Status Tab

Status Tab

Status Tab

The appropriate ACM services are configured to start automatically when the computer starts. However, you can manually control the services from the Status page. The ACM Monitor window opens with the Status tab selected by default.

Start service(s)/Stop service(s)

Use these buttons to stop and start each service.  To learn what each ACM service is responsible for, reference the ACM Services Descriptions page.


To run ACM, click Select All and Start Service(s). The asiDATA service must be running to view server information.

Change login

If it is necessary to change the account a given service runs under, that can be done by either right clicking the service and selecting "Change User" or highlighting the service and clicking the "Change login" button. Multiple services can be modified at one time. That action will bring up the following screen.

Select whether a Local System Account or a Specified Account will be used and complete the form.  If "Local System Account" is selected, none of the other fields are required.

A modified service must be stopped and restarted before the changes can take effect.

Change startup

The Change Startup type functionality allows the operator to disable a service(s) from the ACM Monitor.  The current startup type for each services is shown in the rightmost column.  To change the startup type, select the service or services to change, then right-click and choose "Change Startup" or click the “Change startup” button.  A popup window then shows the selectable startup types.

Show Disabled Services

Select the Show Disabled Services check box to view all available ACM services that are disabled.  Disabled services that are not running will have an icon with red X and a black lock: .  Disabled services that are running will have a green check and a black lock:

Show Optional Services

Select the Show Optional Services check box to view all optional ACM services both disabled and enabled.

Server Information

The Server information... button is only enabled when asiData is running.  When clicked, it will display useful information frequently requested by AUTOSOL Tech Support:

  • Server Version:  The overall version the ACM Server, excluding minor release numbers.  e.g  If 9.1.1 is installed, the Server Version is 9.1.
  • Start Time:  The time asiData was started
  • Windows Version:  OS, OS Version .NET Frameworks installed.
  • Components:  The specific file version of the ACM components installed.

Click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy all of the information on this form to be pasted into an email or other document.


This information may be requested by AUTOSOL Technical Support for diagnostics during tech support calls.

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For assistance, please submit a ticket via our Support Portal, email autosol.support@autosoln.com or call 281.286.6017 to speak to a support team member.