Connection Settings

Connection Settings

Connection settings are used by the protocol device object. These settings define the connection that Edge ACM will use to connect to the RTU or PLC. Every protocol device requires a Connection Settings object, so it is suggested you create this before creating the protocol device object.







The name of this item

Host IP

The IP address of the End Device you will connect to

Host Port

The port of the End Device you will connect to

Connection Timeout (ms)

The time, in milliseconds, Edge ACM will wait for a response from the End Device after trying to connect

Connection Interval (ms)

The time, in milliseconds, Edge ACM will wait before attempting to reconnect to the end device after a disconnect

Response Timeout (ms)

The time, in milliseconds, Edge ACM will wait for a response from the End Device before retrying the message

Timer Tick (ms)

The interval, in milliseconds, Edge ACM uses to check the above timeouts

Poll retries

The number of times a poll message will be tried before a reconnect is attempted


The parent folder for this item


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