

Security: Visible for users authorized as IsConfigurationAdministrator

View the current status, obtain the information to request a license and upload a file to apply as the current license.

License Status Information

The section provides a view of the current license information. Selecting the Refresh Status button will reload the license information from the server.

Demo Mode: When a license file is not present after the initial installation, AMP will go into a demo mode allowing 2 users to access the application for 30 days. After this time, a license must be applied. Uninstalling and reinstalling after the demo period will not extend or reset a demo period.

License Request

To request a license, paste the information contained in the box into an email message and send it to autosol.register@autosoln.com.

License File

This function allows an administrator to upload a license file to the location path and file name configured in the entry box. Click the Save Path button to update this location in the AMP configuration. A confirmation message will show if the save was completed successfully.

The location path should always include the full local path and file name to the physical location on the server hosting AMP.

Updating the License File

To upload a license file, click the Upload New File button and select the license file (typically will have a txt extension) and select Open. The file will be transferred to the location specified on the location path including the file name.

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