Understanding the Azure SQL Database Checkbox
This page discusses the usage of the “Azure SQL Database” checkbox. This checkbox setting is used during ACM database upgrades and database creation. It does not pertain to the type of security used when connecting to the database. It must be checked when connecting to an Azure SQL Database.
Important Distinctions
SQL Server on Azure VM: This is Microsoft SQL Server running on a virtual machine in the cloud, It is the EXACT SAME as if ACM were accessing Microsoft SQL Server on a machine in the office.
Azure SQL Managed Instance: This is very nearly the same as Microsoft SQL Server, but the customer does not have access to the machine the database is running on.
Azure SQL Database: This is also very nearly the same Microsoft SQL, but is missing some features that the ACM Database requires.
PaaS can mean either the Azure SQL Managed Instance OR Azure SQL Database. The exact environment makes a difference to ACM.
The purpose for the checkbox
This box must be checked when connecting to an Azure SQL Database.
Database versions 19 and 31 both have changes that need to be applied differently dependent upon the type of SQL Database. In order for these changes to occur, this checkbox must be properly checked.
Version 19 has creates different versions of the stored procedure “asi_CreateRunOnceJob_W3Steps” – one for Azure SQL Database (in SqlUpdate_19Azure) and another for the other environments (SQlUpdate_19NonAzure).
This impacts the Delete Device History function which is called when you right click a device and choose delete history.
SQLUpdate_31Azure creates two stored procedures that exist as features in the Microsoft SQL Server master database but do NOT exist in Azure SQL Database.
This is related to how ACM computes space and memory size in the database.
The takeaway: The Azure SQL Database checkbox MUST be checked if ACM is connecting to an Azure SQL Database.
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