BSAP Addressing from OpenBSI Netview


OpenBSI Netview can be used to determine which values to use in the addressing fields of the ACM configuration for a BSAP RTU. 


Before troubleshooting the ACM configuration for a BSAP RTU, confirm OpenBSI can communicate with the RTU.  If not, the problem might be caused by a hardware issue, not an incorrect ACM configuration setting.

Getting BSAP Address Information


Screen captures below are taken from OpenBSI Netview, version 5.6. Screens from other versions or different OpenBSI programs may not match exactly.

Step 1. Start Netview and open the .NDF file that was used to communicate with the BSAP RTU. This will bring up a tree list containing the OpenBSI network configuration.

Step 2. In the network list, select the network that the BSAP RTU is on. Settings for that network will appear in the window to the right of the tree list.

Step 3. The Network Levels field from the Netview network settings is used to set the Max Devices for each level on the BSAP Connection Settings tab of the BSAP device in ACM.  In Netview, the levels are separate by commas.


If a Network Levels number is not included in the Max Devices drop-down list, select the next highest number. For example, if a Network Levels number in Netview is 20, select 31 in the corresponding Max devices per level list in ACM.

OpenBSI Ethernet Network Levels

An Ethernet network in Netview will not include the Network Levels field. For Ethernet RTUs, just accept the ACM default values for Max devices per level, unless a serial network is also being used to communicate with a lower level RTU. In that case, get the Network Levels from the serial network configuration in Netview.

Step 4. In NetView, open the network list and select the RTU that is being configured in ACM. Settings for that RTU will appear in the window to the right of the tree list:

Step 5. The Group # field in Netview indicates whether EBSAP addressing should be used in ACM.

  • If in Netview, the Group # field is grayed out and empty and the Node Level is 1, select 'Local' for the Address Type in ACM.
  • If in Netview, the Group # field is grayed out and empty and the Node Level is greater than 1, select 'Global' for the Address Type in ACM.
  • If the Group # field in OpenBSI has a value, select EBSAP for the Address Type in ACM. Then set the Group Number field in ACM to the value of the Group # field in Netview.

Step 6. In Netview, right click on the RTU, select Properties, and go to the BSAP tab to locate the global address, local address and network level values for use in ACM. 

  • Enter the appropriate Address value in the corresponding field in ACM if the Address Type in Step 5 is 'Local' or 'Global'.
  • Enter the value in the "Network Level" field in Netview into the "Device Level" field in ACM.

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