ACM Services Descriptions

ACM Services Descriptions

Regarding Service Account Permission

All services must run under the same account.

If “Windows Authentication” is selected for the database connection, the account must be able to access the database.

If “SQL Server Authentication” is selected for the database connection, the user in the connection string must have access to the database.  The account for the service does not need access.


Service NameDescription

Accesses the ACM Database

asiLOGGERWrites all log messages from all services to a file and is required for all other services to work correctly.

asiDATAThis is the Polling Engine.  It is also responsible for managing all changes to configuration data.  It can be started upon opening a Configuration or OPC Client.


asiARCHIVE*This is a process of asiData that accepts EFM records from protocols and writes them to files for bulk importing.   It starts and stops with asiData.Yes
asiPUBLISH*This is a process of asiData that retrieves the records waiting to be published and publishes them to the correct output. It starts and stops with asiData.Yes
asiSCHEDULE*This is a process of asiData that manages all schedules. It starts and stops with asiData.


This service must be running to open the ACM Configuration Client and manages the connection between the ACM Configuration Client and the ACM Server.

asiLOGSERVERThis service must be running to view log data in the ACM Configuration Client or in the ACM Logger.

asiREPORTSERVERThis service must be running to use the Reports and Archive Management tab in the ACM Configuration Client.  It is responsible for running scheduled reports and the Archive Management Process.Yes
asiBULKMGRThis service loads files created by asiArchive into the database.  If this service is not running, the files will queue up until the service is started.Yes
asiITEMSERVERRequired to see dashboard data in the ACM Configuration Client and to publish data to an MQTT broker.

asiOPCUARequired to provided OPC UA clients access to real time ACM data.
asiFlowCalScadaRequestMonitors FLOWCAL for GC Write Request processing.YesYes

Processes and executes GC Write Requests created by the other GC Write monitoring services.

asiGCWriteFileServiceWatches for new files and creates GC Write Requests from these files.YesYes
asiGMSParserServiceWatches for new GMS files and creates GC Write Requests from these files.YesYes
asiScancomManualImportServiceWatches for SCM (off-line Barton laptop historical files) files and imports into the database for publishing.YesYes
asiTotalflowManualImportServiceMonitors off-line Totalflow laptop historical files and imports into the database for publishing.YesYes
asiBridgeSubscribes to MQTT SparkplugB formatted data and makes it available to OPC DA clients.

*asiArchive, asiPublish and asiSchedule are not services that run independently.  They are processes belonging to asiData.

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