Kimray OPC Items
Standard Items
Protocol Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
ABSOLUTE.VISCOSITY | R4 | Absolute Viscosity. |
AC | UI4 | |
ACCUMULATOR.ADDRESS | UI1 | If the Input Type is 1, this field contains the address of the CIM to be used to obtain the data. If the Input Type is 3, this field contains the Modbus address of the device. |
ACCUMULATOR.ALARM.VALUE | R4 | The value over which an alarm condition occurs. |
ACCUMULATOR.CURREN_VALUE | R4 | The current accumulated value. |
ACCUMULATOR.DAILY_RESET | UI1 | Flag to set the accumulated value back to zero each day. |
ACCUMULATOR.DESCRIPTION | STRING | Text describing the accumulator record. |
ACCUMULATOR.DO_RECORD_NUMBER | UI2 | Digital Output record number. |
ACCUMULATOR.HARDWARE.CHANNEL | UI1 | External Input ID. Channel Number, depends on Input type below. |
ACCUMULATOR.INIT | UI1 | Initialize to initial value. Write only, read returns 0. |
ACCUMULATOR.INIT_VALUE | UI4 | New value of the accumulator. The RTU sets the value of the accumulator to the value in this field if several conditions are met. These conditions are:
This field is only available in the update message |
ACCUMULATOR.INPUT_TYPE | UI1 | 0 = On-Board Accumulator 1 = I/O CIM 2 = Digital Input Tripped Time Function (added 2:7.8 changed to tripped 3:1.0) 3 = Modbus (added 3:0.4) 4 = Analog Input Alarm Time Function (added 3:1.0) 5 = Analog Input Modbus last Communication Time (added 3:1.0) |
ACCUMULATOR.MODBUS_REGISTER | UI2 | Modbus register to be used to obtain the data. |
ACCUMULATOR.MODBUS_TIME | UI2 | Modbus communication frequency. |
ACCUMULATOR.MONTHLY_RESET | UI1 | Flag to set the accumulated value back to zero each month. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
ACCUMULATOR.PSD | UI2 | Permanent Shutdown(PSD) |
ACCUMULATOR.REPORT_TO_DISPLAY | UI1 | Flag that indicates if the accumulator value is to be displayed on the RTU's two line display. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
ACCUMULATOR.SCALING.FACTOR | R4 | Value of an accumulator increment, in engineering units. |
ACCUMULATOR.TIME_OFF | UI2 | The time in seconds the digital output is unlatched when the accumulator is in the alarm state if the alarm type is 4, Pulse. |
ACCUMULATOR.TIME_ON | UI2 | Time (milliseconds) the digital output is latched when the accumulator is in the alarm state if the alarm type is 4, Pulse. |
ACCUMULATOR.UNITS | STRING | Text describing the value of the accumulator. |
AGA7.PRESSURE.CALCULATED | UI1 | Flag indicating if the AGA7 pressure factor is calculated. 1 is calculated, 0 is not calculated and a value has been entered. |
AGA7.PRESSUE.VALUE | R4 | Current value of the AGA7 pressure factor. |
AGA7.TEMP.CALCULATED | UI1 | Flag indicating if the AGA7 temperature factor is calculated. 1 is calculated, 0 is not calculated and a value has been entered. |
AGA7.TEMP.VALUE | R4 | Current value of the AGA7 temperature factor. |
AI | UI2 | |
ANALOG.AI.ALARM.DELAY | UI2 | AI Alarm delay – in seconds |
ANALOG.ANALOG_OUTPUT_FLAG | UI1 | Analog Output. Flag indicating this record is associated with an analog output. |
ANALOG.AO_CHANNEL | UI2 | AO Channel. The number of the analog output record. |
ANALOG.AO_OFFSET | R4 | AO offset. The offset of the analog output record. |
ANALOG.AO_RANGE | R4 | AO range. The range of the analog output record. |
ANALOG.AO_SCALE | R4 | AO scale. Used as follows for the AO: (Value * scale – offset)/range *100. |
ANALOG.DEADBAND | R4 | Alarm deadband. The amount the analog value must change in order to come out of an alarm condition. For the "Low Alarm Limit", the value of the analog must be above the sum of the "Alarm Deadband" and "Low Alarm Limit". For the "High Alarm Limit", the value of the analog must be below the "High Alarm Limit" less the "Alarm Deadband". |
ANALOG.DEVIATION.FLAG | UI1 | Deviation Value used. 0 = No; 1 = Yes |
ANALOG.DEVIATION.VALUE | R4 | Deviation Amount |
ANALOG.ESD_TSD_OVERRANGE | UI2 | ESD/TSD overrange. The ESD/TSD underrange and overrange indicate what types of actions is taken if an alarm condition exists. The types of actions are: 0 = No alarm 1 = PSD - The RTU shuts down production until manually reset. 2 = TSD - The RTU shuts down production until the condition clears. 3 = Digital Output - The RTU activates a Digital Output. 4 = Pulses - The RTU activates and deactivates a Digital Output based upon times provided in this message. 5 = Inverted Digital Output - The RTU deactivates the Digital Output. |
ANALOG.ESD_TSD_UNDERRANGE | UI2 | ESD/TSD underrange. The ESD/TSD underrange and overrange indicate what types of actions is taken if an alarm condition exists. The types of actions are:
ANALOG.HIGH.LIMIT | R4 | High alarm limit. The analog value above which an alarm condition exists. |
ANALOG.IGNORE_HI_FAIL | UI1 | Ignore High Fail. Flag to ignore the High Failure condition of this analog 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
ANALOG.IGNORE_LO_FAIL | UI1 | Ignore Low Fail. Flag to ignore the Low Failure condition of this analog. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
ANALOG.LOW.LIMIT | R4 | Low alarm limit. The analog value below which an alarm condition exists. |
ANALOG.MANUAL.VALUE | R4 | Current/Manual Value. Write: field is manual value if the Input Type is MANUAL. For other types, field is ignored. Read: field is the current value of the AI record in engineering units. |
ANALOG.MODBUS_ADDRESS | UI1 | Modbus address. Address of the modbus device. |
ANALOG.MODBUS.CYCLE.TIME | UI2 | Modbus communication cycle time (in seconds). |
ANALOG.MODBUS.FLAG | UI1 | Send to Modbus. Flag that indicates if the value of the analog input record is to be sent to a Modbus device. |
ANALOG.MODBUS.FUNCTION.FIELD | UI1 | Modbus function field. If Send to Modbus is Yes: 0 - Read register before writing. 1 - Always write 2- Float Register (Always write) 6-Float Register with 2 16-bit registers |
ANALOG.MODBUS.OFFSET | R4 | Modbus offset. See Modbus scaling |
ANALOG.MODBUS.REGISTER | UI2 | Modbus register |
ANALOG.MODBUS.SCALING | R4 | Modbus scaling. Send: (value * scaling) + offset. Get: (value – offset) / scaling |
ANALOG.OFFSET | R4 | Offset from zero. |
ANALOG.OUTPUT.USED | UI1 | Flag indicating this record is associated with an analog output. |
ANALOG.RANGE | R4 | Range of analog. |
ANALOG.RELAY_NUMBER | UI2 | The number of the Digital Output record used for alarming when the ESD/TSD Underrange or Overrange fields have values of 3, 4, or 5. |
ANALOG.REPORT_TO_DISPLAY | UI1 | Report to display. 0 = No, 1 = Yes |
ANALOG.SCALING_FACTOR | R4 | Scaling Factor. The value of an increment of the analog input record. |
ANALOG.SECONDARY.AI.RECORD.NUMBER | UI1 | 2nd AI record no. (For Input Types requiring 2nd input) |
ANALOG.TIME_OFF_SEC | UI2 | Time Off. The time, in seconds, the Digital Output is deactivated. This field only has meaning when the value of "ESD/TSD Underrange" or "ESD/TSD Overrange" is set to 3, 4, or 5. |
ANALOG.TIME_ON_MSEC | UI2 | Time On. The time, in milliseconds, the Digital Output is activated. This field only has meaning when the value of ESD/TSD Underrange or Overrange is set to 3, 4, or 5. |
ANALOG.WEIGHTED.AVERAGE.FLAG | UI1 | Flag that indicates if the average analog value is weighted by the flow from an associated flow computer. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.HIGH.RTU.VALUE | R4 | High calibration point RTU value: The raw value read by the RTU for this calibration point. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.HIGH.USER.ENTER.VALUE | R4 | High calibration point user entered value: The value entered by the user for this calibration point. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.LOW.RTU.VALUE | R4 | Low calibration point RTU value: The raw value read by the RTU for this calibration point. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.LOW.USER.ENTER.VALUE | R4 | Low calibration point user entered value: The value entered by the user for this calibration point. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.MID.RTU.VALUE | R4 | Mid calibration point RTU value: The raw value read by the RTU for this calibration point. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.MID.USER.ENTER.VALUE | R4 | Mid calibration point user entered value: The value entered by the user for this calibration point. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.OFFSET | R4 | The low value of the sensor. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.RANGE | R4 | The difference between the high value and low value of the sensor. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.SENSOR.TYPE | UI1 | 0 = Misc. 1 = Low DP if 2 DP’s 2 = High DP if 2 DP’s 3 = DP if 1 DP 4 = Static Pressure 5 = Flowing Temp |
ANALOGCALIBATION.AGA.SENSOR | UI1 | Set to 1 if the sensor is used in AGA calculations, 0 if not. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.FLOW.COMPUTER | UI1 | If the value of AGA Sensor is 1, this is the number of the flow computer that uses the AGA sensor. |
ANALOGCALIBATION.TYPE | UI1 | 0 = Range/Offset (DACC1000 not calibrated) 2 = 2 point 3 = 3 point |
ANALOGOUTPUT.AOCOUNT | UI1 | Count of analog outputs in message, always 1; in older version this field is always 0. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.AOOFFSET | R4 | The offset of the analog output record. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.AORANGE | R4 | The range of the analog output record. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.AORECORD | UI1 | AO record number, was HW AO # |
ANALOGOUTPUT.AOSCALE | R4 | Used as follows for the AO: (Value * scale – offset)/range *100. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.AOTYPE | UI1 | 0 = LIVE 1 = MANUAL 2 = FLOW RATE 3 = CIM MV SP 4 = CIM MV DP 5 = CIM MV TEMP 6 = PPT-R 7 = CIM IO AI0 8 = CIM IO AI1 9 = CIM VALVE FEEDBACK (EPVP) 10 = TANK LEVEL 1 11 = TANK LEVEL 2 12 = TANK TEMP 13 = BAKER COM2 PRES 14 = BAKER COM2 TEMP 15 = BAKER LOCAL PRES 16 = BAKER LOCAL TEMP 17 ENTRONIC FLOAT 18 = Modbus holding reg. 19 = D5000 20 = Add Analog Records 21 = Subtract Analog Records 22 = Multiply Analog Records 23 Divide Analog Records 24 Modbus input reg. 25 = Modbus Rocklink 26 = Modbus Float Register 27 = Modbus Float Register using 2 16-bit registers 28 = Flow Time 29 = Flow volume 30 = Energy volume |
ANALOGOUTPUT.CHANNEL.NUMBER | UI2 | Number identifying the associated hardware device. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.CURRENT.VALUE | R4 | Current value of the record. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.DESCRIPTION | STRING | Text describing the analog. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.FLOWRATEAOFLAG | UI1 | Flag indicating it this module is to be used. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.MODBUS.CYCLE.TIME | UI2 | In seconds (added 3:0.4) |
ANALOGOUTPUT.MODBUE.FUNCTION.FIELD | UI1 | If Send to Modbus is Yes: 0 - Read register before writing. 1 - Always write 2- Float Register (Always write) 6-Float Register with 2 16-bit registers |
ANALOGOUTPUT.REPORT.TO.DISPLAY | UI1 | Flag to display this analog value on the RTU's two-line display. |
ANALOGOUTPUT.SOURCE | UI2 | 0=RTU, 1=I/O CIM, 2=modbus |
AO | UI2 | Analog Output Flag indicating this record is associated with an analog output. |
ATMOSPHERIC.PRESSURE | R4 | Atmospheric pressure. |
AUTOTUNE.INTERMIT.ONTIME.MAX | UI2 | ON time Maximum: Minutes |
AUTOTUNE.INTERMIT.ONTIME.MIN | UI2 | ON time Minimum: Minutes |
AUTOTUNE.LIFT.ARRIVALTIME.DEADBAND | UI2 | Lift arrival time deadband : Seconds |
AUTOTUNE.LIFT.ARRIVALTIME.SETPOINT | UI2 | Lift arrival time setpoint : Seconds |
AUTOTUNE.LIFT.CRYOUT | UI1 | Lift Cryout : bitmap of flags |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZECLOSE.FAILEDTRIP | UI2 | Optimize Close Pressure increment failed trip. The amount to adjust the pressure after the plunger failed to arrive within the given time. This value is usually larger than the increment for the normal trip in order to more quickly bring the parameters back into a normal operating range. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZECLOSE.MAXPRESSURE | UI2 | Optimize Close Maximum pressure allowed. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZECLOSE.MINPRESSURE | UI2 | Optimize Close Minimum pressure allowed. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZECLOSE.NORMALTRIP | UI2 | Optimize Close Pressure increment normal trip. The amount to adjust the pressure after a successful plunger trip. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZECLOSE.SELECTION | UI1 | Optimize Close Autotune condition selection 1 = casing, 2 = tubing, 3 = line, 4 = casing-tubing, 5 = tubingline 6 = casing-line, 7 = differential pressure, 8 = flow rate |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZECLOSE.VENTVALVE | UI2 | Optimize Close Pressure increment vent valve operated. The amount to adjust the pressure after a trip caused the vent valve to open. This value is usually larger than the increment for the normal trip in order to more quickly bring the parameters back into a normal operating range. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZEOPEN.FAILEDTRIP | UI2 | Optimize Open Pressure increment failed trip. The amount to adjust the pressure after the plunger failed to arrive within the given time. This value is usually larger than the increment for the normal trip in order to more quickly bring the parameters back into a normal operating range. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZEOPEN.MAXPRESSURE | UI2 | Optimize Close Maximum pressure allowed. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZEOPEN.MINPRESSURE | UI2 | Optimize Close Minimum pressure allowed. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZEOPEN.NORMALTRIP | UI2 | Optimize Open Pressure increment normal trip. The amount to adjust the pressure after a successful plunger trip. |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZEOPEN.SELECTION | UI1 | Optimize Open Autotune Condition selection: 1 = casing, 2 = tubing, 3 = line, 4 = casing-tubing, 5 = tubingline, 6 = casing-line, |
AUTOTUNE.OPTIMIZEOPEN.VENTVALVE | UI2 | Optimize Open Pressure increment vent valve operated. The amount to adjust the pressure after a trip caused the vent valve to open. This value is usually larger than the increment for the normal trip in order to more quickly bring the parameters back into a normal operating range. |
BasePoll.AnalogTime | STRING | Analog Time |
BasePoll.EnergyProdLastHour/FlowComputerNumber Ex. BasePoll.EnergyProdLastHour/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total amount of energy produced in the last hour. |
BasePoll.EnergyProdToday/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.EnergyProdToday/2 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total amount of energy produced since the beginning of the contract day. |
BasePoll.EnergyProdTotal/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.EnergyProdTotal/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the amount of energy produced from the beginning of the month up through the previous contract day. |
BasePoll.EnergyProdYest/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.EnergyProdYest/2 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total amount of energy produced in the previous contract day. |
BasePoll.EnergyRate/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.EnergyRate/1 | R4 | Energy rate for each flow computer. |
BasePoll.FlowComputerStatus | UI1 | |
BasePoll.FlowControlStatus | UI1 | |
BasePoll.FlowProdLastHour/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowProdLastHour/2 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total production for the previous hour. |
BasePoll.FlowProdToday/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowProdToday/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total amount produced since the beginning of the contract day. |
BasePoll.FlowProdTotal/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowProdTotal//2 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total production from the beginning of the month through the end of the previous contract day. |
BasePoll.FlowProdYest/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowProdYest/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total amount produced for the previous contract day. |
BasePoll.FlowRate/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowRate/2 | R4 | Flow rate for each flow computer. |
BasePoll.FlowTimeLastHour/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowTimeLastHour/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total time in minutes that the well was producing in the previous hour. |
BasePoll.FlowTimeToday/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowTimeToday/2 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total time in minutes that the well was producing since the beginning of the contract day. |
BasePoll.FlowTimeTotal/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.FlowTimeTotal/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total time in minutes that the well was producing since the beginning of the month. |
BasePoll.FlowTimeYest | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total time in minutes that the well was producing in the previous contract day. |
BasePoll.HardwareAccu | UI4 | |
BasePoll.HardwareAccuExp | UI4 | |
BasePoll.HardwareAO | UI2 | |
BasePoll.HardwareAOExp | UI2 | |
BasePoll.HardwareDI | UI1 | |
BasePoll.HardwareDIExp | UI1 | |
BasePoll.HardwareDO | UI1 | |
BasePoll.HardwareDOExp | UI1 | |
BasePoll.HardwareExtAI | UI2 | |
BasePoll.HardwareExtExp | UI2 | |
BasePoll.HardwareExtRTDAI | UI2 | |
BasePoll.HardwareExtRTDAIExp | UI2 | |
BasePoll.HardwareIntAI | UI2 | |
BasePoll.LiftFailureToday/FlowComputerNumber Ex. BasePoll.LiftFailureToday/1 | UI1 | This accumulator contains the total number of Lift fails since the beginning of the contract day. |
BasePoll.LiftFailureYest/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.LiftFailureYest/2 | UI1 | This accumulator contains the total number of Lift fails in the previous contract day. |
BasePoll.ListStartToday/FlowComputerNumber Ex: BasePoll.ListStartToday/1 | UI1 | This accumulator contains the total number of Lift starts since the beginning of the contract day. |
BasePoll.OverrideSetpoint | R4 | |
BasePoll.PrimarySetpoint | R4 | |
BasePoll.RTUStatus | UI1 | |
BasePoll.SoftwareAccu | R4 | |
BasePoll.SoftwareAI | UI2 | |
BasePoll.SoftwareAIFloats | R4 | |
BasePoll.SoftwareAO | UI2 | |
BasePoll.SoftwareDI | UI1 | |
BasePoll.SoftwareDO | UI1 | |
BasePoll.WaterMadeMonthToYest/TankNumber Ex: BasePoll.WaterMadeMonthToYest/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total volume of water made since the beginning of the month. |
BasePoll.WaterMadeToday/TankNumber Ex: BasePoll.WaterMadeToday/2 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total volume of water made since the beginning of the contract day. |
BasePoll.WaterMadeYest/TankNumber Ex: BasePoll.WaterMadeYest/1 | UI4 | This accumulator contains the total volume of water made the previous contract day. |
BTU.CONTENT.ANALOG | UI2 | The British Thermal Units generated by a cubic foot of gas. |
ChangeAIManual | R4 | Change AI manual |
ChangeOrificePlate | R4 | Change orifice plate |
ChangePassword | String | Change password |
ChangeProductionControl | UI1 | Change production control |
ChangeProductionValve | UI1 | Change production valve |
ChangeProductionValveFlag | UI1 | Change production valve flag |
CommandAO | UI2 | |
COMMPORT.COMM1_BAUDRATE | UI2 | The baud rate used for the port. |
COMMPORT.COMM1_CTSFLAG | UI1 | Informs the RTU if it is to use the Clear-To-Send (CTS) signal on the serial port. 0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = bidirectional |
COMMPORT.COMM1_FORMAT | UI1 | Defines the parity, bit count and stop bits: 0 = N81 1 = E71 2 = O71 3 = N71 4 = E81 |
COMMPORT.COMM1_SELECT | UI1 | Defines the port selection: 0 = not used 1 = CIM 2 = tank 3 = PLC 4 = display 5 = Bristol 6 = Baker 7 = RTU Modbus 8 = ASCII Modbus 9 = communications 10 = store and forward DACC500: 9 DACC1000: 9 DACC2000: 0,9 DACC3000: 0,9 |
COMMPORT.COMM1_TURNAROUND | UI2 | The amount of time, in milliseconds, the RTU waits before sending a response to a message. |
COMMPORT.COMM1_WARMDOWN | UI2 | The time, in milliseconds, from when the RTU stops sending bytes to when it lowers Request-To-Send. |
COMMPORT.COMM1_WARMUP | UI2 | The time, in milliseconds, from when the RTU raises the Request-To-Send (RTS) signal to the time it sends the data. |
COMMPORT.COMM2_CTSFLAG | UI1 | Informs the RTU if it is to use the Clear-To-Send (CTS) signal on the serial port. 0 = no, 1 = yes |
COMMPORT.COMM2_FORMAT | UI1 | Defines the parity, bit count and stop bits: 0 = N81 1 = E71 2 = O71 3 = N71 4 = E81 |
COMMPORT.COMM2_SELECT | UI1 | Defines the port selection: 0 = not used 1 = CIM 2 = tank 3 = PLC 4 = display 5 = Bristol 6 = Baker 7 = RTU Modbus 8 = ASCII Modbus 9 = communications 10 = store and forward DACC500: 1 DACC1000: 0,1,2,7,8 DACC2000: 0,1,2,7,8,9,10 DACC3000: 0,1,2,7,8,9,10 |
COMMPORT.COMM2_WARMDOWN | UI2 | The time, in milliseconds, from when the RTU stops sending bytes to when it lowers Request-To-Send. |
COMMPORT.COMM2_WARMUP | UI2 | The time, in milliseconds, from when the RTU raises the Request-To-Send (RTS) signal to the time it sends the data. |
COMMPORT.COMM_TYPE | UI1 | Defines the type of communications being used: 0 = Wire Line 1 = Trunked Radio 2 = Conventional Radio 3 = Auto Dial/Auto-Answer modem 4 = Conventional Radio with Sleep Mode |
COMMPORT.LOCAL_BAUDRATE | UI2 | The baud rate used for the port. |
COMMPORT.LOCAL_FORMAT | UI1 | Defines the parity, bit count and stop bits: 0 = N81 1 = E71 2 = O71 3 = N71 4 = E81 |
COMMPORT.LOCAL_SELECT | UI1 | Defines the port selection: 0 = not used 1 = CIM 2 = tank 3 = PLC 4 = display 5 = Bristol 6 = Baker 7 = RTU Modbus 8 = ASCII Modbus 9 = communications 10 = store and forward DACC500: 0 DACC1000: 0 DACC2000: 0,1,2,7,8 DACC3000: 0,1,2,4,7,8 |
COMMPORT.RTU_ADDRESS | UI1 | The address of the RTU. Note: The value of the RTU address can be changed with the update message. If the address is changed, all future messages must use the new address. |
COMMPORT.RTU_GROUP | UI1 | The group ID of the RTU. If the value of the group ID is zero, the group ID is not used. If the group ID is not zero, the value becomes part of the RTU address. The group ID and the way it changes the message address is discussed in the introduction of this manual. Note: The value of the RTU group ID can be changed with the update message. If the group is changed, all future messages must use the new group ID. 0 = Not used, non-0 = contains group number |
COMMPORT_COMM2_BAUDRATE | UI2 | The baud rate used for the port. |
CONFIGURATION.ACCOFF | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the Accumulator section. The accumulator values are 3 byte BCD and 1 byte BCD. |
CONFIGURATION.ACCUMULATORS | UI1 | Number of Software Accumulator record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOG_INPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Analog Input record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOG_OUTPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Analog Output record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOG_OUTPUT_REC | UI1 | Number of Software Analog Output records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.ANALOGOFF | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the Analog section. The analog values are 2 byte BCD. |
CONFIGURATION.CRC1 | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the CRC. |
CONFIGURATION.DIGITAL_INPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Digital Input record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.DIGITAL_OUTPUT | UI1 | Number of Software Digital Output record values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.DIGITAL_OUTPUT_REC | UI1 | Number of Software Digital Output records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_ENERGY_VALUES | UI1 | Flag indicating if energy values are returned in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_LAST | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production last hour values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_TODAY | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production today values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_TOTAL | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production total values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWPROD_YEST | UI1 | Flag indicating if the production yesterday values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_FLOWTIME | UI1 | Flag indicating if the flow time values are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_LIFTCOUNTERS | UI1 | Flag indicating if the lift counter accumulators are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_SETPOINTS | UI1 | Flag indicating if the setpoint values (analog output values) are in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.ENABLE_TIME | UI1 | Flag indicating if the RTU time of day is in the poll response. 1 = yes, 0 = no, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.FIRMWARE_DAY | UI1 | Day the version of firmware was released. Read Only. |
CONFIGURATION.FIRMWARE_MONTH | UI1 | Month the version of firmware was released. Read Only. |
CONFIGURATION.FIRMWARE_YEAR | UI1 | Year the version of firmware was released. Read Only. |
CONFIGURATION.FLOATOFF | I2 | The number of bytes from the beginning of the poll response to the start of the Float section. The float values are 4 byte DEC float format |
CONFIGURATION.INIT_FC | UI1 | The number of flow computers that have been initialized at the RTU. Read Only, Unused before 2:2.x |
CONFIGURATION.MESSAGE_VERSION | UI1 | Number indicating the version of the message returned. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_ACC | UI1 | The number of hardware accumulator values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_AO | UI1 | The number of hardware analog outputs returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_DI | UI1 | The number of hardware digital input values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_DO | UI1 | The number of hardware digital output values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_EXT_AI | UI1 | The number of external hardware analog input values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_FC | UI1 | The maximum number of flow computers available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_FLOATS | UI1 | The number of floating point values returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_INT_AI | UI1 | The number of internal analog inputs (Battery charger, board temperature, etc.) that are returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_RTD | UI1 | The number of RTD's returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.NUM_TANKS | UI1 | The maximum number of tanks available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_EXPANSIONS | I2 | The number of expansion cards attached to the main board of the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_FC | UI1 | The number of flow computers in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_SWACC | UI1 | The total number of software accumulator records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_SWANALOGS | UI1 | The total number of software analog records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_SWDIGITALS | UI1 | The total number of software digital inputs records available at the RTU. |
CONFIGURATION.TOTAL_TANKS | UI1 | The total number of tank records returned in the poll response. |
CONFIGURATION.VERSION_A | UI1 | Major firmware version number. |
CONFIGURATION.VERSION_B | UI1 | Minor firmware version number. |
CONFIGURATION.VERSION_C | UI1 | Firmware Revision number. |
CONTRACT.PRESSURE | R4 | Contract Pressure |
CONTRACT.TEMPERATURE | R4 | Contract Temperature |
DateTime.Contract_Hour | UI1 | Contract Hour |
DateTime.Contract_Minute | UI1 | Contract Minute |
DateTime.Day | UI1 | Day |
DateTime.Hour | UI1 | Hour |
DateTime.Minute | UI1 | Minute |
DateTime.Month | UI1 | Month |
DateTime.Second | UI1 | Second |
DateTime.Week_Day | UI1 | Weekday |
DateTime.Year | UI1 | Year |
DI | UI1 | |
DIGITALINPUT.ALARM.TYPE | UI2 | Defines when the digital input goes into an alarm state: 0 - No alarm. 1 - Tripped to normal. 2 - Normal to tripped. 3 - Any change. |
DIGITALINPUT.CLOSE.MSG | STRING | Text displayed when the digital input is closed. This may be either the tripped or the normal state. |
DIGITALINPUT.CURRENT.VALUE | UI1 | The current digital input tripped state (tripped = 1, normal = 0). |
DIGITALINPUT.DELAY.TIME | UI2 | The amount of time, in seconds, the RTU waits after the digital input has gone into an alarm state before performing the alarm actions. If the digital input goes from an alarm state to an normal state before the delay time is up, no alarm action is taken. |
DIGITALINPUT.DESCRIPTION | STRING | Text describing the digital input |
DIGITALINPUT.HARDWARE.CHANNEL | UI2 | If the input type for this record is an on-board digital input, this is the channel number for the input. If the input type is an I/O CIM, this is the channel at the CIM to access. If the input type is Modbus, this field is not used. |
DIGITALINPUT.MODBUS.ADDRESS | UI1 | If the Input type is 1, this is the channel on the I/O CIM. If the Input type is 2, this is the address of the modbus device. |
DIGITALINPUT.MODBUS.CYCLE.TIME | UI2 | Delay in seconds in firmware version 3:0.4 and later, previously not used. |
DIGITALINPUT.MODBUS.FUNCTION.FIELD | UI1 | Currently always set to 0. |
DIGITALINPUT.MODBUS.REGISTER | UI2 | Register in the Modbus device that contains the input value for the digital input. |
DIGITALINPUT.OPEN.MSG | STRING | Text displayed when the digital input is open. This may be either the tripped or the normal state. |
DIGITALINPUT.OUTPUT.ALARM.TYPE | UI2 | The action taken by the RTU with the digital input goes into alarm. The actions that can be taken are: 0 - No action. 1 - Permanent Shutdown (PSD). The RTU must be manually reset. 2 - Temporary Shutdown (TSD). The RTU resumes operations automatically when the alarm condition clears. 3 - Digital Output - The RTU energizes a digital output (latch). 4 - Pulse - The RTU periodically opens and closed a digital output. 5 - Inverted Digital Output - The RTU de-energizes a digital output (unlatch). |
DIGITALINPUT.REPORT.TO.DISPLAY | UI1 | Flag indicating if the digital input information is displayed on the RTU's two-line display. |
DIGITALINPUT.TIME.OFF.MSEC | UI2 | Time, in seconds, the digital output is unlatched when the digital input is in an alarm state. This value is valid when the Output Alarm Type is Pulse (4). |
DIGITALINPUT.TIME.ON.MSEC | UI2 | The time, in milliseconds, the digital output is latched when the digital input is in an alarm state. This value is valid when the Output Alarm Type is Pulse (4). |
DIGITALOUTPUT.CHANNEL.NUMBER | Ui2 | The number that identifies which bit of the value to read. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.CLOSE.MESSAGE | STRING | Text displayed when the digital output is in a closed, or latched, state. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.CURRENT.VALUE | UI1 | Value of the digital output. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DESCRIPTION | STRING | Text describing this record. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO0COUNTERTYPE | UI2 | Type of counter used. The choices are: 0 - Flow from the associated flow computer 1 - Energy from the associated flow computer 2 - Flow from all flow computers 3 - Energy from all flow computers |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO0FLOWENERGY | R4 | The amount of production for each pulse of the DO. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO0RELAYNUMBER | UI2 | Record number of the DO to be pulsed. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO0TIMEDURATION | UI2 | Time, in milliseconds, the DO is to be energized. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO1COUNTERTYPE | UI2 | Type of counter used. The choices are: 0 - Flow from the associated flow computer 1 - Energy from the associated flow computer 2 - Flow from all flow computers 3 - Energy from all flow computers |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO1FLOWENERGY | R4 | The amount of production for each pulse of the DO. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO1RELAYNUMBER | UI2 | Record number of the DO to be pulsed. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.DO1TIMEDURATION | UI2 | Time, in milliseconds, the DO is to be energized. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.MODBUS.ADDRESS | UI1 | If the Source is 1, this is the channel number on the I/O CIM to use. If the Source is 2, this is the address of the Modbus device. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.MODBUS.FUNCTION.FIELD | UI1 | Flag controlling the RTU handling of messages to a Modbus device. If 0, the RTU reads the value from the Modbus device first. If the value read is different from the value to be sent, the RTU sends the value to the device. When 1, the RTU does not read the value first, it always sends the value. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.MODBUS.REGISTER | UI2 | Register in the Modbus device that is updated by this record. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.OPEN.MESSAGE | STRING | Text displayed when the digital output is in an open, or unlatched, state. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.REPORT.TO.DISPLAY | UI1 | Flag indicating if information about this record is to be displayed on the RTU's two-line display. Not currently used. |
DIGITALOUTPUT.SOURCE | UI2 | The type of input to this record. 0 - Output is to a relay on the RTU. 1 - Output is to an I/O CIM. 2 - Output is to a Modbus device. |
DO | UI1 | |
ENERGY.ACCUMULATION.EU | STRING | Text field describing the units used for energy produced. |
ENERGY.ACCUMULATION.SCALE | R4 | Conversion factor used to determine the energy produced. |
ENERGY.RATE.SCALE | R4 | Conversion factor used to determine the rate energy is being produced. The energy rate is calculated as follows: EnergyRate = VolumetricFlowRate x HeatingValue x RateScaleFactor |
FL | R4 | |
FLOW.ACCUMULATION.EU | STRING | Text field describing the units used to measure the amount of fluid produced, e.g. MCF, MMCF, etc. |
FLOW.ACCUMULATION.SCALE | R4 | Conversion factor used to determine the amount of fluid produced. |
FLOW.RATE.EU | STRING | Text field describing the units used for the flow rate, e. g. MCF/Day, MCF/Hour, etc. |
FLOW.RATE.SCALE | R4 | Conversion factor used to convert the flow rate from engineering units per hour to the desired rate. |
FLOWCONTROL.CONTROL.TYPE | UI2 | The value that determines what method of flow control is to be used. The following methods are available: 0 - Flow Rate Control 1 - Differential Pressure 2 - Pressure Reducing 3 - Back Pressure 4 - Pressure Differential |
FLOWCONTROL.CONTROL_DEADBAND | UI2 | The amount above or below the setpoint the control value is allowed to deviate and be considered within range. |
FLOWCONTROL.INIT_FLAG | UI1 | Read, indicates if the record has been edited. Write: In 2:3.0 and on, the field is ignored and the “init” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “init” flag. |
FLOWCONTROL.MODULE_STATUS | UI1 | Set of flags that show the status of all Production Control Modules, as described earlier. The flags for Flow/Override Control and Production Control can be set on or off with the update message, the other bits are read only. |
FLOWCONTROL.OVERRIDE.DEADBAND | UI2 | The amount above or below the setpoint the control value is allowed to deviate and be considered within range. |
FLOWCONTROL.OVERRIDE.FLAG | UI2 | Flag indicating that Override Control is to be used. |
FLOWCONTROL.OVERRIDE.SETPOINT | R4 | Desired value for the Flow Control routine to maintain. |
FLOWCONTROL.OVERRIDE.TYPE | UI2 | The value that determines what method of flow control is to be used. The following methods are available: 0 - Flow Rate Control 1 - Differential Pressure 2 - Pressure Reducing 3 - Back Pressure 4 - Pressure Differential |
FLOWCONTROL.OVERRIDE.VALVE.FREQUENCY | UI2 | The time, in seconds, between valve adjustments. |
FLOWCONTROL.OVERRIDE.VALVE.TIME | UI2 | For Production Valves that use DOs to control opening and closing, supplies the time, in milliseconds, that the DO is energized to open or close the valve. For Production Valves that use an AO, contains the percentage adjustment. |
FLOWCONTROL.SETPOINT | UI4 | Desired value for the Flow Control routine to maintain. |
FLOWCONTROL.VALVE.FREQUENCY | UI2 | The time, in seconds, between valve adjustments. |
FLOWCONTROL.VALVE.TIME | UI2 | For Production Valves that use DOs to control opening and closing, supplies the time, in milliseconds, that the DO is energized to open or close the valve. For Production Valves that use an AO, contains the percentage adjustment. |
FLOWING.TEMPERATURE_ANALOG | I2 | Software AI record providing the flowing temperature of the gas. If no software AI record is used, this value is -1 (The default value). |
GASANALYSIS.CO | R4 | Carbon Monoxide |
GASANALYSIS.CO2 | R4 | Carbon Dioxide |
GASANALYSIS.H2S | R4 | Hydrogen Sulfide |
GASANALYSIS.N2 | R4 | Nitrogen |
GASANALYSIS.SPEC.GRAV | R4 | Specific Gravity |
IDS_ITEM_ENERGY_RATE_EU | STRING | Text field describing the units used to measure the rate of energy being produced, e. g. MMBTU/Day, BTU/Hour, etc. |
INITIALIZED | UI1 | Flag indicating the flow computer has been initialized. 1 = yes, 0 = no |
Latch/FlowComputerNumber Ex: Latch/1 | UI1 | Latch DO |
LIFT.ARRIVAL.ACCUNUM | UI2 | Record number of the Accumulator used to record the plunger arrival. |
LIFT.BYPASS.VALVEDONUM | UI2 | Number of the DO record that controls the Bypass Valve. |
LIFT.BYPASS.VALVEFLAG | UI2 | Flag indicating the presence of a bypass valve. |
LIFT.CRYOUT | UI1 | A byte that controls the RTU cryout on alarms and which alarms trigger a cryout. |
LIFT.EARLYARRIVALTIME | UI2 | The time, in seconds, that determines if the plunger arrived earlier than expected. If the plunger arrives in fewer seconds than this time it is considered an early arrival. In version 3:1.0, arrivals earlier than this time are ignored. |
LIFT.INITFLAG | UI1 | Read: indicates if the record has been edited. Write: In 2:3.0 and on, the field is ignored and the “init” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “init” flag. |
LIFT.MAXLIFTTIME | UI2 | Maximum amount of time, in seconds, allowed for the plunger to arrive. |
LIFT.MODULESTATUS | UI1 | Set of flags showing the status of all Production Control Modules, as described earlier. The flags for Lift Control and Production Control can be set on or off with the update message, the other bits are read only. |
LIFT.PLUNGER.FALLTIME | UI2 | Time, in seconds, allowed for the plunger to fall before beginning the time allowed for lifting. . This option is in firmware versions 2:2.10 and greater. |
LIFT.PLUNGER.RELEASEACTIVATIONTIME | UI2 | Time, in milliseconds, the digital output is energized in order to release the plunger. |
LIFT.PLUNGER.RELEASEDONUM | UI2 | Record number of the Digital Output that controls the plunger release. |
LIFT.PLUNGER.RELEASEFLAG | UI2 | Flag indicating the presence of a plunger release digital output. |
LIFT.SECONDARYLIST.ARRIVALTIME | UI2 | Time, in seconds, allowed for the plunger to arrive after the maximum lift time has completed and the plunger has not arrived. If the plunger does not arrive before this time is up, the bypass valve opens. |
LIFT.SETPOINT | UI4 | This is the setpoint used by the Flow Control module during lift. This value is only used if the field "Use Flow Control During Lift" is set to a value of 2. |
LIFT.USEFLOWCONTROL | UI1 | This field was not used prior to version 2:3.6. It indicates if flow control is used during lift and the type of control setpoint that is used. It can take on the following values: 0 - Flow Control is not used during lift. 1 - Flow Control is used, using the Flow Control module setpoint. 2 - Flow Control is used, using the setpoint specified in the “setpoint during lift” field. This option was added in version 3:0.0 |
LIFT.VALVEOPENPERCENT | UI2 | Amount to open the valve when the conditions to open are met. This option was not available in firmware prior to 2:2.10. |
MAX.TUBES | UI2 | Always 1 |
METER.ABSOLUTE.STATIC.PRESSURE.SENSOR | UI1 | 1 = absolute, 0 = gauge |
METER.ACC.ANALOG.INPUT | UI1 | For turbine meters only: This is the number of the software record that provides the input from the turbine. |
METER.AGATYPE | UI1 | Defines the type of meter used with this flow computer. |
METER.ALLOW.FLOW.RATE.AI | UI1 | For turbine meters only: This flag indicates whether the flow rate comes from an analog input or from an accumulator input. |
METER.B1.CORRETION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B1.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B10.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B10.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B2.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B2.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B3.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B3.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B4.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B4.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B5.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B5.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B6.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B6.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B7.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B7.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B8.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B8.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B9.CORRECTION.FACTOR | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.B9.FLOW.RATE | R4 | For turbine meters only: calibration curve supplied by the meter manufacturer. The defaults for all entries are 0.0 for the flow rate and 1.0 for the correction factor. |
METER.EXP.CONST.FOR.PIPE | R4 | For orifice meters only: This value tells how much the size of the pipe changes as the temperature changes. This value is only used in the AGA 3 - 1992 equations. |
METER.EXPANSION.FACTOR.CALCULATED | UI1 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.EXPANSION.FACTOR.VALUE | R4 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.FLANGE.TAPS | UI1 | 1 = flange taps, 0 = pipe taps |
METER.HIGH.DP.ANALOG | UI2 | Used only if the number of DP Cells is 2. |
METER.HIGHTOLOW.RATE | R4 | Transfer rate from high to low DP. Used only if the number of DP Cells is 2. DP value below which the low DP cell is used. |
METER.INITIALIZED | UI1 | 1 = yes, 0 = no |
METER.LOW.DP.ANALOG | UI2 | Software AI record number for low DP sensor if the number of cells in the DP stack is 2. If only DP cell is used, this is the analog record of the DP sensor. |
METER.LOW.DP.CUTOFF | R4 | below which the flow computer sets the flow rate to zero. Turbine meter: the rate, in engineering units per hour, below which the flow computer sets the flow rate to zero. |
METER.LOWTOHIGH.RATE | R4 | Transfer rate from low to high DP. Used only if the number of DP Cells is 2. DP value above which the high DP cell is used. |
METER.METER.FACTOR | R4 | Used for turbine meters only. Supplied by the meter manufacturer. |
METER.NUMBER.STACKED.DPS | UI2 | Orifice meter only; 1 or 2 |
METER.ORIFICE.DIAMETER | R4 | The diameter of the orifice, in inches. If VCONE is used, this is the VCONE diameter. |
METER.ORIFICE.FLOW.FACTOR.CALCULATED | UI1 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.ORIFICE.FLOW.FACTOR.VALUE | R4 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.ORIFICE.THERMALEXP.FACTOR.CALC | UI1 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.ORIFICE.THERMALEXP.FACTOR.VALUE | R4 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.ORIFICE.PULSE.SCALE.FACTOR | R4 | Used for turbine meters only. Used to scale the meter factor. Pulses are multiplied by meter factor / scaling factor, then converted to rate per hour for the break pair table lookup. These 2 factors aren't used on the analog input flow rate |
METER.ORIFICE.RATIO.SPECIFIC.HEAT | R4 | Isotropic exponent, Ki. Refer to the AGA 3 manuals for a more complete definition. The default is 1.3. |
METER.ORIFICE.REYNOLDS.NUMBER.FACTOR.C ALCU | UI1 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.ORIFICE.REYNOLDS.NUMBER.FACTOR.V ALUE | R4 | These factors are only settable if the AGA 3 - 1985 equations are used. For the AGA 3 - 1992 and VCONE equations, these values are always calculated. The flags should all be set to 1. When the meter message is requested from the RTU, the values returned in these fields are for information only. |
METER.UPSTREAM.TAPS | UI1 | Indicates whether taps for the pressure sensor are upstream or downstream of the meter. 1 = upstream taps, 0 = downstream taps |
METER.VCONE | UI1 | 1 = yes; 0 = no |
METER.WATER.VAPOR.FACTOR | R4 | AGA7: Orifice meter correction factor AGA3 or VCONE: meter factor. |
MISCSETUP.AI.HIGH.FAIL | UI2 | The value, in terms of raw analog counts, above which the analog input is considered to have failed. |
MISCSETUP.AI.LOW.FAIL | UI2 | The value, in terms of raw analog counts, below which the analog input is considered to have failed. The AI High Fail and AI Low Fail are given in raw analog counts, and must be converted to the mA values in order to correspond to what is entered in the RTU. The formula below converts the analog counts returned in the message to a milliamp value, as entered at the RTU: counts = (((mA - 4) / 4) + 1) * 4000 This formula converts from the milliamp value to analog counts: mA = (((counts / 4000) - 1) * 4) + 4 |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.DIAL.TIMEOUT | UI2 | Time, in seconds, the RTU waits for the modem to synchronize itself with the remote modem after dialing the number. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.FLAG | UI1 | Configures the RTU cryout feature. Set to 1 if cryout is to be enabled, 0 if cryout is disabled. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.MODEM.LISTEN.TIME | UI2 | Time, in seconds, the RTU waits for the modem to make a connection after answering. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.ON.ACC.ALARM | UI1 | Configures RTU cryout on an accumulator alarm. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.ON.AI.ALARM | UI1 | Configures RTU cryout on an analog alarm. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.ON.DI.ALARM | UI1 | Configures RTU cryout on an digital alarm. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.RADIO.TIMEOUT | UI2 | Time, in seconds, the RTU waits for the conventional radio system to become available to send data. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.RETRY.TIME | UI2 | Time, in seconds, the RTU waits for a response from a device after sending it a message. If no response is received within this time, the message is sent again. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.TELEPHONE.NO | STRING | Telephone number the RTU dials. |
MISCSETUP.CRYOUT.TRUNK.TIMEOUT | UI2 | Time, in seconds, the RTU waits for the trunked radio system to become available to send data. |
MISCSETUP.CUTOFF.VOLTAGE | R4 | Radio communications are discontinued below this voltage. |
MISCSETUP.DEFAULT.RELAY.TIME | UI4 | When no other time is available, this is the time, in milliseconds, that a relay remains closed when it is pulsed. |
MISCSETUP.DISPLAY.SCROLL.TIME | UI2 | The time, in seconds, the RTU waits before displaying new data on the two-line display. |
MISCSETUP.EFM.HISTORY.FORMAT | UI1 | If flag is 1 the field contains the contract day. If 0 the field contains the calendar day. Refer to section 4.2, starting at offset 6. |
MISCSETUP.EVENT.SEQUENCE.NUMBER | UI4 | The current EFM Event Sequence Number. |
MISCSETUP.PORT2.COMM.READ.ONLY | UI1 | If the flag is set port 2 comm. is read only. |
MISCSETUP.RECONNECT.VOLTAGE | R4 | Radio communications are enabled above this voltage. The Reconnect Voltage must be greater than or equal to the Cutoff voltage. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS1 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS10 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS11 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS12 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS13 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS14 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS15 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS16 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS17 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS18 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS19 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS2 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS20 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS3 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS4 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS5 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS6 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS7 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS8 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.ADDRESS9 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP1 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP10 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP11 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP12 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP13 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP14 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP15 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP16 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP17 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP18 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP19 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP2 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP20 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP3 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP4 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP5 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP6 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP7 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP8 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.STOREFORWARDRTU.GROUP9 | UI1 | An array of up to twenty RTU addresses for this RTU to forward messages. Both the RTU Address and Group Id are required to be set. If two-byte addressing is not enabled, set the Group Id to zero. For addresses that are not used, set these to zero. |
MISCSETUP.UNUSED | UI2 | Always 0 (was flow computer sequence number prior to 2:5.0) |
MISCSETUP.USE.LOW.VOLTAGE.CUTOFF | UI1 | Flag indicating the RTU no longer communicates over the radio if the main battery voltage falls below a given value. |
MODULESTATUS.PRODUCTION_CONTROL/ | UI1 | Request/Change production |
FlowComputerNumber/BIT Ex: MODULESTATUS.PRODUCTION_CONTROL/1/3 BIT = 0 - 7 | control module status | |
MOLE.CO2.ANALOG | UI2 | Software AI record providing Carbon Dioxide present in the gas. If no software AI record is used, this value is -1 (The default value) |
MOLE.N2.ANALOG | UI2 | Software AI record providing the Nitrogen present in the gas. If no software AI record is used, this value is -1. |
NOT.USED1 | R4 | |
NOT.USED2 | R4 | |
NOT.USED3 | R4 | |
NOT.USED4 | R4 | |
NOT.USED5 | R4 | |
NOT.USED6 | R4 | |
NOT.USED7 | R4 | |
NOT.USED8 | UI2 | |
NX19.VALUE | R4 | |
OPTIMIZE.CASING.PRESSUE.CHANNEL.NUM | UI2 | Request/Change Optimize <ItemName> X = Flow Computer Name In all of the following Optimize tags. |
OPTIMIZE.CASING.PRESSURE.SENSOR.AVAIL | UI2 | Flag indicating if this input is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMIT.TIME.OFF | UI2 | The amount of time, in minutes, the valve is to be closed. |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMIT.TIME.ON | UI2 | The amount of time, in minutes, the valve is to be open. |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMITTER_INIT_FLAG | UI1 | Read: indicates if the record has been edited previously. Write: In 2:3.0 and on, the field is ignored and the “init” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “init” flag. |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMITTER_OFF_FLAG | UI2 | Read: non-0 if the OFF cycle is in progress. Write: if OFF cycle is in progress and “on flag” is non-0, the value in the “off time left” field is used. |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMITTER_OFF_TIME_LEFT | UI2 | Meaningful if “off flag” is non-0. Read: time remaining, in minutes, in the OFF cycle. Write: Value is new time remaining. |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMITTER_ON_FLAG | UI1 | Read: non-0 if the ON cycle is in progress. Write: if ON cycle is in progress and “on flag” is non-0, the value in the “on time left” field is used. |
OPTIMIZE.INTERMITTER_ON_TIME_LEFT | UI2 | Meaningful if “on flag” is non-0. Read: time remaining, in minutes, in the ON cycle. Write: Value is new time remaining. |
OPTIMIZE.LINE.PRESSURE.SENSOR.AVAILABLE | UI2 | Flag indicating if this input is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes |
OPTIMIZE.OPTIMIZER_INIT_FLAG | UI1 | Read: indicates if the record has been edited previously. Write: In 2:3.0 and on, the field is ignored and the “init” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “init” flag. |
OPTIMIZE.ORIFICE.DP.SENSOR_AVAILABLE | UI2 | Flag indicating if this input is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes |
OPTIMIZE.TUBING.PRESSURE.SENSOR.AVAIL… | UI2 | Flag indicating if this input is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.ANALOG_FEEDBACK | UI1 | Flag indicating that an AI record is used to indicate the position of the primary valve |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.FEEDBACK_CHANNEL | UI2 | AI record number to be used for the Analog Feedback. |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.INIT_FLAG | UI1 | Read: indicates if the valve has been initialized. Write: In 2:3.0. and on, the field is ignored, and the “init” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “init” flag. |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.MODULE_STATUS | UI1 | Bitmap indicating which modules in Production Control are currently operating, as described earlier. The value for the Production Control bit may be modified, the other bits are read only. Also if the valve data are sent to the RTU to initialize the valve, the Production Valve initialized flag is set to 1. |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.PRIMARY.NUMBER.LIMIT | UI1 | Number of DIs used to detect when the production valve is in a fully open or fully closed state. |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.SECONDARY.VALVE.FLAG | UI2 | Flag indicating if there is a secondary valve. 0= no, 1= yes |
PRODUCTIONVALVE.VALVE_TYPE | UI1 | Indicates the type of primary valve being used. 0 - Pulse Relay 1 – Latch 2 - Analog Output 3 - Inverted Analog Output |
PRODUCTIONVOLUME.ACCUMULATION | R4 | Read only. Amount produced on the current cycle. |
PRODUCTIONVOLUME.AUTO_RESET | UI1 | Tells the Production Volume Control module if the cycle is to be reset automatically, where 0 = no reset, 1 = daily reset, 2 = monthly reset. |
PRODUCTIONVOLUME.CYCLE | UI1 | Read: YES if the Production Volume Control cycle is in progress and has not reached the limit. Write: YES to reset the Production Volume Control cycle. |
PRODUCTIONVOLUME.DELAY_TIME | UI1 | Amount of time, in minutes, the Production Volume Control module waits after the end of the day or month, before starting the next cycle. |
PRODUCTIONVOLUME.INIT_FLAG | R4 | Read: indicates if the record has been edited previously. Write: In 2:3.0 and later, the field is ignored and the “init” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “init” flag. |
PRODUCTIONVOLUME.MODULE_STATUS | UI1 | Set of flags that show the status of all Production Control Modules, as described earlier. The flags for Production Volume Control and Production Control can be set on or off with the update message, the other bits are read only. |
PSDTSD.EDITFLAG | UI1 | Read: indicates if the record has been edited previously. Write: In 2:3.1 and on, the field is ignored and the “edited” flag is set to 1 in the RTU. In 2:3.0 the field is ignored and the “edited” flag is unchanged. Earlier versions the value in this field is set into the “edited” flag. |
PSDTSD.ESDFLAG | UI1 | Read, a value of 1 indicates an ESD has occurred. Write, a value of 1 resets the ESD. |
PSDTSD.ESDVALVE | UI1 | Flag indicating if this is an Emergency Shutdown (ESD) valve. Set to 1 if this is an ESD Valve, 0 otherwise. |
PSDTSD.MODULESTATUS | UI1 | Bitmap indicating which modules in Production Control are currently operating. The values for the Production Control bit and the PSD/TSD bit may be modified, the other bits are read only. |
PSDTSD.RESETDORECORD | UI2 | DO record that opens the ESD valve. |
PSDTSD.RESETTIME | UI2 | Time, in milliseconds, to pulse the DO that opens the ESD valve. |
PSDTSD.TRIPDORECORD | UI2 | DO record that closes the ESD valve. |
PSDTSD.TRIPTIME | UI2 | Time, in milliseconds, to pulse the DO to close the ESD valve. |
Pulse/FlowComputerNumber Ex: Pulse/2 | UI1 | Pulse DO |
Pulse2/FlowComputerNumber Ex: Pulse2/1 | UI2 | Pulse DO with time period (0 – 65535 ms) |
Pulse4/FlowComputerNumber EX: Pulse4/1 | UI4 | Pulse DO with time period (0 – 4294967295 ms) |
ReInitializeDeviceConfig | UI2 | |
Time Sync | I4 | This item syncs the time with the host computer. It can be performed with interval or by poking values. For details of the poking value and time sync rules, see ACM User Guide for details. |
Unlatch/FlowComputerNumber Ex: Unlatch/1 | UI1 | Unlatch DO |
Upload_Analog/AnalogRecordNumber Ex: Upload_Analog/8 | I2 | This item retrieves analog records only when it is being poked. Poking x > 0 number to this item will upload x number of days since current if there are that many available in the RTU. If successful, it will return 0 in the value, otherwise it will be 3 indicating no response or that an error occurred during the communication. The uploaded file will be stored in the prespecified location with the name also pre-specified. For details on how to configure history, se the ACM User Guide. |
Upload_CTD/FlowComputer/MessageOption Ex: Upload_CTD/1/3 Message Option:
| I2 | This item retrieves CTD history and CTD events only when it is being poked. Poking x > 0 number to this item will upload x number of days since current time if there are that many available in the RTU. If successful, it will return a 0 in the value, otherwise it will return 3, indicating no response or that an error occurred during the communication. The uploaded file will be stored in the prespecified location with the name also pre-specified. For details on how to configure history, see the ACM User Guide. |
Upload_Production/FlowComputerNumber Ex: Upload_Production/1 | I2 | This item retrieves production events only when it is being poked. Poking x > 0 number to this item will upload x number of days since current time if there are that many available in the RTU. If successful, it will return 0, otherwise it will return 3 indicating no response or that an error occurred during the communication. The uploaded file will be stored in the prespecified location with the name also pre-specified. For details on how to configure history, see the ACM User Guide. |
Upload_TrendDaily/TrendNumber Ex: Upload_TrendDaily/0 | I2 | This item retrieves daily trends only when it is being poked. Poking x > 0 number to this item will upload x number of days since current time if there are than many available in the RTU. If successful, it will be 0 in the value, otherwise it will return a 3 to indicate no response or that an error occurred during the communication. Uploaded file will be stored in the prespecified location with the name also pre-specified. For details on how to configure history, see the ACM User Guide. |
Upload_TrendHourly/TrendNumber Ex: Upload_TrendHourly/0 | I2 | This item retrieves hourly trends only when it is being poked. Poking x > 0 number to this item will upload x number of hours since current time if there are that many available in the RTU. If successful, a 0 will be returned, otherwise it will be 3 to indicate no response or that errors occurred during the communication. The uploaded file will be stored in the prespecified location with the name also pre-specified. For detail on how to configure history, see the ACM User Guide. |
ZeroAccumulator | UI1 |
Extended Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
GCWrite/Txn | VAR | |
LastAnalogRecord/1 | Date | |
LastDailyRecord/1 | Date | |
LastHourlyrecord/1 | Date | |
LastProductionRecord/1 | Date | |
LastTimeSync | Date | |
LastTimeSyncResult | I4 | |
LastTrendDailyRecord/1 | Date | |
LastTrendHourlyRecord/1 | Date |
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