

Security: Visible for users authorized as either IsUserManagement or IsConfigurationAdministrator

View active licensed user sessions and manage lockouts. Unlocking a user clears the current lock allowing the user to attempt logging in.


Listings can be refreshed by clicking the refresh icon to the right of the search function. The search function will filter the listing based on the text entered. Click or hit the Enter key on the keyboard to apply a search filter. Clear the entry and click or hit the Enter key on the keyboard to remove a search filter.

Licensed Users

A listing of all users that are currently logged in with a session.

Session Activity Log

This drop-down displays activity audit entries for the currently active user session only. This information can be permanently archived to the AMP database if configured to do so. Refer to Persist User Session Activity Storage for details.

Locked Out Users

A listing of all users that are currently locked out of AMP due to exceeding the configured Max Login Attempts. Once locked out, a user will have to wait for the Lockout Duration to pass before the lock will be automatically removed. Alternatively, an administrator can perform a manual unlock as explained below.

Manually Unlocking a User

To remove the lock on a user before the Lockout Duration expires, select the unlock icon for the user entry. A confirmation dialog will appear.

Select Unlock to proceed. Once the lock has been removed, the entry will be removed from the listing.

The user will be able to attempt a login immediately after this process.


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