Table of Contents | ||||||||||
Error Messages
The following table lists common error messages that may be present along with notes on how to resolve these errors.
Error | Description | Notes |
Command: |
Parameter Name |
is blank or zero | A value for the named parameter has not been provided. | The Object Command section of the User Guide provides more information on Command usage. |
Command not present | The command is not available for the listed device. To view available commands for that device, view the Command tab. | Occurs when attempting "Retrieve History for Children" via the tree. |
Connection Error 0x80004005: Cannot open database "AutoSolCM" requested by the login. The login failed.; Microsoft SQL Native Client | When installing ACM with SQL Server 2012 and later, asiData.exe may not start and this log entry is present. | A permission is missing by default in SQL Server and needs to be enabled by doing the following: Modify the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account in SQL2012 (this is the default user account that the services will be running under) and simply add the sysadmin role. By default NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM has the sysadmin privilege in SQL2008 but does not in SQL2012 |
Demand Poll cannot be performed. Device is disabled. | The device is not enabled. To enable it, select the "Enable Device" checkbox on the General tab. | Occurs when attempting to Demand Poll via the tree or directly from the device. |
Error |
attempting to retrieve history. StartRequestNow() can not be issued - no port object is assigned. | The Connection information for the device has not been configured. | To configure this, go to the Connection tab for the device. |
Error connecting to Invalid Host Name Reason: "The operation completed successfully." 'Unknown Error' | Something about the Host information for the port is invalid. | The Port section of the User Guide provides more information on Host addresses. |
Error connectiong to IP Address Reason: "No such host is known." WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND. | Something about the Host information for the port is invalid. | The Port section of the User Guide provides more information on Host addresses. |
ExecuteCommand() cannot be performed. Device is disabled. | The device is not enabled. To enable it, select the "Enable Device" checkbox on the General tab. | Occurs when attempting any command via the tree or directly from the device. |
Error retrieving connection module type for connection with ID #: 0X00000001 | ||
Failed to execute command Id ### on object |
Device Name |
The selected command failed to execute. |
The previous error message in the log files should provide more information | ||
Failed to set property SomePropertyName with value 'X' | This indicates that the property has been deprecated and is no longer used. | Deprecated properties can remain without causing issues. See Deprecated Properties on the Maintenance section for instructions on removing these log entries. |
History Request cannot be performed. Device is disabled. | The device is not enabled. To enable it, select the "Enable Device" checkbox on the General tab. | |
Item Item Name cannot be added - no device/object named Device Name was found. | Confirm the Device Name used in the OPC/HMI client exists in ACM. | |
No archive types are enabled for history collection. | History collection was requested but the device configuration does not have any archive types configured for collection. | Select and configure required archive collection types from the device Archive Collection or Historical Collection options. |
No connection settings have been specified for "DeviceName" | The device and its assigned port object do not have a Connection Settings object assigned to either one. | Create or select an existing Connection Settings object and assign it to either the device or its port. See Common Port Configuration. |
Parameter # (Parameter Name) must be provided for Command Name | A value for the named parameter for the named command has not been provided. | The Object Command section of the User Guide provides more information on Command usage. |
Poll cycle stopping - communication port is closed or disabled. | The Port object was disabled or has invalid Host addresses. |
To enable it, select the "Enable Port" on the General tab. | The Port section of the User Guide provides more information on Host addresses. Log file for Port object may provide more information. | |
Poll cycle stopping due to communication error (retries are available). | Confirm the Port object has a valid Host addresses. | The Port section of the User Guide provides more information on Host addresses. |
Poll cycle stopping due to communication error (no retries are available). | Confirm the Port object has a valid Host addresses. | The Port section of the User Guide provides more information on Host addresses. |
Publisher failed to find meter definition. | The meter configuration needs to be requested before retrieving the history to be published. | |
Requested command cannot be performed. Device is disabled. | The device is not enabled. To enable it, select the "Enable Device" checkbox on the General tab. | |
StartRequestNow() can not be issued - no port object is assigned. | The Connection information for the device has not been configured. To configure this, go to the Connection tab for the device. | |
Task: command poll issued/detected but no poll messages were found. Please check active items and/or device configuration. | This error message is logged for the command poll if the command task, such as Retrieve Trend, requires enabled and configured collection options that are incomplete. | Confirm the configuration options related to the command are configured correctly. |
Task: demand poll issued/detected but no poll messages were found. Please check active items and/or device configuration. | This error message is logged for the demand poll task if:
| Activate OPC items for this device before initiating a demand poll. |
Task: history request issued/detected but no poll messages were found. Please check active items and/or device configuration. | This error message is logged for the history request task if a history request is issued but the device isn't correctly configured to poll history. For example, you may see this message if a device supports two meter runs with hourly data, but neither of the meter runs have their hourly collection enabled. | Confirm the configuration options related to the history collection type are configured correctly. |
Task: write issued/detected but no poll messages were found. Please check active items and/or device configuration. | This error message is logged for the write task in two situations:
In both cases, it doesn't indicate an actual error condition. | |
The user requested a transaction but the scheduler hasn't yet received an 'Activate' message to assign the user to a device. | A demand poll was initiated for a device that does not have any active items assigned to it. | Activate OPC items for this device before initiating a demand poll. |
The Host Address for the current selected Host is blank. Verify Port configuration. | View the Connections section of the user guide for more information on configuring a port. | |
Tag Name Add item failed | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. May happen if an alias group is not configured correctly to reflect an item present in the device. View the Alias |
Groups - ACM 8.2 and earlier section of the User Guide. | |
Tag Name - Invalid register address numeral. | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. May happen if an alias group is not configured correctly to reflect an item present in the device. View the Alias |
Groups - ACM 8.2 and earlier section of the User Guide. | ||
The Host Address for the current selected Host is blank. Verify Port configuration. | Verify the Host Address and Port information is valid for the Selected Host on the Port. | The Port section of the User Guide provides more information on Host addresses. |
Time synchronization failed. Communication failure. | Configuration information may not be correct. | View the Connections section of the user guide for more information. |
Unsupported item. This item is invalid: Tag Name | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. May also happen if an alias group is not configured correctly to reflect an item present in the device. View the Alias Groups - ACM 8.2 and earlier section of the User Guide. | |
Publisher failed to find meter definition (ID=XXXX) for Event record for object "" (ID=XXXX) | ACM contains history for a meter but a meter has not been configured, or has been deleted. | View the Meter Configuration section of the User Guide for more information. |
Error | Description | Notes |
***Error validating item Tag Name - ACCOL item name Tag Name doesn't include the required two periods. | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. |
May happen if an alias group is not configured correctly. View the Alias Groups - ACM 8.2 and earlier section of the User Guide. | ||
Could not trigger demand poll | This can happen if the device is disabled, paused, or not licensed, if no connection is assigned to the device, or if an error occurs sending the demand poll request to the connection. | |
Error,asiBSAP,BSAP Durango,Time Synch Ack MEX mismatch: expected 12, received 77. Error,asiBSAP,BSAP Durango,Time Synch Ack SEQ mismatch: expected 3, received 16707. | These do not mean that a Time Sync failed. Wait a few seconds for the Time Sync handshaking messages. | Many Ethernet BSAP devices have a bug that makes them set the MEX and/or sequence number to the wrong value in Time Synch Ack messages. Reference the BSAP Ethernet Time Synchronization section of the User Guide for more information. |
View the BSAP Troubleshooting section of the user guide for more BSAP Errors.
View the CAMP section of the user guide for detailed error code information.
Error | Description | Notes |
Error # on Open. Could not load or locate the Tag file for this device. The Read Device Tags command will poll the device and generate this file. | This error is logged when the driver is attempting to locate and open the tag file into memory during the item activation process. Items being activated will be treated as Non-Listed. | It is necessary to execute the "Read Device Tags" command prior to executing the requested command. For more information, reference the ControlLogix Tags page. |
CIP Forward Open Error: Status:0x01 ExtendedStatus:0x0111. Likely Cause: Incorrect Processor Slot X configured. | This error occurs when the CIP Explicit Connected Message connection is attempted using the configured processor slot, but the device cannot create the connection to the slot. | Verify the processor slot is correct. The default is 0. Ensure the device type is based on the Logix5000 series processor. See Allen Bradley protocols. |
Read Tag Service Return Code - 04 - for Tag:SuperCoolMissingTag Request Path Syntax Error. Likely Cause: This tag could not be found in the device. Ensure the Tag was entered correctly. | This error occurs when the device cannot resolve the tag name as entered by the user. The driver is attempting to access a tag using it’s symbolic ANSI name and the device cannot resolve it. | Verify this name (case included) is correct. For more information, reference the ControlLogix Tags page. |
Validation Error on Non-Listed Tag=Device Name.TagName. Data Type indicator missing or invalid. | This error is the result of trying to activate a Non-Listed tag without a valid data modifier. Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. May also happen if an alias group is not configured correctly to reflect an item present in the |
device. View the Alias Groups - ACM 8.2 and earlier section of the User Guide. | For more information, reference the ControlLogix Tags page. |
Error | Description | Notes |
***ValidationError: Device Name - Item TOTALPOLLATTEMPTItem Item Name | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. | View the DF1 OPC Items section of the user guide for more information on DF1 tags. |
***Invalid file type. | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. | View the DF1 OPC Items section of the user guide for more information on DF1 tags. |
View the DECASYNC section of the user guide for detailed error code information.
View the Flow-X section of the user guide for troubleshooting information.
Honeywell Mercury
View the Honeywell Mercury New* section of the user guide for detailed error code information about the Honeywell Mercury protocol released in ACM 8.0.
Error | Description | Notes |
Archive #: Upload failed on message type #### (TeleBUS command #) | ||
Failed to execute command Id ### on object Device Name (asiControl) | View the Logger details for the detailed error. The number is the numeric representation of the command name. | |
Illegal Data Value | This error appears if the security feature of the enhanced Prosoft module in which an operator ID and password are supplied to log in to the module. | Reference the Modbus Prosoft Enhanced Modbus Configuration section for more information. |
PublishMeterConfiguration for Tube # failed: Error 0x80004004 | ||
Template file File Name not found. | ||
This device has no register set. |
A register set has not been assigned to the device | View the Modbus Register Set section of the user guide for more information. |
Error | Description | Notes |
*** |
Item validation error: Expected Type.Param or one of the standard or miscellaneous items. | Confirm the tag in the OPC or HMI client is correct. May also happen if an alias group is not configured correctly to reflect an item present in the device. View the Alias |
Groups - ACM 8.2 and earlier section of the User Guide. |
View the ROMET-AdEM section of the user guide for detailed error code information.
View the SCANCOM section of the user guide for detailed error code information.
Error | Description | Notes |
Duplicate history point map record setting found for tag 'TagName'. Record IDs 'Record Id' | Confirm the associated history map is correct. | View the History Map section of the FlowX Device Configuration for more information. |
Error | Description | Notes |
Control Valve items are not supported when using a DB2 protocol | ||
Could not trigger demand poll |