

Standard Items

See Device Standard Items.

Protocol Items

See DF1 OPC Items.

Extended Items

NGCTT devices have extended OPC items available to execute all of the device commands.

ItemData TypeDescription
LastTimeSyncDateDate and time of the last RTU time synchronization.
LastTimeSyncResultI4Result of the last RTU time synchronization.
0 = In progress
1 = Success
2 = Alarm condition (timestamps are out of range)
3 = Error (failed to synchronize)
LastHourlyCollectionDateDate and time of the last Hourly record collected.
LastHourlyResultI4The result of the last attempt. 
LastDailyCollectionDateDate and time of the last Daily record collected.
LastDailyResultI4The result of the last attempt.
LastEventCollectionDateDate and time of the last Event record collected.
LastEventResultI4The result of the last attempt.
LastMeterConfigCollectionDateDate and time of the last Meter Configuration record collected.
LastMeterConfigResultI4The result of the last attempt.
LastGCWriteDateDate and time of the last GC Write.
LastGCWriteResultI4The result of the last attempt.
MoveHourlyDateDate and time of the record to move to.
MoveDailyDateDate and time of the record to move to.
MoveEventUI2Number of records to move backwards.
TimeSyncI2Perform a Time Synchronization.
RetrieveHistoryBoolRetrieve History.
RetrieveMeterConfigurationBoolRetrieve Meter Configuration
RetrieveEventsBoolRetrieve Event History.
RetrieveDailyBoolRetrieve Daily History.
RetrieveHourlyBoolRetrieve Hourly History.

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