









The name of this ROC Protocol object. The name is used as a ‘key’ to associate EFM data with this object.

For the EFM Collection Service in ACM to publish eACM EFM records seen on the MQTT broker, ACM must have a placeholder ROC object with the same name configured.

In addition, ACM is required to have a placeholder meter object for each meter run with the same name and the same meter run number assignment in both eACM and ACM.

The ROC object does not need to be enabled in ACM for publishing from the EFM Collection Service to work.


If checked, Edge ACM will poll this device when running

ROC Series

The type of ROC you wish to poll:

  • Floboss 100 Series & FBx

  • Floboss 503

  • Floboss 504


  • ROC 300 ROCPAC


  • ROC 407

  • ROC 800 Series

Industry Canada ROC

Indicates that the device has been configured to Industry Canada standards

ROC Unit

Sets the ROC Unit Address, valid values 0-255

ROC Group

Sets the ROC Group Address, valid values 0-255

Host Unit

Sets the Host Unit Address, valid values 0-255

Host Group

Sets the Host Group Address, valid values 0-255

Max Message Length

Sets a limit on the maximum number of bytes to send in a single message to the End Device, valid values 8-240

Tag Groups

The Tag Groups that are associated with this device. Edge ACM will only poll this device for the tags in the groups selected here

Connection Settings

The object that contains the connection settings Edge ACM will use to connect to the End Device


The parent folder for this item

TLP Format

  • Use TLP Format (Default). When outputting data and item names are used, the item name will be written in TLP format. 

  • Use String Format. When outputting data and item names are used, the item name will be written in String format.

PGAS Output Options

  • No special mapping for PGAS output (Default).

  • Map Volume to Index Off and '0' to Index On.

Protocol Options

  • Do not retrieve config after comm fail. For communication efficiency, Meter Configuration data is only collected during specific history collections times. One of those times is the next history collection after a communication outage.  This option prevents ACM from re-reading meter characteristics after a communication outage.

  • Read user opcode data via opcode 10. This option causes ACM to read user opcode points using ROC protocol opcode 10 instead of opcode 180.  This can be a more efficient way to read user opcode points, as long most of the requested points are continuous.  If there are many gaps between requested user opcode points, then this option may not be desirable, as gaps will cause items to be polled in separate reads.  This option is sometimes required to read user opcode data sourced from a user program running the ROC device that cannot be read with opcode 180.

  • Log EFM Upload Progress. This option turns on detailed logging for history collection. 

  • Do not switch ROC series automatically. ACM will internally change the configured ROC type, to the ROC series returned in the opcode 6 read that is performed the first time ACM communicates with a ROC device.  This automatic switch overrides the user selected device type and is intended to give ACM a better chance of accurately collecting and processing EFM data and dealing with the variances between ROC models. This automatic switch has caused issues for AUTOSOL users with FloBoss™ 503 models configured for AGA7 with old firmware (not typically the role of a FloBoss™ 503). This option was added to allow those users to disable the automatic switching behavior.

  • Upload Alarms on Report-by-Exception. This option causes ACM to upload new alarm records from the device during RBX processing.

  • Allow mapping of points to run from non-associated segments (ROC Plus). To be supplied.

  • Disable writes (ROC Opcode 11 & 181). This option forces read only behavior from ACM to the ROC. It prevents any writes including set point changes, configuration changes, etc. from being sent from ACM to the ROC device.

  • Use Mark West Liquid Setup

  • Read K Factor from Point Type 7 Param 21 for FloBoss™100/500 series

  • Store unmapped history points with Station Meter

  • Store events only with associated meters. This option will take certain ROC configuration events and publish them only to meters associated with the specific run. If there is no specific run in the event, it will continue to be published to all meters. 

  • Exclude NSV and S&W Fields Transaction/Batch Records

  • Do not write to E2PROM at the end of GC Write

  • Combine data from all segments into the same archive record (ROC Plus). This option should be used if advanced mapping is being used and history points from different segments are configured to go to the same meter.

  • Use indicated volume for mass in liquid mass meters. This option should be used if the user needs indicated volume to be published to mass instead of indicated volume.

  • Collect history on a ROC with no configured meters (non-RocPlus). This option should be used when the ROC device is running without meters in its configuration. An external map for the historical collection may be required. Not intended for use with ROC800 series.

  • Device is an FB107 with firmware version 2.0 or higher. This option should be used if collecting history from an FB107 device that has had its firmware updated to version 2.0 or later. The new firmware removed Point Types that are used for meter configuration polling and this option will modify the read requests to use the updated Point Types.








Optional user supplied meta data string. Included with EFM record if supplied.


Optional user supplied meta data string. Included with EFM record if supplied.


Optional user supplied meta data string. Included with EFM record if supplied.








Logging from the perspective of this device object.

  • Errors. When selected, protocol and operation errors are logged.

  • Send messages. When selected, contents of poll request messages are logged.

  • Receive messages. When selected, contents of complete responses (including errors) are displayed in the log viewer.

  • Device and item activity. When selected, ACM will generate the appropriate log message when items or devices are removed, added, activated, or deactivated.

  • Communication status changes. When selected, ACM will log whenever communication status changes from bad to good or vice-versa.

  • Data values received from device. When selected, an item’s raw value, data type and quality will be logged after a poll that receives a good response or a poll that receives no response. The value will be in raw units.

  • Data values sent to device. When selected, an item’s value will be logged when the publisher writes to an item, but before the write message is sent to the device. The value will be in raw units.

  • Data values written by clients. When selected, an item’s value and data type will be logged when a publisher writes to an item, but before the write message is sent to the device. The value logged will be in engineering units.

  • Data values sent to clients. When selected, an item’s data value, data type and quality will be logged after polling of such item is complete. This log is from host level. The value logged will be in engineering units (if it differs from the raw units used when writing the value to the device).

  • Configuration changes. When selected, eACM will produce a log entry logging the configuration that was loaded on startup.

  • Unsolicited messages from device. When selected, a message will be displayed when the device initiates a request to be polled (often called a report by exception).

  • Items in messages. When selected, a message will be displayed when items are added or removed which changes the contents of poll request messages.

  • Warnings. When selected, a warning will be logged when eACM detects a potential problem, eACM may continue requested processes.

  • Suppress time sync detail. When selected, eACM will not log detailed messages pertaining to what is happening when a time sync occurs.

  • Suppress write entries

Footprint Level

  • None (Default). 

  • Entry and Exit.  Logs basic trace information between modules. This allows eACM support personnel to troubleshoot potential problems.

  • Entry, Exit, and Parameters. Logs trace information between modules, including parameters used in these functions.



If security is required in the ROC device then security needs to be enabled in eACM.

To determine if security is enabled look in the ROCLINK 800 Client, select the “ROC” menu option and then select “Security”.

Example screen shot of ROCLINK Device Security page:


eACM supports the enhanced security feature in the newer firmware.





Enable Roc Login

Enable security login for this ROC device.

Operator Id

Refer to ROCLINK device security page for appropriate value.

Send Password

Send password with ROC login message.


Refer to ROCLINK device security page for appropriate value.

Send Access Level

Send requested access level with ROC login message.

Access Level

Refer to ROCLINK device security page for appropriate value.

Inactivity Timeout (ROC800 Only)

The frequency with which eACM will log back into the ROC device. In ROC 800 series devices this value is configurable in ROCLINK. It should match eACM. This is the not the same value as the Timeout column on the ROCLINK Device Security page.

Comm Stats



Items available for publishing:





Internal Tags Publishing Group

An integer ID (0-255) that can be used to map the included Comm Stat tags in this device to a publish schedule.

Include Active Items tag

Publishes the ActiveItems tag which is a count of the total number of tags on this device.

Include Barometer tag

Publishes the Barometer indicator.

Note: The communications barometer represents the marginal success rate of communications. For each poll cycle that does not receive a response for one or more poll messages, the barometer will increase by two (2), with a maximum value of 100. For each poll cycle that does receive a valid response for all poll messages, the barometer to decreases by 1, with the lowest value being 0. These barometer changes cause failures in communications to show up quickly as the barometer rises. However, good communications must be maintained longer and more steadily for the barometer to fall back to 0.

Include Comm Status tag

Publishes the CommStatus tag which represents the status of the communication link to the device. The value will be 1 if a communication link to the device can be established – even if the device does not respond to polls. The value will be 0 if a communication link cannot be established to the device.

Include Demand tag

Publishes the Demand tag which, when written to, will trigger an out of schedule poll of all tags on the device.

Include Incomplete Poll tag

Publishes the IncompletePoll tag which is set to false at the beginning of each poll. The value changes from false to true if the last poll attempt was incomplete.

Include Last Poll Attempt Time tag

Publishes the LastPollAttemptTime tag which is updated with the date time stamp of the last poll attempt in UTC (without time zone bias).

Include Last Poll Failure Code tag

Publishes the LastPollFailureCode tag which is updated with an integer value indicating the result of the last poll.

  • 0 = Success

  • 1 = No poll initiated

  • 2 = Error opening connection

  • 3 = Error during modem initialization

  • 4 = Connection failed

  • 5 = Line is busy

  • 6 = No answer

  • 7 = Connection was dropped

Include Last Poll Length tag

Publishes the LastPollLength tag which is updated with the length (in bytes) of the last poll message sent to a device.

Include Last Poll Success Time

Publishes the LastPollSuccessTime tag which is updated with the date time stamp of the last successful poll in UTC (without time zone bias).

Include Seconds Since Complete

Publishes the SecondsSinceComplete tag which is updated with the seconds since the last complete poll.

Time Sync






Enable Time Sync

Check box to enable time synchronization.

Time Synchronization Configuration

Reference to TimeSync object configuration.

Time Sync Interval

Interval to check if time synchronization is required.

Time Sync Priority

Priority of time synchronization poll task.

Time Zone

Time zone to consider during time synchronization.

Archive Collection


Where the supported archive types are:

  • Alarm

  • Daily

  • Event

  • Extended

  • Hourly

  • Minute

  • Batch

  • Meter Configuration





Collection Priority

Queues up history collection by priority as related to other tasks.

  • Low (default)

  • Medium

  • High

Collect (Archive Type) Archive

Check box to collect this type of archive.

(Archive Type) Interval

Reference an interval object to declare how often the archive will be polled to see if there are new records to collect.

(Archive Type) Archive Limits

Reference an archive limits object to (optionally) assign the limit for the first collection.

(Archive Type) Map Rule

  • Both Maps. Use both the internal map and any points that are defined in the History Map object. The External (Archive Type) Map property must be assigned.

  • External Map. Override the internal mapping completely and use only the points defined in the History Map object. The External (Archive Type) Map property must be assigned.

  • Internal Map (default). The External (Archive Type) Map property is not required.

The AUTOSOL ROC protocol driver has an internal archive map for each type of ROC device it supports.

The internal archive maps are based on information obtained from Emerson’s documentation on EFM and AGA Reporting.  They contain the details of each point that is expected to be defined in the ROC history configuration and cover the majority of gas and liquid measurement applications.

The default setting (Internal Map) will work for most scenarios.

External (Archive Type) Map

Reference to a History Map object is required if (Archive Type) Map Rule is not assigned to Internal Map.

Meter Runs


Click the + icon to add the desired number of meter runs. Assign a reference to a meter for that meter run.

For EFM, at least 1 assigned meter run is required.

Do not share meter objects between meter runs.

For the EFM Collection Service in ACM to publish eACM EFM records seen on the MQTT broker, ACM must have a placeholder ROC object with the same name configured.

In addition, ACM is required to have a placeholder meter object for each meter run with the same name and the same meter run number assignment in both eACM and ACM.

The ROC object does not need to be enabled in ACM for publishing from the EFM Collection Service to work.

History Segments


Select the History Segments (or RAM Modules) should be included in the archive collection.  All are selected by default.

Store and Forward


Select to enable ROC Store and Forward Protocol which is used to communicate with a given ROC through intermediaries. Select to configure the address and group fields.



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For assistance, please submit a ticket via our Support Portal, email autosol.support@autosoln.com or call 281.286.6017 to speak to a support team member.