Recommended Configuration Steps

The Hex Repeater device relies on a template that defines what commands can be sent to the device and what items are available for each command. A template object must be assigned on the Template Tab of this configuration. Review the Template guide to understand how this file is structured and how it can be modified if needed.

See the  Common Device Configuration guide for assistance configuring the General, Options, Details, and Logging tabs.  See the Connection/Schedule page for assistance with the Connection tab.

Device Tab


Default = 1. Address of the target field device. The hex value for the address will appear to the right.

Location Multiplier

Default = 0. Location Multiplier for the field device. The hex value appearing to the right is a calculated value, not the equivalent of the decimal value entered.

User ID

Default = ACM. This is the identification string to use for configuration download commands.

If required, enter the Hop Configuration Addresses and Location Multipliers of any RTU in the path to the target field device (value between 0 and 255). Set any unused hop addresses and location multipliers to zero.

If configuring a Hop Address, you must also enter a Location Multiplier. The hops are used in sequential order, and the first pair that has a zero in either the hop address or location multiplier marks the end of the hop path.

Scheduled Scan Interval

Default = Interval 1. Select the desired collection interval relating to the Schedule object assigned on the Connection tab. Collection occurs on the frequency of this interval.

Scheduled Scan Priority

Enable Enhanced Logging Mode

Default = Not selected. Selecting this will configure the polling engine to log additional traffic status information for outgoing and incoming messages to facilitate troubleshooting for difficult communication situations. Only use this feature for short term troubleshooting as it can increase log size considerably.

An example of the information that is logged when ‘Enable Enhanced Logging Mode’ is enabled is shown below:

MSGDBG Item: "AnalogCalibration.Value2 - Digital Value #1"; Value: "819"; Quality = 192; Type = 0x0012; Offset: 3; Length: 2; Hex: 03 33

This Includes:

  • The item Description
  • The item Value
  • The item Quality
  • The item data type
  • The offset (in bytes) of the item’s data in the receive data buffer
  • The length, or number of bytes, that contain the item’s data
  • The hexadecimal bytes that make up the item’s value.

Template Tab

Template Name

Click  to select or create a Template. See the Template section for more details.

Template objects are created in ACM just like any other ACM object type. Once created, the template xml file is imported into the template object and stored in ACM’s configuration database, so the template xml file is not needed for ACM to run and communicate with Hex Repeater devices.

Action Sequence Group

Modify the Action Sequence Group, if applicable. The Action Sequence Group Enable field will list the name and enabled status of each action group available in the template. Action Sequence Groups are a list of pre-defined commands that are executed (reads or writes) when a “Scan” poll finds that a particular item’s value should trigger the action sequence. Action sequence groups can be disabled to prevent queuing new polls as a result of the data read during a “Scan” poll. Template-defined action sequences will not be queued if the associated Action Sequence Group is disabled.

Action Sequence Groups can also be disabled dynamically by information provided in the template file. Action Sequence Groups have an ‘inhibit’ property that can prevent their execution if specific values are found in a Scan command response. For example, the ‘Lost All Data’ bit can be used to inhibit action sequences related to reading configuration data from the device.

Time Sync Tab

Enable Time Synchronization

Default = Not selected. Enable this to configure and allow requests to be made. 

Time Synchronization Configuration

Click  to select or create the Connection Object assigned to this device. See the Time Synchronization section for more details.

Time Synchronization Interval

Select the desired Time Synchronization Interval relating to the Schedule object assigned on the Connection tab. Time Synchronization checks occur on the frequency of this interval.

Time Synchronization Priority


Default = UTC-06:00 Central Time (US & Canada).

Archive Collection Tab

Maximum Records per Poll

Default = 24. This limits the number of history records retrieved at one time from any given log during a poll cycle.

Enable the appropriate Event Log Collections

Event log collection is typically disabled and only enabled for major central delivery points. RTU event log data is published as FLOWCAL CFX string event data and is not required for CFX numeric events.

Meter Runs Tab

Meter 1-4

Click  to select or create the Meter Object assigned to the selected meter run. See the Meter section for more details.

Station Meter

Click  to select or create the Meter Object assigned to the device at the Station level. All historical log data is associated with a meter object in ACM. For data that is not specifically EFM-related, a ‘Station Meter’ is used as the meter object. The Hex Repeater uses the Station Meter for logs such as Production Cycle and Control Logs. See the Meter section for more details.

No Advanced Meter Configuration object is necessary and the settings in the Meter object can be blank. However, a Meter object must be assigned for publishing to work.

Meter Contract Hour 1-4

Default = 0. These values are used only if the contract hour isn’t read from the device.