

AMP application configuration uses a combination of database and web configuration file settings to control options and features.

Portal Administrators

At this time there is no interface to manage which users have administrative access to the portal. Using a database management tool to make table entries and modifications is the only way. Refer to the schema table below for guidance on making modifications to this table.

It is not necessary to make entries for users not being granted these roles.

ConfigurationAdministrators Table Schema

Column Name

Data Type


Column Name

Data Type




(Auto) Unique Id



The username of the individual (with domain if used) who is assigned one or more configuration access roles.



1=true, 0=false. True allows this user to see and use ALL administration menus and pages as shown here.


(This field is created incorrectly in v1.1 and previous versions. This field should be IsUserManager)


1=true, 0=false. True allows this user to see and use ONLY the Users administration menu item and page as shown here.

Example Username with domain: ACME\ROADRUNNER

Example SQL to add a user (usermanager01) for User administration only:

USE [ACMMobilePortal] GO INSERT INTO [dbo].[ConfigurationAdministrators] ([Username] ,[IsConfigurationAdministrator] ,[IsDeviceManager]) VALUES ('usermanager01' ,0 ,1) GO


This file is located in the root of the installation folder. Some sections are out scope and are not to be changed by the user. The sections relevant to application configuration are discussed below.

Example location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\asiMobilePortal\appsettings.json

Example of complete file with correct formatting of the JSON:

{ "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft": "Warning", "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information" } }, "AllowedHosts": "*", "ConnectionStrings": { "PortalDataBase": "Server=localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ACMMobilePortal;Trusted_Connection=yes;Persist Security Info=False;", "ACMDataBase": "" }, "LogToFile": { "File": "C:\\ProgramData\\AutoSol\\Communication Manager\\7\\DataFiles\\Mobile\\Log.txt", "Enabled": "True", "ErrorsOnly": "False" }, "ArchiveHistory": { "Enabled": "True" }, "Defaults": { "DeviceSearchFilters": "Name,Description" }, "ACMServerConfiguration": { "HostAddress": "localhost", "ConfigurationServicePort": 5330, "CommandServicePort": 5331, "ReportServicePort": 5333, "ItemServicePort": 5334, "ArchiveServicePort": 5336, "LoggingServicePort": 5332 } }


The database connections are configured in the appsettings.json file. See above for details on the location of this file. The connections are part of a section of the file called ConnectionSettings. Two sub-entries determine the connections:


Default: Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ACMMobilePortal;Trusted_Connection=yes;Persist Security Info=False;


Default: Not specified.

Required ONLY IF AMP is installed and running on a different server than ACM. This allows AMP to connect and retrieve the persisted item values for a device on the Device View. When AMP and ACM are running on the same server, AMP accesses the asiData.ini file to read and decode the encrypted connection string for accessing ACM. This encrypted string can be assigned to this value in order to allow AMP to access the ACM database when running on another server.

Connection Strings Configuration


This setting controls how log messages are output. Log messages can include task information messages, user task audit entries as well as errors and exceptions the application encounters while running. AMP does not make entries to the ACM logger. User Audit Activity logging is a separate feature and controlled by a Server setting.

Errors are logged to the Windows Application Event Log if the Enabled setting is false. This insures that critical errors are persisted for debugging.


Default: Server=C:\ProgramData\AutoSol\Communication Manager\7\DataFiles\Mobile\Log.txt.

This specifies the path and file name to write log messages to.


Default: True.

When true, log messages will be written to the file specified in the File setting above. When false, entries will not be written to file.


Default: False.

When true, only errors and exceptions the application encounters while running are logged.


The setting to enable archive history is configured in the appsettings.json file. See above for details on the location of this file.


Default: True.

When enabled, the additional application menu item Archive History is shown and navigation to the page is authorized for ALL logged in users.

Archive History Configuration


The setting group contains the host address and communication ports AMP needs to access ACM services for normal functions of the application.


Default: localhost.

This value may change if AMP is running on a different server than ACM.


Default: 5330.


Default: 5331.


Default: 5333.


Default: 5334.


Default: 5336.


Default: 5332.


This setting group contains configurable application-wide defaults for settings.



This setting determines what Device Search filter options are enabled for all users when starting a session. Entries are separated by commas and must match the filter option names listed on the device search filter.

Device Search Filter Defaults Configuration


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