The options will need to be configured for each user that will be using the server directory.
Server information is entered once for each ACM instance. Entries can be updated or removed as necessary with infrastructure changes. The directory listing shows the current status of each ACM instance and allows a user to connect to an instance quickly.
Creating a New Server Entry
A server entry is created by right-clicking and selecting ‘Add New’ from the context menu. The following form is displayed
New Server Entry Properties
Click Update Directory Server to commit the changes to the database.
After committing changes to the database, the button will change to Refresh. Click Refresh to update the server states.
- Check the boxes for servers to search on
- Enter any part of an object name
- Hit the enter key or click the Find button
A search will be done across all enabled servers to find matches. After all servers have been searched another dialog will show the results of the search. The result shown here is based on the text ‘roc’. The list can be filtered by entering any text into the filter box to narrow the list or the list can be scrolled. After locating the object of interest, double-clicking the item will cause the ACM Configuration Client to connect to the appropriate server, open the object for editing and select the object in the database hierarchy automatically.