

 Table Of Contents

Standard Items

See Device Standard Items.

Protocol Items

The Camp protocol implementation supports register numbers as item names. To access a register, client applications specify the register number that is within one of the register ranges in the selected register set for the device. Item names can be specified as in the table below:
Items Names are derived from the following list of Camp Data Types. The Common Data Types, Loop Data Types, and Alarm Data Types tables below contain all of the supported CAMP Item Names. You can construct valid item names from this table by concatenating the String in the Item Name Column with an address. A colon can be used as a delimiter between the Item Name and the Address.

Example 1: V 500 and V500 are both valid item names which would read data from V register 500.

Example 2: LTS 2 and LTS2 are both valid item names that would request the 2nd. Loop Sample Rate (sec). Addresses for the camp protocol are 1 based.

Common Data Types

Item NameData TypeDescriptionCamp TypeAccess
VI2V Memory0x01R/W
KI2K Memory0x02R/W
XBOOLDiscrete Input Packed0x06R/W
YBOOLDiscrete Output Packed0x07R/W
CBOOLControl Register Packed0x08R/W
WXI2Word Input0x09R/W
WYI2Word Output0x0AR/W
TCPI2Timer/Counter Preset0x0ER/W
TCCI2Timer/Counter Current0x0FR/W
DSPI2Drum Step Preset0x10R/W
DSCI2Drum Step Current0x11R/W
DCPI2Drum Count Preset0x12R/W
STWUI2System Status Word0x1AR
DCCUI4Drum Current Count0x1BR

Loop Data Types

Item NameData TypeDescriptionCamp TypeAccess
LKCR4Loop Gain0x20R/W
LTIR4Loop Reset Time (min)0x21R/W
LTDR4Loop Rate Time (min)0x22R/W
LHAR4Loop High Alarm Time0x23R/W
LLAR4Loop Low Alarm Time0x24R/W
LPVR4Loop Process Variable0x25R/W
LPVHR4Loop PV High Limit0x26R/W
LPVLR4Loop PV Low Limit0x27R/W
LODAR4Loop Orange Dev Alarm Limit0x28R/W
LYDAR4Loop Yellow Dev Alarm Limit0x29R/W
LTSR4Loop Sample Rate (se)0x2AR/W
LSPR4Loop Setpoint0x2BR/W
LMNR4Loop Output %0x2CR/W
LVFUI2Loop Status (V) Flags0x2DR
LCFUI4Loop Control (C) Flags0x2ER/W
LRSFUI2Loop Ramp/Soak Status Flags0x2FR
LERRR4Loop Error0x30R
LMXR4Loop Bias0x31R/W
LHHAR4Loop High High Alarm Limit0x32R/W
LLLAR4Loop Low Low Alarm Limit0x33R/W
LRCAR4Loop Rate of Change Alarm0x34R/W
LSPHR4Loop Setpoint High Limit0x35R/W
LSPLR4Loop Setpoint Low Limit0x36R/W
LADBR4Loop Alarm Deadband0x37R/W
LHARI2Loop Raw High Alarm Limit0x38R/W
LLARI2Loop Raw Low Alarm Limit0x39R/W
LPVRI2Loop Raw Process Variable0x3AR/W
LODARI2Loop Raw Orange Dev Limit0x3BR/W
LYDARI2Loop Raw Yellow Dev Limit0x3CR/W
LMNRI2Loop Raw Output0x3DR/W
LSPRI2Loop Raw Setpoint0x3ER/W
LERRRI2Loop Raw Error0x3FR/W
LHHARI2Loop Raw High High Alarm Limit0x40R/W
LLLARI2Loop Raw Low Low Alarm Limit0x41R/W
LADBRI2Loop Raw Alarm Deadband0x42R/W
LMXRI2Loop Raw Bias0x48R/W
LSPLRI2Loop Raw Setpoint Low Limit0x49R/W
LSPHRI2Loop Raw Setpoint High Limit0x4AR/W
LCFHI2Loop C Flags - MSW0x4BR/W
LCFLI2Loop C Flags - LSW0x4CR/W
LKDR4Loop Derivative Gain Limiting Coef.0x4DR/W
LRSNI2Loop Ramp/Soak Step Number0x4ER/W
LACKI2Loop Alarm Ack Flags0x4FR

Alarm Data Types

Item NameData TypeDescriptionCamp TypeAccess
AHAR4Alarm High Alarm Limit0x50R/W
ALAR4Alarm Low Alarm Limit0x51R/W
APVR4Alarm Process Variable0x52R/W
APVHR4Alarm PV High Limit0x53R/W
APVLR4Alarm PV Low Limit0x54R/W
AODAR4Alarm Orange Dev Alarm Limit0x55R/W
AYDAR4Alarm Yellow Dev Alarm Limit0x56R/W
ATSR4Alarm Sample Rate (sec)0x57R/W
ASPR4Alarm Setpoint0x58R/W
AVFI2Alarm V Flags0x59R
ACFR4Alarm C Flags0x5AR/W
AERRR4Alarm Error0x5BR
AHHAR4Alarm High High Alarm Limit0x5CR/W
ALLAR4Alarm Low Low Alarm Limit0x5DR/W
ARCAR4Alarm Rate of Change Alarm Limit0x5ER/W
ASPHR4Alarm Setpoint High Limit0x5FR/W
ASPLR4Alarm Setpoint Low Limit0x60R/W
AADBR4Alarm Alarm Deadband0x61R/W
AHARI2Alarm Raw High Alarm Limit0x62R/W
ALARI2Alarm Raw Low Alarm Limit0x63R/W
APVRI2Alarm Raw Process Variable0x64R/W
AODARI2Alarm Raw Orange Deviation0x65R/W
AYDARI2Alarm Raw Yellow Alarm Limit0x66R/W
ASPRI2Alarm Raw Setpoint0x67R/W
ADBRI2Alarm Raw Alarm Deadband0x68R/W
AERRRI2Alarm Raw Error0x69R
ALLARI2Alarm Raw Low Low Alarm Limit0x6BR/W
ASPLRI2Alarm Raw Setpoint Low Limit0x6FR/W
ASPHRI2Alarm Raw Setpoint High Limit0x70R/W
ACFHI2Alarm MSW Alarm C Flag0x71R/W
ACFLI2Alarm LSW Alarm C Flag0x72R/W
AACKI2Analog Alarm - Alarm Ack Flag0x73R

Item Conversion

The CAMP protocol module supports the following conversion flags to convert CAMP items defined as I2 to other types in the client application. Appending the proper suffix to the item’s address will read in data from specified address as a different type. Item Conversion is only allowed for camp items defined as I2 such as V and K.


Only even addresses starting with 2 are allowed for conversions that require two words to be read.

Optional Type Conversions on Camp Integer (I2) Types

w or word16 bit unsigned integer
s or short16 bit signed integer
dw or dword32 bit unsigned integer
l or long32 bit signed integer
f or Float32 bit float
/0-15Boolean value stored at specified bit position; 0=LSB

Example 1:
V:500float and v:500f will obtain the 32-bit floating point value stored in v500 and v501
Example 2:
V:500/3 will obtain the bit value at bit position 3 stored in V500.
V:500/0 will obtain the least significant bit value stored in V500
V:500/15 will obtain the most significant bit value stored in V500

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