$Server Items

$Server Items


The $Server object supports items that provide system-wide information.

$Server Items

ItemData TypeDescription
ActiveItemsI4The total number of items active or advised to this object.
Analog1... Analog9R4

Able to read and write a float number.

Useful for OPC connectivity testing of reads and writes, without having to connect to a field device.

CfgCountI4The number of times a configuration has been saved to the ACM system.
ClientCountI2The number of OPC clients currently connected to ACM.
DatabaseSizeR4The size of the ACM configuration database in megabytes.
DataSizeR4The size of the database data file including data and indices, in megabytes.
DataTableSizeR4The amount of space in the ACM configuration database used by data.
DataUtilizationR4Percent of the maximum allowed data size in the database that is in use.
DevicesLicensedI4The number of devices allowed in the ACM license.
DevicesUsedI4The number of devices currently used.
Digital1 ... Digital9Bool

Able to read and write a boolean value.

Useful for OPC connectivity testing of reads and writes, without having to connect to a field device.

EfmFilesFailedI4The number of EFM files (files with history records) waiting to be imported into SQL Server that failed the import.
EfmFilesWaitingI4The number of EFM files (files with history records) waiting to be imported into SQL Server.
InternalActiveItemCountI4The number of internal active items added by OPC clients. Duplicate items are not counted.
InternalTotalItemCountI4The number of internal items added by OPC clients. Duplicate items are not counted.
ItemCountI4The number of OPC items added by OPC clients.
LicenseStatusBoolLicense status:
  • On is licensed
  • Off is unlicensed
LicenseExpirationDateThe date and time the license will expire.
LogSizeR4The size of the transaction log file, in megabytes.
MaxDatabaseSizeR4Maximum size allowed for the database, in megabytes.
MaxLogSizeR4Maximum size allowed for the transaction log file, in megabytes.
OpcGroupCountI4The number of OPC groups connected to ACM.
OpcQueuedReadCountI4The number of currently queued requests received by the server to perform a synchronous read from device.
OpcTotalReadCountI4The total number of requests the server received to perform a synchronous read from device.
PurgeHistoryStatusBoolThe result of the last attempt to delete old history records. TRUE if successful, FALSE if not successful.
SafeModeBoolWhether or not ACM is running in "Safe Mode" and using the MSAccess back up database.
ServerIdI4Indicates the location where ACM is running. A value of 1 means ACM is running on server “A”. A value of 2 means ACM is running on server “B”.
ServerStartTimeDateThe date and time the server started in Local Time.
ServerStartTimeUTCDateThe date and time the server started in UTC.

The status of the server. This value can be:

  • 3 = Error
  • 2 = Stopping
  • 1 = Running
  • 0 = Loading
ServerVersionStringThe current server version.
SinewaveR4An analog real sine wave traveling from 0.0-100.0 and back down that can be used in testing.
String1 ... String9String

Able to read and write a string value.

Useful for OPC connectivity testing of reads and writes, without having to connect to a field device.

Time1 ... Time9Date

Able to read and write a date value.

Useful for OPC connectivity testing of reads and writes, without having to connect to a field device.

WatchDogBoolA boolean bit that is switched off and on that can be used in testing.

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