defaults.ini Explained

The installation process generates a defaults.ini file in /etc/autosol/defaults.ini which contains a set of values that define the properties of the server.

This file contains a set of values that define the properties of the server.

When installing, the prompts allow you to enter a default broker IP:Port, username/password and if you want to set enable TLS.

TLS will use the default server.crt the unit ships with, which allows for most simple unverified TLS connections.

Would you like to set default values for this Edge Node? (y/n) y Edge Node name [Unnamed Node]: MyNode Configure Broker settings? [n] (y/n): y Broker IP [localhost]: Broker Port [1883]: 8883 Username []: brokerusername Password []: brokerpassword Enable TLS? [False] (y/n): y


File type properties (cafile, certfile, keyfile) expect a valid file path to a file located in the unit upon usage of the defaults.ini

The defaults.ini has three default sections:


[CONTROL] apply = False [SERVER] name = MyNode compress = True https = False wildcardname = False [BROKER1] enabled = True brokerip = brokerport = 8883 connectionretries = 4 connectionretryinterval = 30000 keepalive = 60 clientid = cleansession = True protocolversion = MQTT 3.1 username = brokerusername password = brokerpassword enabletls = True tlsversion = TLS v1.2 cafile = certfile = keyfile = keypassword = verifycertificate = False [BROKER2] ...


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