Installing AUTOSOL AppManager
These are installation instructions for the Windows side manager software: AUTOSOL AppManager (AAM).
First Steps
Install PostgreSQL locally or remotely. Recommended version is 12 or 13.
Where PostgreSQL is installed, create a database.
Example for local machine:
"%PROGRAMFILES%\PostgreSQL\12\bin\psql" --username=postgres postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "ASIServerDB" OWNER postgres; postgres=# \q
Run the AutosolAppManager.exe installer and follow the prompts to install the server.
Run the 'AAM Configuration' shortcut from Start menu and configure the file to reference local or remote database (details below) if necessary.
Run the 'AAM Migrate Database' shortcut from Start menu.
Visit your system’s Services and make sure AUTOSOL App Manager is running. Restart if necessary.
Browse with any modern browser (excluding IE) to http://localhost:8080 (substitute hostname as appropriate). The default user is 'admin' and the default password is 'admin'.
If HTTPS is enabled, you will need to browse to https://localhost:8080.
Typical Usage
Start the application via the AAM shortcut. It will run in a console window.
Browse with any modern browser (excluding IE) to http://localhost:8080 (substitute hostname as appropriate).
If HTTPS is enabled, you will need to browse to https://localhost:8080.
Database Configuration Settings
The config.ini file can be opened using the ‘AAM Configuration’ shortcut, or by browsing directly to the file located here:
File contents:
DBName = ASIServerDB
DBUser = postgres
DBPassword = postgres
DBHost = localhost
DBPort = 5432
port = 8080
[DATABASE] - AAM will use these settings when it connects to PostgreSQL.
DBName is the name of the PostgreSQL database.
DBUser is the name of the PostgreSQL user.
DBPassword is the password (plaintext).
DBHost is the hostname where the database is expected.
DBPort is the port that AAM will reach out to for PostgreSQL.
[SERVER] - AAM will use these settings when it starts its web server.
port is the port number that the web server will listen for HTTS/HTTPS requests on.
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