Device Tab
Item For MSD Version
Any valid item defined within the RTU to be used by the driver to determine the Master Signal Directory (MSD) version. Required for polling lists and archive files.
Max Bytes Per Message
Default = 232. Maximum number of data bytes allowed in a single message.
RTU Type
Select the BSAP RTU type that determines how items will be validated by ACM:
Network 3000 (Default)
ControlWave with Network 3000 Items
Item Browse File
Enter the .sig or .acc file that contains the signal names defined in this BSAP RTU. Enter only the name of the file without the folder path. All ACM item browse files must be stored in the \BSAP\TagFiles directory of the ACM SystemFiles folder.
The default location of this directory is:
C:\ProgramData\AutoSol\Communication Manager\7\DataFiles\BSAP\TagFiles
However, the location of the SystemFiles folder is configurable, set by the ACM Monitor in the System Files tab.
Two types of files may be used as item browse files:
ACC files. These files end in .acc and contain the plain text source code for the ACCOL load that the device is running. Typically, Network 3000 devices run ACCOL loads and ControlWave devices don't.
SIG files. These files end in .sig and are created by the OpenBSI Signal Extractor utility. To run the Signal Extractor, OpenBSI generally must have access to the compiled source code for the program that is running on the BSAP device. For more information on using OpenBSI and its Signal Extractor utility, contact Emerson technical support.
If both types of files are available, it's best to use the ACC file, because it also defines list and array items, whereas the SIG file only defines signal items.
Use highest requestor security level (SEC)
Check this option to send messages with the requestor security level set to the highest possible value. Certain BSAP devices (such as the Emerson 4088 Transmitter) require this to prevent “Security Violation” errors.
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