Security: Visible for users authorized as IsConfigurationAdministrator.
Manage session and general portal service options. Configure a message to communicate to all users on the Dashboard.
Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page to save changes made.
Persist User Session Activity Storage
Default = Not enabled. When enabled, all user session activity log entries will be stored in the portal database. When disabled, session activity log entries are visible only for the session.
Dashboard Message
The dashboard message is a convenient way to communicate to all users of a single installation of AMP via the Dashboard. Selecting Flag as Important, will change the message display to a warning color for additional visual impact.
Once authenticated, AMP creates a session for the user and authorizes access to application pages.
The following settings control the length of this session and failed authentication attempts:
Max Session Length
Default = 30 minutes. The length of time (in minutes) the user has before automatically being logged out. The session starts when a user is logged in and lasts this length of time regardless of inactivity in the browser.
Max Authentication Attempts
Default = 5. The max number of failed attempts to login before being locked out. While locked out, further attempts to log in will not result in authentication processing by ACM.
Lockout Duration
Default = 30 minutes. The number of minutes before the user will be unlocked.
Once a user is locked out, they must wait till the Lockout Duration has expired or an administrator removes the lock. Once unlocked the accumulated authentication attempts tracked for the user are cleared.
Both tracked authentication attempt counts and lockouts are in-memory only and do not persist through IIS or web application restarts.