BSAP ControlWave Upload Information

BSAP ControlWave Upload Information

Getting ACM BSAP Upload Information for a ControlWave Device

OpenBSI Netview can be used to determine which values to use in ACM uses for the Meter Configuration, Archive Field Configuration, and BSAP Archive Access objects.Ā 

Meter Configuration Object

The Meter Configuration object maps data from signals defined within the BSAP device to theĀ fields of theĀ FLOWCAL configuration record. EachĀ FLOWCAL configuration field that you want toĀ fill with data from the device must be assigned the item name of the signal from the device that contains the data. The person who programmed the device will either have chosen their ownĀ signal name or accepted Emerson's default signal name for these values. The .sig file for theĀ ControlWave device's load contains a list of all the programmed signal names, but noĀ information on what values those signal names reference, other than educated guesses thatĀ can be made from the names themselves. This information must come from the programmer.

Archive Field Configuration Object

The Archive Field Configuration object maps data from archive files in the device to the fields ofĀ theĀ FLOWCAL history record. This information can be read from the device usingĀ OpenBSI. Note: Screen captures below are taken from OpenBSI Netview, version 5.6. ScreensĀ from other versions or different OpenBSI programs may not match exactly.Ā 

Step 1.Ā Ā Start Netview and open the .NDF file that was used to communicate with the BSAP device.Ā  This will bring up a tree list containing the OpenBSI network configuration.

Step 2. Open the network list and select the device that is being configured in ACM. Settings forĀ that device will appear in the window to the right of the tree list.Ā 

Step 3.Ā Right-click on the device icon and select RTU | RTU Configuration Parameters. The FlashĀ Configuration window will be displayed:

Step 4.Ā Press the "Load from RTU" button.

Step 5. When all the parameters have been read, go to the Archive tab. On the left is a list of theĀ archives within the device. Select the archive that you're configuring the mapping file for. OnĀ the lower right is a list of the columns in the archive. The first column will be the first record inĀ the Archive Field Configuration, the second column will be the second record, etc.Ā Ā 

An example Archive Field Configuration for the device in the screen capture above would be:

The "Field Identifier" can be either a pre-defined value from the list or a String object thatĀ created within ACM. However, to be correctly published in an EFM format, the fieldĀ identifier must be one of the pre-defined values.

BSAP Archive Access Object

Most ControlWaves use archive files to store their uploads. The BSAP Archive Access objectĀ can be configured to use either the file number or the file name with the "Archive Type" field.Ā The archive file number or name goes in the "Array or File ID" field. The archive file number isĀ found in the "Number" field of the Flash Configuration screen shown above; the archive fileĀ name is found in the "Name" field.

OpenBSI may not be able to retrieve this information for older, non-ControlWave devices. If the device is running an ACCOL load, you can get the information from the program source code, found in the .acc file.

If the device is not a ControlWave or is not running an ACCOL load, contact Emerson technical support for assistance.


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