Archive History

Archive History

Security: Visible for all users if configured. See Configuration for details.


This feature allows users to view (read only) archived historical data from ACM.

Archive History Request Form


  1. Select a meter from the Meter selection drop down. This has an auto-complete feature allowing entry of a search phrase and the results will be filtered. Each entry shows the meter name and its unique object id in the ACM configuration.

  2. Select the Archive Type from the available choices.

3. For (hourly, daily and events) select the starting and end date/time. See Date Time Entries for usage instructions.

4. Click Submit History Request. The application will navigate to the Archive Results page detailed below.

Date Time Entries

Entry Type

Control UI

Entry Type

Control UI


Use the top arrows to select the year and month. Click on the day to select and close the form. When the desired date is selected, the control will be hidden and the entry value selected will be applied to the form.

Note: The current day is highlighted.



Use the mouse (touch on mobile) to move the inner and outer selector to the hour or minute value to set the total time.

When the control loads it positions the outer (hour) selector first. When the desired hour is selected, release the mouse button (touch on mobile) and the minute mode will position the selection to the inner (minute) selector. When the desired minute is selected, release the mouse button (touch on mobile) and the control will be hidden and the entry value will be applied to the form.


Archive Results

The results page is formatted differently based on the history type. Each type is discussed below. The link at the top (<- ARCHIVE HISTORY) will navigate back to the entry form. The last search used during the current session will be reloaded.

Meter Characteristics

The results page includes the name of the meter and the date of the record from the ACM archive.

Meter Record Results Example
Field Results Example

The fields in the record can be filtered and sorted by column.

The search function will filter the listing based on the text entered. Click or hit the Enter key on the keyboard to apply a search filter. Clear the entry and click or hit the Enter key on the keyboard to remove a search filter.


The results page includes the name of the meter, the total number of records returned and the start/end date of the records.

Records Table

The records table includes the timestamp and sequence number columns by default. These columns are sortable. The remaining columns are dynamic based on the record and as such are not sortable. If the following message appears and no additional dynamic columns are present, then the record fields will not be included in the table columns. They will be present in the Record Details regardless.

Meter Event Results Example

Record Details

The visibility icon toggles the field details portion of the record to show or hide. The detail fields in the record can be filtered and sorted by column.

The search function will filter the listing based on the text entered. Click or hit the Enter key on the keyboard to apply a search filter. Clear the entry and click or hit the Enter key on the keyboard to remove a search filter.

Event Record Detail Expanded Example

Troubleshooting Archive History Issues







No Records are returned.

No Records are returned when the history is known to have been collected by ACM.

  1. Verify the search parameters are correct including the meter and its id.

  2. Verify the archive history process is running. See Archive Management Tab of the ACM user guide for details.

Inconsistent field data or the record columns are not showing in the main table.

The record set returned had data columns (record field data) that did not match across all records. Its not possible to display a uniform set of columns so they are not visible.

  1. Modify the search (date) parameters to only include records with consistent field data.

Service Not Reachable

The Archive Management service is not reachable as configured or is offline for some other reason.

  1. Verify the service port and host are configured correctly here.


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