ROC Transaction Log Collection

ROC Transaction Log Collection

Transaction history consists of a series of 3 different ‘archives’ or ’logs’, collected on two different ROC User Programs: Haul Transaction on one (PMTM Program) and Cycle (Plunger Lift) Transaction and Gas Lift Transaction on the other (PMWO Program).

Collected Points

Haul Transaction Logs will collect from Type point 198 for 800 series and 180 from 107 devices. A total of 185 points are collected from Param 0 to 184. Gas Lift Transaction Logs and Cycle Transaction Logs will collect from point 183 for 800 series and 72 for 107 devices. A total of 52 points, from Param 109 to 160, will be collected for Gas Lift Logs, and a total of 67 points, from Param 42 to 75, will be collected for Cycle Logs.



Gas Lift




Gas Lift


107 Series

180.0:0 through 180.184:0

183.109:0 through 183.160:0

183.42:0 through 183.108:0

800 Series

198.0:0 through 198.184:0

72.109:0 through 72.160:0

72.42:0 through 72.108:0


All data points collected are stored and published using their abbreviated names ("TANKID", "OPNDAT", etc.).
This data can be published out to non-EFM publish output types, such as Database and CSV.

Sample CSV output


In order to publish data, there needs to be existing Meter Configuration data present in the ACM database. If regular history collection (Hourly, Daily, etc.) is already being collected on Meter 1, there should already be Meter Configuration data present for publishing out Transaction data. If regular history is not being collected, the device option “Collect history on a ROC with no configured meters” should be enabled. This will create a dummy meter configuration record for the publisher to pick up in order to publish out Transaction data to non-EFM output types.

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