FBNet OPC Items
Standard Items
Protocol Items
The FBNET protocol implementation supports the item names listed below for use by client applications.
APC Control
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CASINGOPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Current casing valve operating mode. Valid values are: • 0 = CASING_OFF_MODE • 1 = CASING_DELAY_MODE • 2 = CASING_ON_MODE |
CASINGOPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Casing valve time in seconds. |
CONTROLLERMODE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Contains controller mode for well Valid values are: • 2 = CTRL_AC_PLUNGER • 3 = CTRL_AC_TANK • 4 = CTRL_AC_INJECTION • 7 = CTRL_AC_ECL |
CURRENTHGHLINEDELAYTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | High line delay time in seconds. |
ERRORTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Error time in seconds - active when AC Err Status contains other than AC NO ERROR. |
EXTCONTACT/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
FASTRETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of fast plunger arrival counts. |
GOODRETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of good plunger arrival counts. |
NORETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of no plunger arrival count. |
NUMCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of off cycle starts since last clear totals. |
OPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Current PECL and Injection operating mode. Valid values are: Current tank valve operating mode. Valid values are: |
OPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Auxiliary valve time in seconds. |
PLUNGERCOUNT | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of plunger arrivals logged since last clear Totals. |
PLUNGERRUN/0 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Most recent 9 plunger run times in second. Index 0 is the most recent plunger run. This array is not updated on a no arrival. |
SALESMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains current operating mode. This pertains mainly to sales valve. Undefined if the well is in Manual Mode. Valid values are: |
SLOWRETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of slow plunger arrival counts. |
SMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Sales valve time in seconds. |
TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of tanks valve open cycles since last clear totals. |
TTLINJTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total injection valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve close time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLTANKTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total tank valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of tanks valve open cycles since last clear totals. |
TTLINJTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total injection valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve close time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLTANKTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total tank valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of tanks valve open cycles since last clear totals. |
VENTOPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Current vent valve operating mode. Valid values are: |
VENTOPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Vent valve time in seconds. |
WELLSTATUS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains 2 if in automatic control mode, 4 if in manual control mode. |
APC Control Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Current afterflow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
AFTERFLOWADD | UI4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment added to afterflow time on fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
AFTERFLOWENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil enables afterflow on a slow arrival during the on cycle. Writing 0 to the coil disables this feature. |
AFTERFLOWSLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment subtracted from afterflow time on slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
AUTOPERMITSALESVALVEENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to automatically "permit" the well after a safety valve close. This value remains until the host turns it off. |
AUTORESTART | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to restart the control module in the last set mode - manual or automatic - on power-fail or hardware reset |
CATCHMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to enter the plunger catch mode at next plunger arrival. |
CLICKTIME/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
CONTROLOPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains control operating mode directing RTU to perform the requested control algorithm. Valid values are: |
CURREARLYCOUNTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | Clears the early arrival counter. |
CURRFAST | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current fast plunger arrival count. |
CURRGOOD | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current good plunger arrival count. |
CURRNONE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current no plunger arrival count. |
CURRRECOVERYARRIVAL | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current recovery counter. When 0, the RTU will use the Recovery off time value if enabled. Ignored in shared flow controller. |
CURRSLOW | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current slow plunger arrival count. |
ENABLEEARLYARRIVALTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Enable or disable early plunger arrival. |
FLOWTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Sync mode flow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. Ignored in shared flow controller. |
HIGHTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a good and slow arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a good arrival. |
INITFAST | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial fast plunger arrival count. |
INITGOOD | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial good plunger arrival count. |
INITNONE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial no plunger arrival count. |
ININRECOVERYARRIVAL | UI2 | V1, V2 | Indicates if the mode is in plunger recovery. |
INITSLOW | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial slow plunger arrival count. |
LLTANKMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) the liquid-lift tank mode of operation. |
LOWTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a fast and good arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a fast or early arrival. |
MANUALPERMITSALESVALVEENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | This Boolean field manually permits sales valve open when off inputs are gone. |
MAXAFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Maximum afterflow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
MAXOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Maximum time to allow off-time to be adjusted to. |
MINAFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Minimum time to allow afterflow to be adjusted to |
MINOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | The minimum time the RTU will adjust the off time to. |
OFFDURINGAFTERFLOW/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Off Input Only During Afterflow selection bit map. If the bit is 1, the equivalent "Of" input is only honored during afterflow. Valid values are: |
OFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Current off time in seconds. Maximum value is 999:59:59. |
OFFTIMENONE | UI4 | V1, V2 | Off time to use in the case of a non-plunger arrival. |
OFFTIMESLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Off time to use in the case of a slow arrival. |
ONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time where RTU determines difference between good and slow arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a slow arrival. |
PLGERARRIVALADNDISABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil disables plunger arrival adjustments. Writing 0 to the coil enabled this feature. |
PROPORTIONALADJENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil enables proportional adjustments. Writing 0 to the coil disables this feature. |
RESETAFTERFLOWTOMIN | UI1 | V1, V2 | Resets afterflow time back to minimum. |
SHAREDFLOWMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to enter the shared flow mode. This mode is mutually exclusive with Sync mode. Ignored in the shared flow controller. |
STATE | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
USETRENDEDANALOGS/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Bit map to indicate to the control code to use trended analogs for control decisions. Values are: |
ACP Demand
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CLEARTOTALSFLAG | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU clear totals. |
DOTRIGGER/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
OFFBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to start an AutoCycle Plus "Off" cycle. |
ONBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to start an AutoCycle Plus "On" cycle. |
TUBINGCLOSEBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to close sales valve. |
TUBINGOPENBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to open sales valve. |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ANALOGALARMACTIVE/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
ANALOGALARMLEVEL/1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BATTERYAALARMACTIVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BATTERYALARMLEVEL | R4 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BOARDTEMPAACTIVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BOARDTEMPALARMLEVEL | R4 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
DIGITALALARMACTIVE/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
DIGITALALARMLEVEL/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
SOFTALARMACTIVE/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
Alarm Notify
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AANOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable auto notify. |
DINOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable DI notify. |
FCUAANOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable Flow Computer notify. |
SOFTNOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable Soft Point notify. |
Alarm Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AA1_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA1_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA1_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA1_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA2_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA2_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA2_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA2_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA3_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA3_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA3_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA3_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA4_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA4_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA4_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA4_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA5_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA5_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA5_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA5_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA6_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA6_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA6_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA6_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
V1, V2AA7_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA7_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA7_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA7_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA8_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA8_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA8_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA8_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AAACTION/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
AAENABLE/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
BATTERY.HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | Battery high set point |
BATTERY.LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Battery low set point |
BATTVOLTS | BOOL | V1, V2 | Last read or filtered engineering unit value for battery voltage |
BOARDTEMP | BOOL | V1, V2 | Last read or filtered engineering unit value for board temp |
BOARDTEMP.HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | Board temperature high set point |
BOARDTEMP.LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Board temperature low set point |
DIACTION/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
DIENABLE/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
DISETTING/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
SOFTENABLE/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
WAITTIME | I4 | V1, V2 |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CURVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Current volume from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
DP | R4 | V1, V2 | DP from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
LP | R4 | V1, V2 | LP from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
LT | R4 | V1, V2 | LT from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
MBSTATUS | I4 | V1, V2 | |
PREVVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Previous volume from FCUif last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
RATE | R4 | V1, V2 | Instantaneous rate from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
FCU Alarm
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ALARMLEVEL/1 | R4 | V1, V2 |
FCU Alarm Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AA1_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA1_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA2_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA2_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA3_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA3_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA4_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA4_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA5_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA5_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA6_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA6_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA7_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA7_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA8_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA8_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
ALARMENABLE/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | |
ADDRESS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Address of attached Modbus slave |
APREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing AP (LP). |
BASEGROUP | UI2 | V1, V2 | Custom group number to configure used for AA TOTAL_FLOW only. |
COMMSETUP | UI1 | V1, V2 | Bitmap for parity and # of stop bits Bit 0 - LSB, Bit 7 - MSB Parity (bits 0,1) 00 = no parity 01 = odd parity 10 = even parity Stop bit count (bit 2) 0 = 1 stop bit 1 = 2 stop bits Baud rate (bits 3,4) 00 = 1200 baud 01 = 2400 baud 10 = 4800 baud 11 = 9600 baud 7/8 bit ASCII mode (bit 5) 0 = 8 bit mode 1 = 7 bit mode |
CURVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing current Volume |
DPREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing DP. |
FCUPRESENT | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
FROMTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long, float, double. |
ISASCII | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU talking ASCII or RTU protocol? |
ISSLAVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU a slave or broadcast device? |
LTREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing LT. |
NOKDT | UI1 | V1, V2 | If true, the RTU turns on RTS, disabling KDT |
PREFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send before the Modbus device address. |
PREFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of prefix bytes to send |
PREVVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing previous Volume |
RATECONV | UI1 | V1, V2 | Conversion type for rate register. |
RATEREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing inst. Rate. |
SCANTIME | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of seconds between scans. |
SCANTIMEOUT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of 0.1 seconds to wait for a response from the FCU. |
SUFFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send after the last CRC byte. |
SUFFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of suffix bytes to send. |
SWAPTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Type of swapping needed before conversion. |
TYPE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Type of Modbus FCU device attached. |
TIME1-35 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time Stamp |
VOL1-35 | R4 | V1, V2 | Volume |
FCU Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ADDRESS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Address of attached Modbus slave |
APREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing AP (LP). |
BASEGROUP | UI2 | V1, V2 | Custom group number to configure used for AA TOTAL_FLOW only. |
COMMSETUP | UI1 | V1, V2 | Bitmap for parity and # of stop bits Bit 0 - LSB, Bit 7 - MSB Parity (bits 0,1) 00 = no parity 01 = odd parity 10 = even parity Stop bit count (bit 2) 0 = 1 stop bit 1 = 2 stop bits Baud rate (bits 3,4) 00 = 1200 baud 01 = 2400 baud 10 = 4800 baud 11 = 9600 baud 7/8 bit ASCII mode (bit 5) 0 = 8 bit mode 1 = 7 bit mode |
CURVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing current Volume |
DPREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing DP. |
FCUPRESENT | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
FROMTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long, float, double. |
ISASCII | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU talking ASCII or RTU protocol? |
ISSLAVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU a slave or broadcast device? |
LTREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing LT. |
NOKDT | UI1 | V1, V2 | If true, the RTU turns on RTS, disabling KDT |
PREFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send before the Modbus device address. |
PREFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of prefix bytes to send |
PREVVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing previous Volume |
RATECONV | UI1 | V1, V2 | Conversion type for rate register. |
RATEREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing inst. Rate. |
SCANTIME | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of seconds between scans. |
SCANTIMEOUT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of 0.1 seconds to wait for a response from the FCU. |
SUFFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send after the last CRC byte. |
SUFFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of suffix bytes to send. |
SWAPTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Type of swapping needed before conversion. |
TYPE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Type of Modbus FCU device attached. |
FCU Previous Volume
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
TIME1-35 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time Stamp |
VOL1-35 | R4 | V1, V2 | Volume |
Find Address
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ADDRESS | UI2 | V1, V2 | RTU Address |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
VERSION | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the RTU code revision number |
FEATURES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Contains a bit map of RTU capabilities |
Gas Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CPRIME | R4 | V1, V2 | C Prime set point. |
CURPRODVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Current production Volume |
DPCUTOFF | R4 | V1, V2 | Differential Pressure cut off set point. |
INJGASMETERFLAG | I1 | V1, V2 | Injection gas meter flag. |
LOCATMPRES | R4 | V1, V2 | |
PREVPRODVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Previous production Volume |
Meter Parameter Calibration
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
MPCAL1ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
Pressure Overrides
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CPHIGHFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPhighsetpoint for a fast arrival |
CPHIGHNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPhighsetpoint for a no arrival |
CPHIGHSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the CP >= this set point |
CPHIGHSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPhighsetpoint for a slow arrival |
CPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival |
CPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPlowsetpoint for a no arrival |
CPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the CP is <= this set point |
CPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival |
DPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the DPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival |
DPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the DPlowsetpoint for a no arrival |
DPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the DP is <= this set point |
DPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the DPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival |
FLUIDSLUGSETPOINT | R4 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the (CP-TP)/(CP-LP) <= this set point |
HLINECLEARDELAY | R4 | V1, V2 | High line pressure shut in clear delay |
HLINECLEARSETPOINT | R4 | V1, V2 | High line pressure clear set point |
HLINETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | High line pressure delay time on 0.1 seconds |
LDIFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Low differential pressure delay time in 0.1 seconds |
LPHIGHSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the LP is => this set point |
LPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Closes the plunger valve if LP <= this set point |
MAXCPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the maximum CP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override. |
MAXDPSETPOINT | R4 | V1, V2 | Maximum DP pressure set point |
MAXIPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the maximum IP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override |
MAXTPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the maximum TP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override |
MININJECTPRESS | I2 | V1, V2 | Minimum injection pressure required before the RTU opens the injection valve |
MINTPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the minimum TP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override |
MININJECTPRESS | I2 | V1, V2 | Minimum injection pressure set point |
OPENPURGEONARR | BOOL | V1, V2 | Not used by the RTU, contents undefined |
TPHIGHFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPhighsetpoint for a fast arrival |
TPHIGHNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPhighsetpoint for a no arrival |
TPHIGHSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the TP >= this set point |
TPHIGHSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPhighsetpoint for a slow arrival |
TPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival |
TPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPlowsetpoint for a no arrival |
TPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the TP is <= this set point |
TPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival |
TPLPDIFFSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the (TP – LP) >= this set point |
USEUTFORLP | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains TRUE if the RTU is to use the UT (unit temperature) analog channel for LP overrides, FALSE otherwise |
Remote Shutin
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
PERMITTED | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable remote shut in |
REVISION | UI2 | V1, V2 | |
STATUS | UI2 | V1, V2 | Status |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AI/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Analog input |
ADDRESS | UI2 | V1, V2 | RTU Address |
BATTVOLTS | R4 | V1, V2 | Battery Voltage |
BOARDTEMP | R4 | V1, V2 | Board Temperature |
CODE | UI2 | V1, V2 | RTU Code |
DI/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Discrete input |
DPMV | UI2 | V1, V2 | Multivariable differential pressure |
FLOWINGDP | R4 | V1, V2 | Differential pressure |
FLOWINGLP | R4 | V1, V2 | Line Pressure |
FLOWINGLT | R4 | V1, V2 | Line Temperature |
IV_EU_DP | R4 | V1, V2 | |
IV_EU_LP | R4 | V1, V2 | |
IV_EU_LT | R4 | V1, V2 | |
LPMV | UI2 | V1, V2 | Multivariable line pressure |
LTMV | UI2 | V1, V2 | Multivariable line temperature |
RATE/1 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Flow Rate |
RAWAI/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Raw Analog value |
RTCBATTOK | UI1 | V1, V2 | Real time clock battery ok |
T_SUB_X | UI2 | V1, V2 | |
TIMESTAMP | UI4 | V1, V2 | Current date/timestamp in seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00. Time is returned as 0xffffffff if RTC has invalid data |
RTU Meter Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
REVISION | UI2 | V1, V2 | Software revision |
SCALE1-8.E1-E5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Calibration engineering value |
SCALE1-8.S1-S5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Calibration sample. |
RTU Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ANALOGSCALE1-8.EGUHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | Contains analog channel high engineering unit value |
ANALOGSCALE1-8.EGULOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Contains analog channel low engineering unit value |
ANALOGSCALE1-8.SAMPLEHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | Contains analog channel high millivolt sample value |
ANALOGSCALE1-8.SAMPLELOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Contains analog channel low millivolt sample value |
AVGCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Set by the host to tell the RTU the number of samples to use for a sliding average for analog channel data. Valid range is 1 to 60. |
DOFAILSAFE/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | Bitmap for each DO - 0 = normal (current) operation, 1 = single-ended (always on) operation |
GMTOFFSET | I4 | V1, V2 | Time zone offset |
LOWBATTSTOPDO/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | Bitmap for DOs to activate at low batter stop 1 causes valve activation for the corresponding valve |
MAINTMODEENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Maintenance mode enable |
MAINTMODETIME | R8 | V1, V2 | Maintenance mode time |
PULSEMETER1.DISPLAYCONVFACTOR | R4 | V1, V2 | Display conversion factor |
PULSEMETER1.DISPLAYUNITS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Display units |
PULSEMETER1.FACTOR | R4 | V1, V2 | Pulse factor |
PULSEMETER1.FACTORUNITS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Factor units |
PULSEMETER1.MAXRATE | UI4 | V1, V2 | Maximum rate |
PULSEMETER2.DISPLAYCONVFACTOR | R4 | V1, V2 | Display conversion factor |
PULSEMETER2.DISPLAYUNITS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Display units |
PULSEMETER2.FACTOR | R4 | V1, V2 | Pulse factor |
PULSEMETER2.FACTORUNITS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Factor units |
PULSEMETER2.MAXRATE | UI4 | V1, V2 | Maximum rate |
SUPPRESSMODEMINIT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Set by the host to TRUE to prevent the RTU from transmitting a modem initialization string at start up, or FALSE to enable the setup message transmission |
VALVEDOMAP/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 |
RTU Reset
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
RTUANDBUFFERS | BOOL | V1, V2 | Reset RTU and buffers. |
RTUONLY | BOOL | V1, V2 | Reset RTU only. |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
TIMESTAMP | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time Stamp |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
BOOSTDELAYFASTADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost delay time on a fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTDELAYNOADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost delay time on a no arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTDELAYSLOWADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost delay time on a slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTEDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Boost delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTFASTADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost time on a fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTNOADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost time on a no arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTSLOWADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost time on a slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
BOOSTTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Boost time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
CASINGDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Casing delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
FLOWTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Sync mode flow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. Ignored in shared flow controller. |
MINBOOSTDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Minimum boost delay time. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
MINBOOSTTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Minimum boost time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
MINPRECHARGETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Minimum precharge time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
PRECHARGEFASTADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to precharge time on fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
PRECHARGENOADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to precharge time on a no arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
PRECHARGESLOWADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to precharge time on a slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
PRECHARGETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Precharge time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
RECOVERYOFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tank mode recovery off time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. Mutually exclusive with syncmode. Ignored in the shared flow controller. |
TBGPURGEOFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tubingpurge off time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
TBGPURGEONTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tubingpurge on time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
TANKDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tank delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
TANKONTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tank on time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
Well Comm
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
COMM.AA1-8.HI | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.AA1-8.LO | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.AAACTIVE/1 | UI1 | V1 | Contains the bit(s) for the analog channel(s) in an alarm condition. |
COMM.AAENABLE/1 | UI1 | V1 | Contains the alarm enable bits as set by the host for each analog channel. |
COMM.AALEVEL/1 | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.AI/1 | UI2 | V1 | Contains the raw analog value for each of the analog channels. |
COMM.ALARMWAIT | UI2 | V1 | Contains the amount of time, in seconds, the RTU waits before retransmitting an alarm message to the host. There is no delay before transmitting the first alarm message for a particular alarm. |
COMM.ASCALE1-8.EHI | I2 | V1 | |
COMM.ASCALE1-8.ELO | I2 | V1 | |
COMM.ASCALE1-8.SHI | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.ASCALE1-8.SLO | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.BATTVOLTALARM | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – contains the level which generated a battery level alarm. |
COMM.BATTVOLTS | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – contains the battery voltage level. |
COMM.BATTVOLTS.HI | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – set by host for high and low battery voltage alarm levels. |
COMM.BATTVOLTS.LO | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – set by host for high and low battery voltage alarm levels. |
COMM.BATTVOLTSALARMACTIVE | UI1 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – RTU sets it to TRUE when a battery voltage alarm is detected. |
COMM.BATTVOLTSALARMENABLE | UI1 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – host sets it to TRUE to enable a battery voltage alarm. |
COMM.BRDTEMP | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – contains the board temperature level. |
COMM.BRDTEMP.HI | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – set by host for high and low board temperature alarm levels. |
COMM.BRDTEMP.LO | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – set by host for high and low board temperature alarm levels. |
COMM.BRDTEMPALARM | UI2 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – contains the level which generated a board temperature level alarm. |
COMM.BRDTEMPALARMACTIVE | UI1 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – RTU sets it to TRUE when a board temperature alarm is detected. |
COMM.BRDTEMPALARMENABLE | UI1 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – host sets it to TRUE to enable a board temperature alarm. |
COMM.CONTROLLERMODE | I2 | V1 | Set by the host to tell the RTU what mode to operate control in. Valid values are: |
COMM.CTRLSTATE | UI1 | V1 | Contains WELL_FLOWCONTROL when the control program is executing, WELL_IDLE otherwise. |
COMM.CURVOL | R4 | V1 | Contains the last read volume from an externally connected FCU if the last read attempt succeeded, -10,000 otherwise. |
COMM.DESTADDR | UI2 | V1 | Contains the RTU address. |
COMM.DI/1 | UI1 | V1 | Contains the digital input bits. |
COMM.DIACTION/1 | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.DIACTIVE/1 | UI2 | V1 | Contains the bit(s) for the digital input channel(s) in an alarm condition. |
COMM.DIALEVEL/1 | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.DIENABLE/1 | UI2 | V1 | Contains the alarm enable bits as set by the host for each digital input channel. |
COMM.DO/1 | UI1 | V1 | |
COMM.DOMAP/1 | UI1 | V1 | Digital output assignment map. Currently Injection with safety valve controller only. |
COMM.DOTRIGGER/1 | UI1 | V1 | Bit map used by the host to execute demand controls when the RTU is in MANUAL mode. • CLOSE_CHOKE, OPEN_CHOKE • CLOSE_BLOWDOWN_VALVE (for either tank or injection • OPEN_BLOWDOWN_VALVE (for either tank or injection) |
COMM.DP | R4 | V1 | Contains the last read DP from an externally connected FCU if the last read attempt succeeded, -10,000 otherwise. |
COMM.DPCUTOFF | R4 | V1 | Contains the DP engineering unit limit below which the local displays shows 0 gas flow. |
COMM.DPMV | UI2 | V1 | Contains the raw DP analog reading regardless of Maintenance Mode |
COMM.INJGASMETERFLAG | I1 | V1 | Set by the host to tell the RTU that it is metering gas for local display for production gas (FALSE) or injection gas (TRUE). |
COMM.INTLUNITS | I1 | V1 | If inter is FALSE, use US units, otherwise, convert unit to metric. This is used when the RTU calculates gas flow rates and volumes for local display purposes. |
COMM.IVDP | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.IVLP | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.IVLT | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.LP | R4 | V1 | Contains the last read LP from an externally connected FCU if the last read attempt succeeded, -10,000 otherwise. |
COMM.LPMV | UI2 | V1 | Contains the raw LP analog reading regardless of Maintenance Mode |
COMM.LT | R4 | V1 | Contains the last read LT from an externally connected FCU if the last read attempt succeeded, -10,000 otherwise. |
COMM.LTMV | UI2 | V1 | Contains the raw LT analog reading regardless of Maintenance Mode |
COMM.MAINTMODE | UI1 | V1 | Set TRUE by the host to put the RTU in the MAINTENANCE_MODE. Cleared by the RTU only during software reset or factory clear. |
COMM.MAINTMODEALMTIME | UI4 | V1 | Set by the host to the number of seconds the RTU will wait before generating a maintenance mode software alarm message. |
COMM.MBSATUS | UI2 | V1 | Contains the status of the last communication attempt with an external FCU. |
COMM.MPCALIBCHANGED | UI1 | V1 | Contains a bit map of each analog channel. Bit(s) are set by the RTU if the multipoint calibration factor for the corresponding analog channel has changed. These bits are set by the RTU on software reset or factory clear. The host is responsible for clearing them. |
COMM.MPCALIBFLAGS/1 | UI1 | V1 | Contains a bit map of each analog channel. Bit(s) are set by the host if the corresponding analog channel uses the multipoint calibration factors. These bits are cleared by the RTU on software reset or factory clear. |
COMM.PM1.DCF | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.PM1.DU | UI1 | V1 | |
COMM.PM1.MF | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.PM1.MFU | UI1 | V1 | |
COMM.PM1.RATE | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.PM2.DCF | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.PM2.DU | UI1 | V1 | |
COMM.PM2.MF | R4 | V1 | |
COMM.PM2.MFU | UI1 | V1 | |
COMM.PM2.RATE | UI2 | V1 | |
COMM.PREVVOL | R4 | V1 | Contains the last read previous contract day’s volume from an externally connected FCU if the last read attempt succeeded, -10,000 otherwise. |
COMM.RATE | R4 | V1 | Contains the last read flow rate from an externally connected FCU if the last read attempt succeeded, -10,000 otherwise. |
COMM.RTCBATTVALID | UI1 | V1 | Only used in FB-8 RTU – set TRUE by RTU if the RTC battery is OK. |
COMM.SOFTENABLE | UI2 | V1 | Setting a value of 0x0008 enables the Maintenance Mode timeout alarm. |
COMM.STATE | UI1 | V1 | Contains MANUAL, MANUAL_ALARM, AUTO or AUTO_ALARM. In MANAUL mode, the RTU is not executing the control code. In AUTO mode, it is. The host controls the RTUs state by controlling this variable. |
COMM.TIMEOUTACTIVE | UI1 | V1 | Not used in the RTU, contents undefined. |
CTRL.AFLOWSLOW | UI4 | V1 | The time the RTU reduces the afterflow time by on a slow arrival. |
CTRL.AFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1 | Current afterflow time. |
CTRL.AFTERFLOWADD | UI4 | V1 | The adjustment the RTU adds to the afterflow time on a fast arrival. |
CTRL.AFTERFLOWENABLE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) afterflow on slow plunger arrivals. |
CTRL.AUTOPERMIT | UI1 | V1 | This Boolean field automatically permit sales valve open when off inputs are gone. |
CTRL.AUTORESTART | UI1 | V1 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) restarting the RTU in the last operational mode (AUTO or MANUAL). |
CTRL.CATCHMODE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) the plunger catch mode. |
CTRL.CLEARTOTALSFLAG | I1 | V1 | Set TRUE by the Host to direct the RTU to clear the totals. Set FALSE by the RTU when the totals have been cleared. |
CTRL.CLEARTOTALSTIME | UI4 | V1 | Not used by the RTU, contents undefined. |
CTRL.CLICKTIME/1 | UI1 | V1 | Contains the relay click time for each control valve. |
CTRL.CTRLOPMODE | UI1 | V1 | Contains control operating mode directing RTU to perform the requested control algorithm. Valid values are: |
CTRL.CURFAST | I2 | V1 | Decremented by the RTU when a fast plunger arrival is detected. |
CTRL.CURGOOD | I2 | V1 | Decremented by the RTU when a good plunger arrival is detected. |
CTRL.CURNONE | I2 | V1 | Decremented by the RTU when no plunger arrival is detected. |
CTRL.CURSLOW | I2 | V1 | Decremented by the RTU when a slow plunger arrival is detected. |
CTRL.ERRORTIME | UI4 | V1 | Incremented each second by the RTU when well status contains other than AC_NO_ERROR. |
CTRL.EXTCONTACT/1 | UI1 | V1 | Bitmap set by the RTU to show external contacts. Valid bits are SALES_ON_INPUT, SALES_OFF_INPUT, PLUNGER_INPUT and HIGHLINE_INPUT. |
CTRL.FASTRETURN | UI1 | V1 | Current fast arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.FLOWTIME | I4 | V1 | Set by the host and contains the total sync mode flow time in seconds allowed. |
CTRL.GOODRETURN | UI1 | V1 | Current good arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.HIGHTIME | UI4 | V1 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a good and slow arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a good arrival. |
CTRL.HLINETIME1 | UI4 | V1 | Contains the incrementing high line time. |
CTRL.INITFAST | I2 | V1 | Initial fast arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.INITGOOD | I2 | V1 | Initial good arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.INITNONE | I2 | V1 | Initial no arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.INITSLOW | I2 | V1 | Initial slow arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTDELAYFASTADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the boost delay time on a fast arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTDELAYNOADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the boost delay time on a no arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTDELAYSLOWADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the boost delay time on a slow arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTEDELAYTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the boost delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:99:99. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTFASTADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the boost time on a fast arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTNOADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the boost time on a no arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTSLOWADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the boost time on a slow arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.BOOSTTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the boost time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:99:99. |
CTRL.INJ.MINBOOSTDELAYTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the minimum boost delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:99:99. |
CTRL.INJ.MINBOOSTTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the minimum boost time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:99:99. |
CTRL.INJ.MINPRECHARGETIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the minimum precharge time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:99:99. |
CTRL.INJ.PRECHARGEFASTADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the precharge time on a fast arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.PRECHARGENOADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the precharge time on a no arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.PRECHARGESLOWADJ | I4 | V1 | Contains the amount of time in seconds the RTU adjusts the precharge time on a slow arrival. |
CTRL.INJ.PRECHARGETIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the precharge time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:99:99. |
CTRL.INJ.TOTALINJTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the total injection valve open time in seconds since the RTU was reset or the value rolled over. Maximum value is 999:59:59. |
CTRL.LLTANKMODE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) the liquid-lift tank mode of operation. |
CTRL.LOWTIME | UI4 | V1 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a fast and good arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a fast or early arrival. |
CTRL.MAXAFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1 | Set by the host to the maximum time in seconds to allow afterflow to be adjusted to. |
CTRL.MINOFF | UI4 | V1 | The minimum time the RTU will adjust the off time to. |
CTRL.NORETURN | UI1 | V1 | Current no arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.NUMCYCLES | UI1 | V1 | Number of off cycle starts since the RTU totals were last cleared. |
CTRL.OFFBUTTON | UI1 | V1 | Set to 1 by the host to manually start an off cycle. The RTU sets it back to 0 immediately after starting the off cycle. |
CTRL.OFFDURINGAFTERFLOW | UI2 | V1 | Contains a bit map to enable "Off" inputs only during afterflow. |
CTRL.OFFSLOWTIME | UI4 | V1 | The time the RTU adds to the off time on a slow arrival. |
CTRL.OFFTIME | UI4 | V1 | Current off time. |
CTRL.OFFTIMENONE | UI4 | V1 | The time the RTU adds to the off time on a no arrival. |
CTRL.ONBUTTON | UI1 | V1 | Set to 1 by the host to manually start an on cycle. The RTU sets it back to 0 immediately after starting the on cycle. |
CTRL.ONTIME | UI4 | V1 | Time set-point with which the RTU determines the difference between a slow and no arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a slow arrival. |
CTRL.OPMODE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the RTU to show the current operating mode. This pertains mainly to the auxiliary valve. Valid values are TANK_OFF_MODE, TANK_ON_MODE, TANK_DELAY_MODE, INJECT_OFF, INJECT_BOOST, INJECT_BOOST_DELAY and INJECT_PRECHARGE. |
CTRL.OPMODETIME | UI4 | V1 | Set by the RTU to show the decrementing auxiliary valve time. |
CTRL.PLGARRADJDISABLE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) plunger arrival adjustments. |
CTRL.PLUNGERCOUNT | UI1 | V1 | Number of plunger arrivals logged since the RTU totals were last cleared. |
CTRL.PLUNGERRUN/0 | UI4 | V1 | Most recent 9 plunger run times in second. Index 0 is the most recent plunger run. This array is not updated on a no arrival. |
CTRL.PO.CPHIGHFASTADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to CPhighsetpoint for a fast arrival. |
CTRL.PO.CPHIGHNOADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to CPhighsetpoint for a no arrival. |
CTRL.PO.CPHIGHSETPT | I2 | V1 | CP on override - opens sales valve if CP >= this set point. |
CTRL.PO.CPHIGHSLOWADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to CPhighsetpoint for a slow arrival. |
CTRL.PO.CPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to CPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival. |
CTRL.PO.CPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to CPlowsetpoint for a no arrival. |
CTRL.PO.CPLOWSETPT | I2 | V1 | CP off override - closes sales valve if CP is <= this set point. |
CTRL.PO.CPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to CPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival. |
CTRL.PO.DPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to DPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival. |
CTRL.PO.DPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to DPlowsetpoint for a no arrival. |
CTRL.PO.DPLOWSETPT | I2 | V1 | DP off override - closes sales valve if DP is <= this set point. |
CTRL.PO.DPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to DPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival. |
CTRL.PO.FLUIDSLUGSETPT | R4 | V1 | Fluid Slug on override - opens sales valve if (CP - TP)/(CP - LP) > Fluid Slug SP. |
CTRL.PO.LPHIGHSETPT | I2 | V1 | LP off override - closes sales valve if LP is => this set point. |
CTRL.PO.LPLOWSETPT | I2 | V1 | LP off override - closes sales valve if LP is => this set point. |
CTRL.PO.MAXCPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1 | Maximum CP allowed before shutting well down for a safety override. |
CTRL.PO.MAXIPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1 | Maximum IP allowed before shutting well down for a safety override. |
CTRL.PO.MAXTPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1 | Maximum TP allowed before shutting well down for a safety override. |
CTRL.PO.MININJECTPRESS | I2 | V1 | Minimum injection pressure before opening injection valve. |
CTRL.PO.MINTPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1 | Minimum TP allowed before shutting well down for a safety override. |
CTRL.PO.TPHIGHFASTADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to TPhighsetpoint for a fast arrival. |
CTRL.PO.TPHIGHNOADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to TPhighsetpoint for a no arrival. |
CTRL.PO.TPHIGHSETPT | I2 | V1 | TP on override - opens sales valve it TP >= this set point. |
CTRL.PO.TPHIGHSLOWADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to TPhighsetpoint for a slow arrival. |
CTRL.PO.TPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to TPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival. |
CTRL.PO.TPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to TPlowsetpoint for a no arrival. |
CTRL.PO.TPLOWSETPT | I2 | V1 | TP off override - closes sales valve if TP is <= this set point. |
CTRL.PO.TPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1 | Adjustment to TPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival. |
CTRL.PO.TPLPDIFFSETPT | I2 | V1 | TP-LP off override - opens sales valve if TP-LP is >= this set point. |
CTRL.PO.USEUTFORLP | UI1 | V1 | Use Tubing pressure for line pressure. |
CTRL.PROPENABLE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) proportional adjustments. |
CTRL.SALESMODE | UI1 | V1 | Set by the RTU to show the current operating mode. This pertains mainly to the sales valve. Valid values are SALES_ON_MODE, SALES_OFF_MODE, SYNC_MODE and AFTERFLOW_MODE. |
CTRL.SHUTINDEDUCT | UI4 | V1 | The adjustment the RTU subtracts from the off time on a fast plunger arrival. |
CTRL.SLOWRETURN | UI1 | V1 | Current slow arrival plunger count. |
CTRL.SMODETIME | UI4 | V1 | Set by the RTU to show the decrementing sales valve time. |
CTRL.SYNCMODE | I1 | V1 | Set by the host to TRUE to enable sync mode in the RTU. |
CTRL.TANK.RECOVERYOFFTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the Liquid-Lift tank no arrival recovery off time. |
CTRL.TANK.TANKDELAYTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the tank delay time in seconds. |
CTRL.TANK.TANKONTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the tank on time in seconds. |
CTRL.TANK.TOTALTANKTIME | I4 | V1 | Contains the total tank (vent) valve open time in seconds since the RTU was reset or the value rolled over. Maximum value is 999:59:59. |
CTRL.TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1 | Number of tanks valve opens since the RTU totals were last cleared. |
CTRL.TOTALOFF | UI4 | V1 | Contains the total sales (plunger) valve closed time in seconds since the RTU was reset or the value rolled over. Maximum value is 999:59:59. |
CTRL.TOTALON | UI4 | V1 | Contains the total sales (plunger) valve open time in seconds since the RTU was reset or the value rolled over. Maximum value is 999:59:59. |
CTRL.TUBINGCLOSE | UI1 | V1 | Boolean to manual tubing valve close command. |
CTRL.TUBINGOPEN | UI1 | V1 | Boolean to manual tubing valve open command. |
CTRL.WELLSTATUS | UI1 | V1 | Set by the RTU to inform the host of an special status. Valid values are : |
ECL.AFTERFLOWADD | UI4 | V1 | Amount of time to add to afterflow time upon fast arrival. |
ECL.AFTERFLOWENABLE | UI1 | V1 | Writing 1 to coil enables afterflow on a slow arrival during the on cycle. Writing 0 to the coil disables this feature. |
ECL.CASINGOPMODE | I2 | V1 | Current casing valve operating mode. Valid values are: |
ECL.CASINGOPMODE | UI1 | V1 | Current casing valve operating mode. Valid values are: |
ECL.CASINGOPMODETIME | UI4 | V1 | Casing valve time in seconds. |
ECL.CLEARTOTALSFLAG | I1 | V1 | Clears totals. |
ECL.CLEARTOTALSTIME | UI4 | V1 | Clears total time. |
ECL.CONTROLLERMODE | UI2 | V1 | Contains controller mode. Valid values are: |
ECL.ERRORTIME | UI4 | V1 | Error time in seconds - active when AC Err Status contains other than AC NO ERROR. |
ECL.EXTCONTACT | UI1 | V1 | Which external contacts are currently on |
ECL.FASTRETURN | UI1 | V1 | Fast return set point. |
ECL.GOODRETURN | UI2 | V1 | Good return set point. |
ECL.HIGHTIME | UI4 | V1 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a good and slow arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a good arrival. |
ECL.HLINETIME1 | UI4 | V1 | High line delay time in seconds. |
ECL.INITFAST | I2 | V1 | Initial fast plunger arrival count. |
ECL.INITGOOD | I2 | V1 | Initial good plunger arrival count. |
ECL.INITNONE | I2 | V1 | Initial no plunger arrival count. |
ECL.INITSLOW | I2 | V1 | Initial slow plunger arrival count. |
ECL.LOWTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a fast and good arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a fast or early arrival. |
ECL.MAXOFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | maximum time to allow off time to be adjusted to |
ECL.MINAFTERFLOW | I4 | V1, V2 | minimum time to allow afterflow to be adjusted to |
ECL.MINOFF | UI4 | V1, V2 | Minimum off time. |
ECL.NORETURN | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of no returns. |
ECL.NUMCYCLES | UI1 | V1, V2 | number times well cycled since last cleared |
ECL.OFFBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to start an AutoCycle Plus "Off" cycle. |
ECL.ONBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to start an AutoCycle Plus "On" cycle. |
ECL.ONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a slow and no arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a slow arrival. |
ECL.OPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
ECL.OPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Tank, Injection or Purge mode time depending on the mode. |
ECL.PLGARRADJDISABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Plunger adjust disable. |
ECL.PLUNGERCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of times plunger returned to surface. |
ECL.PLUNGERRUN | UI4 | V1, V2 | Most recent 9 plunger run times in second. Index 0 is the most recent plunger run. This array is not updated on a no arrival. |
ECL.PROPENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Proportional adjustment enable. |
ECL.SALESMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
ECL.SMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains the time in seconds the RTU waits before starting an on cycle for well 4. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTDELAYFASTADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost delay time on a fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTDELAYNOADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost delay time on a no arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTDELAYSLOWADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost delay time on a slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Boost delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTFASTADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost time on a fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTNOADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost time on a no arrival in seconds for well 1. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTSLOWADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to boost time on a slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.BOOSTTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Boost time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.CASINGDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Casing delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.FLOWTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | |
ECL.TMR.MINBOOSTDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Minimum boost delay time. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.MINBOOSTTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Minimum boost time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.MINPRECHARGETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Minimum pre charge time. |
ECL.TMR.PRECHARGENOADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to pre charge time on a no arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.PRECHARGESLOWADJ | I4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment to pre charge time on a slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.PRECHARGETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Pre charge time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.RECOVERYOFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tank mode recovery off time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. Mutually exclusive with sync mode. Ignored in the shared flow controller. |
ECL.TMR.TANKDELAYTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tank delay time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.TANKONTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tank on time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.TBGPURGEOFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tubing purge off time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TMR.TBGPURGEONTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Tubing purge on time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
ECL.TOTALOFF | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve close time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over for well 1. |
ECL.TOTALON | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over for well 1. |
ECL.TTLINJTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total injection valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over for well 1. |
ECL.TTLONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | |
ECL.TTLTANKTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total tank valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over for well 1. |
ECL.VENTOPMODETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Vent valve time in seconds. |
Extended Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
GCWrite/Txn | Variant Array | Used for automated gas quality download. |
LastAlarmRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last alarm record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastDailyRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last daily record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastEventRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last event record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastHourlyRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last hourly record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastTimeSync | Date | Timestamp of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTimeSyncResult | I4 | Result of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTrendRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last trend record retrieved from meter number 1. |
MoveDaily/1 | I2 | Move the daily history retrieval pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of days to move. |
MoveLogPeriod/1 | I2 | Move the log period pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of periods to move. |
ResetDaily/1 | BOOL | Erase the daily history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all daily history during the next retrieval). |
ResetEvent/1 | BOOL | Erase the event history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all event history during the next retrieval). |
ResetLogPeriod/1 | BOOL | Erase the log period history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all log period history during the next retrieval). |
ResetTrend/1 | BOOL | Erase the trend retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all trends during the next retrieval). |
RetrieveHistory | I2 | Retrieve enabled history. |
RetrieveTrend | I2 | Retrieve enabled trends. |
TimeSync | I2 | Perform time synchronization. |
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