ROC Batch Configuration

ROC Batch Configuration

The ROC800 devices support batching of records. On the Archive Collection tab, select Collect Batch Archive (Series 800).


Like other archives, the ROC driver will assume a standard set of points are configured to be stored in the ROC device for batch records (or transactions). To view the expected standard points, on the Archive Collection tab, select View Internal Archive Map Details…, and scroll down to the Batch/Transaction History Map.

To determine what points are configured for batch storage in ROCLink, select Configure, then Transaction History. There must be both a Station configuration, as well as a Meter configuration for each meter where batch records are needed.

The image below displays the points defined for the Batch Station configuration for the first liquid meter. Certain points are required in order to poll and publish valid batch records. Those points are:





Batch Start Time


Batch Stop Time


Batch Ticket Number



The image below displays the points defined for the Batch Meter configuration for the first liquid meter. Certain points are required in order to poll and publish valid batch records. Those points are:





Batch Start Time


Batch Stop Time


Batch Ticket Number


Product Name



If the Ticket Number points are not configured properly in ROCLink, when polling, the ROC driver will log “Batch Record will not be stored. Matching Station Batch Record not found for Batch Ticket“.

Controlling Batch Operations

To control when and how Batch records are stored, in ROCLink visit the User Program Station Batch Configuration.


Double-click that meter (Plains Crude Daily in this example).


Under the Batch Control Option (above), the user may select to automatically save batch records at an interval and/or leave them as Manual. If Manual is enabled, then the user may click on End Batch or Start Batch. The user can also configure External Batch Control. Using this feature, the user enters a soft point TLP (for example), and then an HMI user can write a '1' to that soft point tag to start or stop a batch.

NOTE: If you are not getting batch records when you have it configured, check on the above screen on the Reporting tab and make sure the “Transactional History Lock” checkbox is checked. Also, check under Configure->Transaction dialog that the Transaction Config Lock checkbox. It should be checked.


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