | UI2 | |
ControlValve.RadioXmitDelay | UI2 | |
ControlValve.RampClosed | I2 | Ramp Closed |
ControlValve.RampOpen | I2 | Ramp Open |
ControlValve.ShutinPeriod | UI2 | |
ControlValve.ShutinTIme | UI2 | |
ControlValve.SPDeadband | R4 | SP Deadband |
ControlValve.SPGain | I2 | SP Gain |
ControlValve.SPHighLimit | R4 | SP High Limit |
ControlValve.SPLowLimit | R4 | SP Low Limit |
ControlValve.SPOverrLimit | R4 | |
ControlValve.SPRestartLimit | R4 | |
ControlValve.SPSetpoint | R4 | SP Setpoint |
ControlValve.StepClosed | I2 | Step Closed |
ControlValve.StepOpen | I2 | Step Open |
ControlValve.TimerUnits | I2 | |
ControlValve.ValveLocation | I2 | |
ControlValve.ValvePosLowBV | UI1 | |
ControlValve.ValveSetTime | I2 | |
CURACCVOL | R4 | Current Accumulated Volume |
CURRENTAP | R4 | Current AP |
CURRENTDP | R4 | Current DP |
CURRENTMCF | R4 | Current flow rate (MDF/Day) |
CURRENTTF | R4 | Current Temp |
DateTime | Date | |
DateTime2 | String | |
DPHIGHCAL | R4 | DP high calibration |
DPHIGHLIMIT | UI1 | DP hi limit |
DPLOWCAL | R4 | DP lo calibration |
DPLOWLIMIT | R4 | DP low limit |
DPMIDCAL | R4 | DP mid calibration |
DPMIDHIGHCAL | R4 | DP mid high calibration |
DPMIDLOWCAL | R4 | DP mid low calibration |
ELEMENT | UI1 | Primary element |
FIRSTRECEIVED | UI1 | First analysis received |
FIXEDAP | R4 | Fixed AP |
FIXEDAR | R4 | Fixed Analysis Argon |
FIXEDBTU | R4 | Fixed Analysis BTU |
FIXEDCD | R4 | Fixed Cd |
FIXEDCO | R4 | Fixed Analysis Carbon Monoxide |
FIXEDCO2 | R4 | Fixed Analysis CO2 |
FIXEDETHANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Ethane |
FIXEDFAUX | R4 | Fixed F(aux) |
FIXEDFB | R4 | Fixed F(b) |
FIXEDGRAVITY | R4 | Fixed Analysis Gravity |
FIXEDH | R4 | Fixed Analysis Hydrogen |
FIXEDH2O | R4 | Fixed Analysis H2O |
FIXEDH2S | R4 | Fixed Analysis H2S |
FIXEDHE | R4 | Fixed Analysis HE |
FIXEDIBUTANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis IButane |
FIXEDIPENTANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Ipentane |
FIXEDMETHANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Methane |
FIXEDN2 | R4 | Fixed Analysis N2 |
FIXEDNBUTANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Nbutane |
FIXEDNDECANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Ndecane |
FIXEDNHEPTANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Nheptane |
FIXEDNHEXANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Nhexane |
FIXEDNNONANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Nnonane |
FIXEDNOCTANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Noctane |
FIXEDNPENTANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Npentane |
FIXEDO2 | R4 | Fixed Analysis Oxygen |
FIXEDPROPANE | R4 | Fixed Analysis Propane |
FIXEDTEMP | R4 | Fixed temperature |
FLOWHIGHLIMIT | R4 | Flow Rate high limit (MCF/Day) |
FLOWLOWLIMIT | R4 | Flow Rate low limit (MCF/Day) |
FP | R4 | F(p) |
FPVMETH | UI1 | Supercomp method |
FT | R4 | F(f) |
LASTALARMS | UI4 | Last Calculation Period Alarms |
LASTAP | R4 | Last Calculation Period abs. pressure |
LASTAR | R4 | Last Calculation Period Argon |
LASTBTU | R4 | Last Calculation Period BTU |
LASTC | ||
LASTCD | R4 | Last Calculation Period Cd. Specific to AGA31992 |
LASTCO | R4 | Last Calculation Period Carbon Mon |
LASTCO2 | R4 | Last Calculation Period CO2 |
LASTCOUNTS | UI4 | Last Calculation Period Int. counts |
LASTDP | R4 | Last Calculation Period diff. pressure |
LASTETHANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period Ethane |
LASTEV | R4 | Last Calculation Period Ev. Specific to AGA31992 |
LASTEXT | R4 | Last Calculation Period Extension. |
LASTFA | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(a). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFAUX | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(aux) |
LASTFB | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(b). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFG | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(g). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFIP | R4 | Last Calculation Period FIP. Specific to AGA31992 |
LASTFPB | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(pb). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFPV | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(pv) |
LASTFR | R4 | Last Calculation Period F®. Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFTB | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(tb). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFTF | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(tf). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTFTW | R4 | Last Calculation Period F(tw). Specific to AGA31985 |
LASTGRAVITY | R4 | Last Calculation Period Gravity |
LASTH | R4 | Last Calculation Period Hydrogen |
LASTH2O | R4 | Last Calculation Period H2O |
LASTH2S | R4 | Last Calculation Period H2S |
LASTHE | R4 | Last Calculation Period Helium |
LASTIBUTANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period IButane |
LASTIPENTANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period IPentane |
LASTMCF | R4 | Last Calculation Period volume (MCF) |
LASTMETHANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period Methane |
LASTN2 | R4 | Last Calculation Period N2 |
LASTNBUTANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period NButane |
LASTNDECANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period NDecane |
LASTNHEPTANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period NHeptane |
LASTNHEXANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period NHexane |
LASTNNONANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period Nnonane |
LASTNOCTANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period NOctane |
LASTNPENTANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period NPentane |
LASTO2 | R4 | Last Calculation Period Oxygen |
LASTPROPANE | R4 | Last Calculation Period Propane |
LASTQM | R4 | Last Calculation Period qm. Specific to AGA31992 |
LASTQV | R4 | Last Calculation Period Qv |
LASTRANGE | UI4 | Last Calculation Period Int. range 4 |
LASTRHOB | R4 | Last Calculation Period Rhob. Specific to AGA31992 |
LASTTF | R4 | Last Calculation Period flowing temp |
LASTY | R4 | Last Calculation Period Y |
LIVESTREAM | UI1 | Attach to stream |
LOCATION | String | Add <D> or <d> to the item name to retrieve this value from the device. To read the ACM configuration value for the 'Detail' property named 'Location', use the item name 'Location'. |
MONELOR | UI1 | Monel orifice |
MTRID | String | |
ORD | R4 | Orifice diameter |
ORIFCOEF | R4 | Orifice plate coef. of expansion |
ORIFRETEMP | R4 | Orifice reference temp |
PARTNO | String | |
PIACCUMUVOL | R4 | Accumulated uncorrected volume. Specific to AGA7 |
PICURRENTPIC | R4 | Current Pulse Input Count. Specific to AGA7 |
PIPECOEF | R4 | Pipe coef. of expansion |
PIPED | R4 | Pipe diameter |
PIPEREFTEMP | R4 | Pipe reference temp |
PIYESTHIACF | R4 | Yesterday's HI ACF. Specific to AGA7 |
PIYESTLOACF | R4 | Yesterday's LO ACF. Specific to AGA7 |
PIYESTUVOL | R4 | Yesterday's uncorrected volume. Specific to AGA7 |
PRESSBASE | R4 | Pressure base |
PWDENABLED | UI1 | Password mode enabled |
RATIO | R4 | Ratio of specific heats |
RPTUNITS | UI1 | FCU report units |
RTD | UI1 | RTD installed |
SECCHECK | UI1 | Check security code? |
SOFTREV | String | |
STREAMID | UI4 | Stream ID |
TAPLOC | UI1 | Tap Location |
TAPPIPE | UI1 | Tap type |
TEMPBASE | R4 | Temperature base |
TEMPBIAS | R4 | Temperature bias |
TFHIGHLIMIT | R4 | Tf high limit |
TFLOWLIMIT | R4 | Tf low limit |
TRIP1ACFHIGH | UI1 | Trip Contact on ACF high alarm |
TRIP1ACFLOW | UI1 | Trip Contact on ACF low alarm |
TRIP1APHIGH | UI1 | Trip contact on AP high alarm |
TRIP1APLOW | UI1 | Trip contact on AP low alarm |
TRIP1DPHIGH | UI1 | Trip contact on DP high alarm |
TRIP1DPLOW | UI1 | Trip contact on DP low alarm |
TRIP1LC | UI1 | Trip contact on LC alarm |
TRIP1REMOTE | UI1 | Trip contact on Remote |
TRIP1RESET | UI1 | Auto reset contact |
TRIP1SETPT | UI1 | Trip contact on volume set point |
UFLOWHIGHLIMIT | R4 | Uncorrected Flow Rate High Limit |
UFLOWLOWLIMIT | R4 | Uncorrected Flow Rate Low Limit |
USECALCCD | UI1 | Use calcedCd? |
USEFA | UI1 | Use F(a) |
USEFAUX | UI1 | Use F(aux) |
USEFB | UI1 | Use F(b) |
USEFG | UI1 | Use F(g) |
USEFIXEDERROR | UI1 | Use Fixed Analysis on error |
USEFPB | UI1 | USE F(pb) |
USEFPV | UI1 | Use F(pv) |
USEFR | UI1 | Use F(r) |
USEFTB | UI1 | Use F(tb) |
USEFTF | UI1 | Use F(tf) |
USEFW | UI1 | Use F(w) |
USEMEASTEMP | UI1 | Use measured temperature |
USESQRTAVG | UI1 | Use square root AP, DP avgs |
USEY | UI1 | Use Y |
VISCOSITY | R4 | Viscosity |
VOL1SETPT | R4 | Volume Set Point for contact |
VOLCALCPRD | UI2 | Volume calculation period |
VOLLOGPRD | UI4 | Volume Log period |
YESTMCF | R4 | Yesterday's volume (MCF) |
ZB | R4 | Zb |
ZEROCUTOFF | R4 | Zero cutoff |
Extended Items
The Totalflow® protocol implementation supports the item names listed below for use by client applications. Item names can be specified as in the table below:
Item | Data Type | Description |
GCWrite/Txn | Variant Array | Used for automated gas quality download. |
LastAlarmRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last alarm record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastDailyRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last daily record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastEventRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last event record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastHistoryCollection | Date | Timestamp of the last history collection. |
LastHistoryCollectionUTC | Date | Timestamp of the last history collection. |
LastHistoryResult | I4 | Result of the last history collection attempt. |
LastHourlyRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last hourly record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastTimeSync | Date | Timestamp of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTimeSyncResult | I4 | Result of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTrendCollection | Date | Timestamp of the last trend collection. |
LastTrendCollectionUTC | Date | Timestamp of the last trend collection. |
LastTrendRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last trend record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastTrendResult | I4 | Result of the last trend retrieval attempt. |
MoveDaily/1 | I2 | Move the daily history retrieval pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of days to move. |
MoveEvent/1 | I2 | Move the event history retrieval pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of days to move. |
MoveLogPeriod/1 | I2 | Move the log period pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of periods to move. |
ResetDaily/1 | BOOL | Erase the daily history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all daily history during the next retrieval). |
ResetEvent/1 | BOOL | Erase the event history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all event history during the next retrieval). |
ResetHistory/1 | BOOL | Erase the hourly, daily, and event retrieval pointers for meter 1 (and re-collect all event history during the next retrieval). |
ResetLogPeriod/1 | BOOL | Erase the log period history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all log period history during the next retrieval). |
ResetTrend/1 | BOOL | Erase the trend retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all trends during the next retrieval). |
RetrieveDaily | BOOL | Result of retrieving daily records for all enabled meters. |
RetrieveDaily_Adhoc | BOOL | Result of retrieving daily records for all enabled meters without changing the history position information. |
RetrieveEvent | BOOL | Result of retrieving event records or all enabled meters. |
RetrieveEvent_Adhoc | BOOL | Result of retrieving event records for all enabled meters without changing the history position information. |
RetrieveHistory | I2 | Retrieve enabled history. |
RetrieveLogPeriod | BOOL | Result of retrieving log period and alarm records for all enabled meters. |
RetrieveLogPeriod_Adhoc | BOOL | Result of retrieving log period and alarm records for all enabled meters without changing the history position information. |
RetrieveTrend | I2 | Retrieve enabled trends. |
SetDaily/1 | Date | Sets the daily history retrieval position to a specified date and time for meter 1. |
SetLogPeriod/1 | Date | Sets the log period and alarm history retrieval position to a specified date and time for meter 1. |
SetTrend/1 | Date | Sets the trend history retrieval position to a specified date and time for meter 1. |
TimeSync | I2 | Perform time synchronization. |
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