Troubleshooting Postgres
The steps to address varying Postgres errors are below:
Installing Postgres
A good internet connection is required to install Postgres. To install Postgres manually, run one of the two commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql
If this fails, request assistance from your IT department to verify that you can access the Debian package repositories online.
Changing the Postgres password
The default Postgres password expected by eACM is “postgres”. If you wish to use a different password, skip to the section titled “Changing the conf.ini password”.
Select the database.
sudo -u postgres psql ASIServerDB;
If the above fails, it is possible the database hasn’t been created. Follow the steps below under Creating the Database before completing these steps.
2. Change the password.
ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
3. Exit the edit database mode:
4. Restart the server
Once the restart is complete, visit the IP of your computer on port 8080 to view the AUTOSOL App Manager web configuration page.
Changing the conf.ini Password
If you wish to use a different password in Postgres than the default “postgres” the conf.ini file must be edited. It is located: /usr/apps/ASIEdgeManager/core/config.ini
Create the Database
If the database used by eACM (ASIServerDB) doesn’t exist, create it manually.
If this fails, it is possible that Postgres was not installed correctly. Scroll up to Installing Postgres.
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