API Documentation

API Documentation


OpenAPI Document

The App Manager API is documented in a JSON file conforming to the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.




The best way to visualize and interact with the API is through Swagger.

Using Swagger Editor on the web

With Swagger Editor, you can view and edit the OpenAPI document inside your browser, while previewing the documentation in real time.

Visit SwaggerEditor and select File → Import file, or drag-and-drop the openapi.json file into the browser window.

You can then view and make edits to the OpenAPI document in the left panel (in YAML format) and visualize the UI in the right panel, or simply drag the divider all the way to the left if you are only interested in the UI.

Note: This method will allow you to view the documentation in Swagger UI, but you will only be able to interact with the API if it can be accessed from a public URL/IP address. In that case, replace http://localhost:5000/ in the url field with the correct address. Otherwise, you will need to install locally (see below) on the system that is running the Django backend in order to issue API calls through Swagger UI.

Starting with Open API version 3.1.0, a new Swagger Editor was release (this is the linked version above)

Legacy Open API Swagger Editor which supports versions 3.0.X can be accessed by visiting Swagger Editor

Installing Swagger Editor locally

Swagger Editor can also be installed locally with GitHub - swagger-api/swagger-editor: Swagger Editor, or by cloning the repository.

git clone https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor.git

Then open index.html and import openapi.json or drag-and-drop into the browser window.

Using Swagger UI standalone

If you do not need to view or edit the OpenAPI document, you can also use a standalone version of Swagger UI.

The tool GitHub - vajahath/open-swagger-ui: A handy CLI / API to open swagger doc in swagger ui. will allow you to open a local openapi.json file in the Swagger UI.

It requires Node.js >=10 and can be installed via npm:

npm i -g open-swagger-ui

Then, make sure you are in the directory containing openapi.json (or point the command to where it is located) and run:

open-swagger-ui .\openapi.json --open


In order to use the API, you will need to provide an authorization token.

You can generate an authentication token from your username and password with a POST /accounts/api-token-auth/ call, with the following request body:

{ "username": "user123", "password": "pw123" }

If you fail to authenticate, any API calls (except for /accounts/api-token-auth/) will return an error code 401.


When making an API call, use -H 'Authorization: Token 123abc', replacing 123abc with your token.

If you are using Swagger UI, click on the ‘Authorize’ button and use value Token 123abc, replacing 123abc with your token.

If you are using something like Postman, click on Headers and add these, replacing 123abc with your token.


Error Codes

The API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

200 - Successful operation

401 - Unauthorized (see Authentication)

4xx/5xx - Request failed for some other reason



All API calls will generate a response in the format below:

{ "requestId": null, "result": "", "error": null }
  • requestId contains a unique identifier for each request.

    • You can view the contents of a specific request with GET ​/api​/request​/{requestId}​/ .

  • result contains the result of the request.

  • error contains an error code and description if the request failed on the backend.

    • Note: The API call, itself, will still be successful and return code 200.



All API endpoints are listed below, along with a brief description for each. More detail on usage and expected results can be found in the OpenAPI document or viewed through the Swagger UI.

  • POST /accounts/api-token-auth/ Generate API token to authorize session

  • POST ​/accounts​/changePassword​/ Change the password of the specified user

  • GET ​/api​/folder​/{folderId}​/tree​/ Return a tree containing all children of the specified folder

  • GET ​/api​/request​/{requestId}​/ Return the contents of the specified request

  • GET/api​/status​/ Report the status of the API backend, including mode

  • GET/api​/tree​/ Return the highest level tree for this install

  • GET ​/api​/{entity}​/allconfig​/ Return a full listing of an entity type (nodes, apps, objects)

  • GET ​/api​/{entity}​/allconfig​fromtypes/ Return a full listing of an entity type (nodes, apps, objects)

  • GET ​/api​/{schemaId}​/schema​/ Return the schema file for the specified schema ID

  • GET ​/api​/itemTypes Return list of schema item types

  • GET ​/api​​/schema​/ Return the schema files for the specified schema IDs

  • POST/api​/{category}/{itemId}/move/ Move node or folder to new location

  • POST/api​/folder/add/ Add new folder

  • GET ​/api​/folder/{folderId}/view/ Get folder properties

  • POST/api​/folder/{folderId}/delete/Delete folder

  • GET ​/api​/folder/{folderId}/config/ Get folder configurations

  • POST/api​/folder/{folderId}/config/Adjust the settings of the specified node

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/apps​/ Return a list of all apps under the specified node

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/command​/ Send a command to the specified node

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/config​/ Return the settings for the specified node

  • POST ​/api​/{nodeId}​/config​/ Adjust the settings for the specified node

  • POST ​/api​/{nodeId}​/delete​/ Delete the specified node from the remote manager database

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/export​/ Full recursive export for the specified node

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/import​/ Full recursive import for the specified node

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/sync​/ Sync the specified node to the remote manager

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/tree​/ Return the highest level tree for the specified node

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/view​/ Return the schema and settings for the specified node

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/defaults​/ Return node defaults configurations

  • POST ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/command​/ Send a command to the specified app

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/config​/ Return the settings for the specified app

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/config​/ Adjust the settings for the specified app

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/export​/ Full recursive export for the specified app

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/import​/ Full recursive import for the specified app

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/license​/ Set the license for the specified app

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/licenserequest​/ Request a license for the specified app

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/models​/ List all models that can be added in the specified app

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/tree​/ Return the highest level tree for the specified app

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/view​/ Return the schema and settings for the specified app

  • GET ​/api​/{appId}​/{schemaId}​/get_metadata​/ Return metadata properties associated with the schema for the specified app

  • GET ​​/api​/{appId}​/{schemaId}​/metadata_schema​/ Return schema injected with the properties for the specified app

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/children​/ List the direct children of the specified object

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/command​/ Send a command to the specified object

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/config​/ Return the settings for the specified object

  • POST ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/config​/ Adjust the settings for the specified object

  • POST ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/copy​/ Create a recursive copy of the specified object

  • POST ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/delete​/ Delete the specified object

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/export​/ Full recursive export for the specified object

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/import​/ Full recursive import for the specified object

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/tree​/ Return the highest level tree for the specified object

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/view​/ Return the schema and settings for the specified object

  • GET/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectId}​/{objectType}​/children​/ List all children of the specified object that are of the specified type

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectType}​/add​/ Return the default schema for the specified object type

  • POST/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectType}​/add​/ Create a new instance of the specified object type under the specified app

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectType}​/allconfig​/ List all objects of the specified type under the specified app, along with their settings

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectType}​/listing​/ List all instances of the specified object type under the specified app

  • GET ​/api​/{nodeId}​/{appId}​/{objectType}​/newview​/ Return a schema file filled with default values in order to display new items in UI

  • POST/log​/delete​/{applabel}​/ Delete all logs under the specified app label

  • POST/log​/delete​/{applabel}​/{filename}​/ Delete the specified log file

  • GET/log​/download​/{applabel}​/{filename}​/ Return the contents of the specified log file

  • GET ​/log​/getlogs​/ List all available logs

  • GET/log​/zip​/ Create a zip file containing all logs

  • GET/log​/gettextlogs​/Get list of all logs

  • GET/log​/query​/{applabel}/{filename}/{count}/ Return the contents of the specified log file

  • GET/system​/systemDateTime​/ Return the current date and time for the system (in Unix Epoch time)

  • GET ​/system​/systemInfo​/ Return information about the system

  • GET /packagemanager​/info/{installId}/ Return installed package details

  • GET /packagemanager​/tree/ Return list of installed packages

  • GET /packagemanager​/available/ Return list of packages that can be installed

  • GET /packagemanager​/history/Return list of packages that were installed

  • POST/packagemanager/uploadModule/ Upload package for installation

  • POST/packagemanager/{nodeId}/delete/{packageId}/ Delete imported package

  • POST/packagemanager/{nodeId}/install/ Install package

  • POST/packagemanager/{nodeId}/uninstall/Uninstall package

  • POST/packagemanager/{nodeId}/remoteUpload/Remote upload packages

  • GET /dashboard/ Return list of nodes

  • GET /mqtt/{nodeId}/{action}/ Get node information

  • POST /mqtt/{nodeId}/{action}/ Perform action on node

For assistance, please submit a ticket via our Support Portal, email autosol.support@autosoln.com or call 281.286.6017 to speak to a support team member.