Kimray Configuration OPC Items
This article was created for the user to have a better understanding on what to advise when requesting configuration one and configuration two data from Kimray device. This article is organized into two parts, first part for configuration one (command 0x5a) and second part for configuration two (command 0x9b). Item description is from Kimray protocol manual (DACC Protcol Manual 1-17-08 (Kimray Version)) page (21 - 25)
Command Request 0x05
Item | Data Type | Description |
CONFIGURATION.ACCOFF | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the Accumulator section. The accumulator values are 3 byte BCD and 1 byte BCD. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOGOFF | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the Analog section. The analog values are 2 byte BCD. |
CONFIGURATION.CRC1 | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the CRC. |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_ENERGY_VALUES | UI1 | Flag indicating if energy values are returned in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_LAST | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production last hour values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_TODAY | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production today values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_TOTAL | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production total values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_YEST | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production yesterday values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWTIME | UI1 | Flag indicating if the flow time values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_LIFTCOUNTERS | UI1 | Flag indicating if the lift counter accumulators are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_SETPOINTS | UI1 | Flag indicating if the setpoint values (analog output values) are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_TIME | UI1 | Flag indicating if the RTU time of day is in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.FIRMWARE_DAY | UI1 | Day the version of firmware was released. Read Only. |
CONFIGURATION.FIRMWARE_MONTH | UI1 | Month the version of firmware was released. Read Only. |
CONFIGURATION.FIRMWARE_YEAR | UI1 | Year the version of firmware was released. Read Only. |
CONFIGURATION.FLOATOFF | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the Float section. The float values are 4 byte DEC float format |
CONFIGURATION.INIT_FC | UI1 | The number of flow computers that have been initialized at the RTU. Read Only, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_ACC | UI1 | The number of hardware accumulator values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_AO | UI1 | The number of hardware analog outputs returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_DI | UI1 | The number of hardware digital input values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_DO | UI1 | The number of hardware digital output values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_EXT_AI | UI1 | The number of external hardware analog input values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_FC | UI1 | The maximum number of flow computers available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_FLOATS | UI1 | The number of floating point values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_INT_AI | UI1 | The number of internal analog inputs (Battery charger, board temperature, etc.) that are returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_RTD | UI1 | The number of RTD's returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_TANKS | UI1 | The maximum number of tanks available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_EXPANSIONS | I2 | The number of expansion cards attached to the main board of the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_FC | UI1 | The number of flow computers in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_SWACC | UI1 | The total number of software accumulator records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_SWANALOGS | UI1 | The total number of software analog records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_SWDIGITALS | UI1 | The total number of software digital inputs records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_TANKS | UI1 | The total number of tank records returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.VERSION_A | UI1 | Major firmware version number. |
CONFIGURATION.VERSION_B | UI1 | Minor firmware version number. |
CONFIGURATION.VERSION_C | UI1 | Firmware Revision number. |
Command Request 0x9b
Item | Data Type | Description |
CONFIGURATION.MESSAGE_VERSION | UI1 | Number indicating the version of the message returned. |
CONFIGURATION.DIGITAL_OUTPUT_REC | UI1 | Number of Software Digital Output records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOG_OUTPUT_REC | UI1 | Number of Software Analog Output records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.DIGITAL_INPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Digital Input record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.DIGITAL_OUTPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Digital Output record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOG_INPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Analog Input record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOG_OUTPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Analog Output record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.ACCUMULATORS | Number of software accumulator records returned in the poll response. |
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