DNP3 OPC Items
Item Scaling
See Item Scaling.
Standard Items
Protocol Items
The DNP3 protocol implementation supports the fields of DNP3 objects as item names. The ReadType field of an item indicates how the object should be read from the DNP3 device:
ReadType | Example | Description |
c0 | BinaryInput_State:0:c0 | Read the object with a class 0 poll. A class 0 poll returns values for all objects in class 0. The object referenced by the item must be in class 0 for its value to be returned. |
c1 c2 c3 | BinaryInput_State:0:c1 BinaryInput_State:0:c2 BinaryInput_State:0:c3 | Read the object with a class 1/2/3 poll. A class 1/2/3 poll returns values for all objects in class 1/2/3 whose values have changed since the last class 1/2/3 poll. The object must be in the class specified, and collection of that class must be enabled at the device, for its value to be returned. The item will be initialized with class 0 poll (all objects in class 1/2/3 are also in class 0), unless the option to disable class 0 initialization is selected.
i | BinaryInput_State:0:i | Read the object with an index poll. An index poll returns values for all objects in a list of indexes. To build messages with the most compact index lists, activate items in order of group and index: Binary Input 1, Binary Input 2, ... , Analog Input 1, Analog Input 2, ... , etc. Not all DNP3 devices will support reading objects by index. |
<none> | BinaryInput_State:0 | Read the object with a group poll. A group poll returns values for all objects in the group. Not all DNP3 devices will support reading objects by group. |
Binary Input Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
BinaryInput_State:N:ReadType | BOOL | Value of binary input N. |
BinaryInput_Online:N:ReadType BinaryInput_Restart:N:ReadType BinaryInput_CommLost:N:ReadType BinaryInput_ForcedRemote:N:ReadType BinaryInput_ForcedLocal:N:ReadType BinaryInput_Filter:N:ReadType | BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL | Flags for binary input N. |
BinaryInput_ChangeTime:N:ReadType | R8 | Timestamp of change event for binary input N. |
BinaryInput_TimeSynched:N:ReadType | BOOL | Indicates whether timestamp for binary input N was synchronized or unsynchronized. |
Binary Output Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
BinaryOutput_State:N:ReadType | BOOL | Value of binary output N. BinaryOutput_State is a read-only item. To write to a binary output, use the appropriate binary block items. |
BinaryOutput_Online:N:ReadType BinaryOutput_Restart:N:ReadType BinaryOutput_CommLost:N:ReadType BinaryOutput_ForcedRemote:N:ReadType BinaryOutput_ForcedLocal:N:ReadType | BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL | Flags for binary output N. |
BinaryBlock_Latch:N | I2 | Implements a single-item latch command for binary output N. The command is direct operate, unless the option to use select-operate instead is checked in the Device Tab. Write 0 to send a latch off command or 1 to send a latch on command. Note: This item doesn't specify the trip/close state and therefore can't be used for paired relay binary outputs. |
BinaryBlock_Code:N BinaryBlock_Queue:N BinaryBlock_Clear:N BinaryBlock_Trip:N BinaryBlock_Close:N BinaryBlock_Count:N BinaryBlock_Ontime:N BinaryBlock_Offtime:N
| Implement multiple-item control commands for binary output N. The commands are direct operate, unless the option to use select-operate instead is checked in the Device Tab. Writing to these items sets the fields of the command that will be sent by writing to the BinaryBlock_Code item. You should make sure all these items are set to the desired values before writing to the BinaryBlock_Code item. BinaryBlock_Ontime - On-time for pulse on and pulse off commands BinaryBlock_Trip - For binary outputs that are paired relays, change the output of the trip relay BinaryBlock_Queue - After this control operation is executed, put it back at the end of the queue to be executed again Writing to the BinaryBlock_Code item will send the command to change the binary output. The following values can be written to the BinaryBlock_Code item to change the binary output in the specified ways: 0 - No Operation - Used to clear the control operations queue without performing another control operation. |
BinaryBlock_Status:N | I2 | Status from response to most recent control command for binary output N. |
BinaryBlock_Reserve:N | BOOL | Reserve bit always set to zero as of current DNP3 specification. |
Counter Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
Counter_State:N:ReadType | R8 | Value of counter N. |
Counter_Online:N:ReadType Counter_Restart:N:ReadType Counter_CommLost:N:ReadType Counter_ForcedRemote:N:ReadType Counter_ForcedLocal:N:ReadType Counter_Rollover:N:ReadType | BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL | Flags for counter N. |
Counter_Delta:N:ReadType | BOOL | Indicates whether or not counter N is a delta counter. |
Counter_Size:N:ReadType | I2 | Size of counter N: 16-bit or 32-bit. |
Analog Input Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
AnalogInput_Value:N:ReadType | R8 | Value of analog input N. |
AnalogInput_Online:N:ReadType AnalogInput_Restart:N:ReadType AnalogInput_CommLost:N:ReadType AnalogInput_ForcedRemote:N:ReadType AnalogInput_ForcedLocal:N:ReadType AnalogInput_OverRange:N:ReadType AnalogInput_RefCheck:N:ReadType | BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL | Flags for analog input N. |
AnalogInput_ChangeTime:N:ReadType | R8 | Timestamp of change event for analog input N. |
AnalogInput_Size:N:ReadType | I2 | Size of analog input N: 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit. |
AnalogInput_IsFloat:N:ReadType | BOOL | Indicates whether analog input N is a float or an integer. |
Analog Output Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
AnalogOutput_Value:N:ReadType | R8 | Value of analog output N. AnalogOutput_Value is a read-only item. To write to an analog output, use the appropriate analog block item. |
AnalogOutput_Online:N:ReadType AnalogOutput_Restart:N:ReadType AnalogOutput_CommLost:N:ReadType AnalogOutput_ForcedRemote:N:ReadType | BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL | Flags for analog output N.
AnalogOutput_Size:N:ReadType | I2 | Size of analog output N: 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit. |
AnalogOutput_IsFloat:N:ReadType | BOOL | Indicates whether analog output N is a float or an integer. |
AnalogBlock_Value:N AnalogBlock_Value32:N AnalogBlock_Float32:N AnalogBlock_Float64:N | R8 R8 R8 R8 | Implement write command for analog output N. The command is direct operate, unless the option to use select-operate instead is checked in the Device Tab. Write the value to the AnalogBlock item that matches the data type of the analog output: Write to AnalogBlock_Value for a 16-bit integer analog output. Write to AnalogBlock_Value32 for a 32-bit Integer analog output. Write to AnalogBlock_Float32 for a 32-bit floating point analog output. Write to AnalogBlock_Float64 for a 64-bit floating point analog output. |
AnalogBlock_Status:N | I2 | Status from response to most recent control command for binary output N. |
AnalogBlock_Size:N | I2 | Size of analog output N: 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit. |
Internal Indication Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
IIN_BroadcastReceived IIN_Class1Available IIN_Class2Available IIN_Class3Available IIN_TimeSyncRequired IIN_LocalOutputs IIN_DeviceTrouble IIN_DeviceRestart IIN_UnimplementedCode IIN_UnknownObject IIN_InvalidParameters IIN_BufferOverflow IIN_OperationExecuting IIN_CorruptConfig | BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL BOOL | These items are updated with the values of the internal indications (IINs) whenever a response containing IINs is received. The device will not be polled specifically to update these items. When no DNP3 communication from other sources is taking place, the items will not be updated, and assigning them to a particular interval has no affect. IIN_DeviceRestart may be cleared by writing Off to the item. All other IIN items are read-only. |
Internal_Indication:N:ReadType | BOOL | Addressed by item name, index, and class, e.g., Internal_Indication:0:c2 means that the state of Internal Indication 0 will be read using a Class 2 poll. When a new item is added, a Class 0 poll is issued to initialize it. After that, a class poll (including Class 0 if specified) will be run on the item interval. |
Miscellaneous Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
DataIntegrityCheck | I4 | This item is polled by sending a class 0 poll and updating all active items that are in class 0 with the response data. If the poll is successful, the item will be set to an integer indicating the date/time of poll: MMDDHHMM (for example, 2111520 for Feb 11, 3:20pm). There is an option in the Device Tab to prevent a class 0 poll from the DataIntegrityCheck item from being sent during a demand poll. Writing a -1 to this item will force the class 0 poll to be sent immediately. |
Cold_Restart | I4 | Writing a -1 to this item will send a cold restart command to the device. If the command is successful, the item will be set to time delay value (in millisecs) returned in the response. |
Extended Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
TimeSync | I2 | Write a positive value to this item to perform a time synchronization. |
LastTimeSync | DATE | Date and time of the last time synchronization. |
LastTimeSyncResult | I4 | Result of the last time synchronization: 0 = In Progress, 1 = Success, -100 (default) = Alarm, -200 (default) = Error. |
LastClassCfgRead | DATE | Timestamp of the most recent publication of the class configuration data. |
LastClass1Record | DATE | Timestamp of the latest class 1 record collected. |
LastClass2Record | DATE | Timestamp of the latest class 2 record collected. |
LastClass3Record | DATE | Timestamp of the latest class 3 record collected. |
RetrieveHistory | I2 | Write a positive value to this item to retrieve history. |
#LOG_EFM_ITEMS | I4 | Write a value to this item to log status information for all EFM items. |
#LOG_ITEM_LIST | I4 | Write a value to this item to log status information for all items that have been advised to the device. |
#LOG_READ_QUEUE | I4 | Write a value to this item to log status information for all poll messages in the device read queue. |
#LOG_WRITE_QUEUE | I4 | Write a value to this item to log status information for all poll messages in the device write queue. |
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