Hex Repeater OPC Items

Hex Repeater OPC Items

Standard Items

See Device Standard Items.

Protocol Items

The Hex Repeater protocol item names are entirely dependent on the template that is used although some things are common to all templates:

  • Templates will typically have multiple ‘instances’ of things, for example, OPC item ‘AnalogCalibration_Read.Value1/1’. The “/1” means it is for the first analog input on the device. If there are 4 analog inputs, then there will be 4 valid items: “/1” to “/4” (but only the “/1” is shown in the OPC browse list). “/1” represents instance 1, “/2” represents instance 2, etc.
  • Templates will typically have ‘Upload’ commands. Upload commands have the items that are in the template, plus the items that ACM adds for each instance:
    • ItemName.LastResult -- numeric value from ACM for ‘complete, ‘incomplete’, or ‘error’ 
    • ItemName.LastReturnCode -- the protocol return code that was received when ACM polled for the data. 
    • ItemName.LastSuccessTimestamp -- timestamp of last successful poll of the command 
    • ItemName.LastFailureTimestamp -- timestamp of last failed poll of the command
  • Templates will typically have ‘Download’ commands. Download commands have the items that are in the template, plus the same items that ACM adds for ‘Uploads’, again - for each instance.

Extended Items

The Hex Repeater protocol Extended items are also based on the template. There will be:

Time sync related items

  • LastTimeSync 
  • LastTimeSyncResult 
  • TImeSync

Items to change the retrieval position of history logs

  • LogCommandNumber 
  • LogInstanceID 
  • LogRecordCount

Items to retrieve history logs

  • LogStartTimestamp 
  • LogTriggerRead

There are also a set of extended items to retrieve ‘manual history logs’. Usually, the device tells the driver when history logs are available, so the driver just retrieves the logs itself. There are some logs that don’t work that way, and users have to request them through OPC. There is one set of items per device (not per instance) to control the request of manual logs:

  • ManualLogCommandNumber -- The command number to use when requesting a log 
  • ManualLogInstanceId -- The instance number to use 
  • ManualLogStartTimestamp -- The timestamp where the retrieval should begin (the oldest record to retrieve) 
  • ManualLogRecordCount -- The number of records to retrieve 
  • ManualLogTriggerRead -- The trigger to start the retrieval. All other items have to be set and then a True (or ‘On’ or ‘1’) must be written to this item to start the retrieval.

In addition to the manual log items used to retrieval manual history logs, the following items show the status and result of manual log retrieval:

  • ManualLogLastCollection – The timestamp of the last manual log collected. 
  • ManualLogLastResult – A numeric value indicating the status of the manual log collection. The possible values are:
    • 0 -- Initial value assigned at startup of ACM.
    • 1 – A manual log request has been queued and is waiting.
    • 2 – A manual log request is in progress. 
    • 3 – A manual log request has completed, but more log records are available in the device. 
    • 4 – A manual log request has completed and the device indicated that all records were retrieved. 
    • -1 – A manual log request was requested but could not be completed successfully.

Item Scaling

The Hex Repeater protocol module supports scaling of item values. This allows client applications to view or change data based on engineering units instead of raw device data. Any register-based item can be scaled, with the exception of Boolean (bit) and String items. See Item Scaling for more details.

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