Modbus OMNI 7000 Commands

Modbus OMNI 7000 Commands

Common Commands

See Device Object Common Commands for commands that are common to all device types.



Test Communication

When executed, ACM will poll a known OPC item from the device and wait for the response to see if the communication is good.None
Retrieve HistoryRequests the retrieval of history records (for all enabled meters).None
Retrieve meter config during next history pollRetrieves meter configuration data during the next history retrievalNone
Retrieve Product Information during next history pollRetrieves product configuration data during the next history retrievalNone
Reset ArchiveClears the archive retrieval position so retrieval starts at the oldest record or record by limit count.  Provide the archive number in parameter one, or leave blank for all archives.Archive Number
Reset Alarm PointerClears the alarm retrieval position so retrieval starts at the oldest record or record by limit count.None
Reset Event PointerClears the event retrieval position so retrieval starts at the oldest record or record by limit count.None
Reset ReportReset the position for auto-report collection. Provide the value for the desired template (1=Batch; 2=Prove; 3=Daily; 4=Detail; or leave blank for all).Report Number
Move ArchiveMoves the saved archive retrieval position to an older record.  Provide the archive number in parameter one, or leave blank for all archives.  Enter the number of records to move back in second parameter.

Archive Number

Record Count

Move AlarmMoves the saved alarm retrieval position to an older record. Enter the number of records to move back in the parameter.Record Count
Move Event Pointer BackMoves the saved event retrieval position to an older record. Enter the number of records to move back in the parameter.Record Count
Skip ArchiveMoves the saved daily retrieval position forward.  Provide the archive number in parameter one, or leave blank for all archive.  Enter the number of records to skip in second parameters.

Archive Number

Reset Archive

Time SyncCauses a comparison of the date and time in the device to the host date and time. Once compared, the configured rules of the selected time sync object will be applied - including time zone and daylight saving options.None
Request Alarm ReportRequest Alarm ReportNone
Request Batch ReportRequest one of the available batch text reports.  Enter the report number (1 = most recent; 355 = oldest) or leave blank for the most recent report.Report Number
Request Daily ReportRequest one of the available daily text reports.  Enter the report number (1 = most recent; 35 = oldest) or leave blank for the most recent report.Report Number
Request Initialization ReportRequest Initialization ReportNone
Request Measurement ReportRequest Measurement Audit ReportNone
Request Product ReportRequest the Product report for device. Parameter only required for Gas/Liquid and requesting Liquid Products.   Enter 1 for Gas report and 2 for Liquid report. (Blank will use 1)Product Type
Request Prove ReportRequest one of the available prove reports.  Enter the report number (1 = most recent; 35 = oldest) or leave blank for the most recent report.Report Number
Request Snapshot ReportRequest the Snapshot report for device. Parameter only required for Gas/Liquid and requesting Liquid Products.   Enter 1 for Gas report and 2 for Liquid report. (Blank will use 1)Report Number
Request Status ReportRequest the Status report.None
Request System Audit ReportRequest the System Audit report.None
Request Template A ReportRequest one of the available template A reports.  Enter the value for the desired template (1=Snapshot; 2=Batch; 3=Daily; 4=Prove).Report Number
Request Template B ReportRequest one of the available template B reports.  Enter the value for the desired template (1=Snapshot; 2=Batch; 3=Daily; 4=Prove).Report Number
Read Configuration InformationRe-read the firmware and date format from the OMNI on the next retrival.None
Read Custom Packet ConfigurationRe-read the custom packet configuration from the OMNI.None
Read Archive ConfigurationRe-read the archive configuration from the OMNI. Use this command to make ACM read the configuration of one or more OMNI archives. Note that this command is sent automatically if ACM detects that the data size of an archive record does not match the size reported in a previous archive configuration read.None
Document Periodic Register

Write the internal register map used for periodic (hourly/daily) records to the server machine file "C:\ProgramData\AutoSol\CommunicationManager\7\asiMODBUS_OMNI_PERIODIC_REGISTER_DOC.txt"

Document Batch Register

Write the internal register map used for batch records to the server machine file "C:\ProgramData\AutoSol\CommunicationManager\7\asiMODBUS_OMNI_BATCH_REGISTER_DOC.txt"

Document Prove Register

Write the internal register map used for prove records to the server machine file "C:\ProgramData\AutoSol\CommunicationManager\7\asiMODBUS_OMNI_PROVE_REGISTER_DOC.txt"


Related pages

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