Scheduled Report Settings
Report Name
The name of the selected report will display here for reference.
Enable Schedule
Check this box to enable the schedule. Uncheck the box to disable.
Schedule Type
- By Interval: The report will run daily at the Interval specified based on the Sync Time as the basis.
- By Weekdays: Use this setting to enable / disable the week days to allow the report to run. The specified interval is used on the days enabled.
Sync Time: The base time used with the Interval to calculate the starting time for the report.
Interval: Enter a number for the interval (in minutes). The minimum is 5 minutes, the maximum is 1440 minutes.
Interval Type
Sync Time: 4:00 PM
Interval: 60
In this example the report would run every hour starting a 5:00 PM.
Save to disk: Check this box to allow saving the report to disk.
File type: Use the drop down to select the type of file. The options include CSV, HTML, PDF, TXT, XLS and XLSX.
File name: Enter the text that will be used for the output file name. Remember to use only characters that comply with standard Windows file names. The name can consist of valid static characters and tokens.
File path: Enter the path that will be used to save the report files. After placing the cursor in this box, a Property Specific drop-down will appear to allow adding time specific tokens as part of the path. Refer to the File name description above for the token options.
For File Path and File name, a "Period Specific" drop down will appear at the top to allow adding time specific tokens as part of the file name. The choices include $$CurrentMinute$$, $$CurrentHour$$, $$CurrentDay$$, $$CurrentMonth$$ and $$CurrentYear$$. The tokens will be replaced with actual date and time information when the report is generated.
Send e-mail: Check this box to allow sending the report via email. The file name information is still required to attach to email. The path information is not required for email. If only email is enabled the reports will not be saved to disk.
To send to multiple email addresses, they must be separated by a comma.
- To: Enter the recipient email address.
- Cc: Enter an additional email address if desired.
- Subj: Enter an appropriate subject for the email. After placing the cursor in this box, a Property Specific drop-down will appear to allow adding time specific tokens as part of the subject text.
- Message: Enter the text for the message body. After placing the cursor in this box, a Property Specific drop-down will appear to allow adding time specific tokens as part of the message body.
If a report has parameters, they will be displayed at the bottom of the form as shown below.
Non-Date Time Parameters
These parameter types work the same way as running the report from the Report Viewer. The saved value is applied each time the schedule elapses and generates the report.
Date Time Parameters
These parameter types permit dynamic adjustments to the value when being used on a recurring schedule. The adjustment selection to the left of each Date Time entry has the following selection choices:
- Use Selected. The value shown for the Date Time entry will be fixed and will be used for each scheduled run of the report.
- $$CurrentDay$$. When this option is selected, the Day component of the Date Time is dynamically replaced for each scheduled run of the report.
- $$CurrentHour$$. When this option is selected, the Hour component of the Date Time is dynamically replaced for each scheduled run of the report.
When the last two options are used, an adjustment input is displayed on the right side of the Date Time as shown in the examples below.
Example 1:
In this example the Last Attempted Start Date would have its day component of the value dynamically changed to the current day and applied each time the schedule elapses and generates the report.
The adjustment value of 0 means the current value would not be adjusted. A negative value would adjust the value back in time and a positive value would adjust the value forward in time.
When editing the adjustment value up or down, the amount is applied to the current value shown to demonstrate what value would be applied to the report.
Example 2:
In this example the Last Attempted End Date would have its hour component of the value dynamically changed to the current hour+1 each time the schedule elapses and generates the report.
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