DNP3 Configuration

DNP3 Configuration

See the Common Device Configuration guide for assistance configuring the General, Options, Details, and Logging tabs.  See the Connection/Schedule page for assistance with the Connection tab.

Device Tab

Primary/Secondary Connection Destination Address

Default = 0. The address that ACM will use as the device's address in DNP3 messages.

Primary/Secondary Connection Source Address

Default = 0. The address that ACM will use as its own address in DNP3 messages.

No class zero poll to initialize items

Default = Not selected. By default, a class 0 poll is sent to initialize class 1-3 items upon activation. Select this option to not send the class 0 initialization poll.

No data integrity check in demand poll

Default = Not selected. The data integrity check item sends a class 0 poll that updates all class 1-3 items. By default, this will be done both on interval and as part of any demand poll that includes the data integrity check item. Select this option to not send the class 0 data integrity check poll in a demand poll.

Use select-operate for control writes

Default = Not selected. By default, control writes are performed using the direct operate command. Some devices, such as the Emerson FBx, don't support direct operate control writes.  Select this option to use the select-operate command instead.

Initialize class 1-3 after comm failure

Default = Not selected. Class 1-3 polls only return values for items that have changed since the previous class 1-3 poll. Because of this, if class 1-3 items are invalidated after a communication failure, by default they will not become valid again until their value changes in the device. Select this option to send a class 0 poll to initialize the class 1-3 items after a communication failure, so that all class 1-3 items will become valid again immediately once communication is restored.

Class Uploads

Collection Priority

The priority level to use for EFM archive collection.

  • Low (Default). Queues up with other Low priority items.
  • Medium. Interrupts Low priority items, and queues up with other Medium priority items.
  • High. Interrupts Medium and Low priority items, and queues up with other High priority items.

Class History Meter

Click  to select or create the Meter Object assigned to the class 1-3 history. See the Meter section for more details.

Collect Class 1/2/3

Default = Not selected. Select to collect and configure archive interval, type name, and subtype name.

Class 1/2/3 Interval

Select the desired collection interval relating to the Schedule object assigned on the Connection tab. Class upload collections occur on the frequency of this interval.


If multiple schedule objects are selected for this device (Primary, Secondary, or Alternate) ensure that each Schedule has the same interval numbers configured.

Class 1/2/3 Type Name

The name for the archive type. Used by the $$Archive.TypeName$$ substitution token. See Tokens for more information.

Class 1/2/3 SubType Name

The sub type name for the archive type. Used by the $$Archive.SubTypeName$$ substitution token. See Tokens for more information.

Time Sync Tab

Enable Time Synchronization

Default = Not selected. Select this to configure and allow time syncs to be performed, either on a scheduled interval or using the "Time Sync" command. 

Time Synchronization Configuration

Click  to select or create the Time Sync Object assigned to this device. See the Time Synchronization section for more details.

When a time sync is scheduled for DNP3, ACM will always set the time, regardless of the settings in the time sync object or the time at the device.  While a "Time Synchronization Configuration" object must be assigned, the only two fields used are "Follow DST" and "Error Value".

Time Synchronization Interval

Select the desired Time Synchronization Interval relating to the Schedule object assigned on the Connection tab. Time Synchronization checks occur on the frequency of this interval.

Time Synchronization Priority

  • Low. Queues up with other Low priority items.
  • Medium (Default). Interrupts Low priority items, and queues up with other Medium priority items.
  • High. Interrupts Medium and Low priority items, and queues up with other High priority items.


Specifies the time zone the device's clock uses. Default = UTC-06:00 Central Time (US & Canada).

Time Synchronization Type

When to perform a time sync: on time sync interval, or if required by device. Overrides the setting in the TimeSync object.

  • Only On Interval (Default). Perform a Time Sync only on the selected interval.
  • Interval and IIN. Perform a Time Sync on the selected interval and when the device sets the "Time Sync Required" internal indication flag.

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