


  1. Internet Information Services (IIS) Hosting installed and turned on.

  2. ASP.Net Core Hosting Bundle (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-aspnetcore-6.0.8-windows-hosting-bundle-installer )

Major Steps (Installer)

  1. Unzip the package and run the installer.

  2. When prompted for the file install location, AUTOSOL recommends the following:

    1. (IIS Local Folder): C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MobilePortal

  3. When prompted for the Website name, AUTOSOL recommends: ACM Mobile Portal

  4. Complete the Database Creation Utility steps:

    1. Enter the name of the SQL Server instance that will house the database.


    2. Add one or more Administrators following the prompts. You will need at least one.

  5. Once the installer has completed, grant Read And Execute, List folder contents and Read permission to the IIS_IUSRS group on the ACM Mobile Application folder so that it can access the Web.config file.

  6. Make Inbound Firewall rule if needed.

  7. Set up Certificates for https as required by your organization.

  8. Perform the Verify Installation steps below.

Major Steps (Manual Install)

  1. Create ACMMobilePortal Database using the ACM_Mobile_Portal.sql file provided in the Install package.

  2. In the ACMMobilePortal folder, edit the appsettings.jason file; ConnectionString "PortalDataBase" to the correct SQL server host name. The default is setup for Windows Authentication using the App pool account as: Server=localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ACMMobilePortal;Trusted_Connection=yes;Persist Security Info=False; See Configuration for details.

  3. Add one or more entries to the Configuration Administrators table so that those users can have access to Administrator functions on the Portal.

  4. Copy Portal Code to desired folder location

    1. Recommended (IIS Local Folder): C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MobilePortal

    2. Alternate Option (IIS Linked): C:\Program Files\AutoSol\Communication Manager\MobilePortal

  5. Open IIS and right-click on Sites >> Add Web Site. 

    An “Add Website” pop up box will open. Here we need to furnish details in three fields

    1. Site name: Put any name of your choice. Example "ACM Mobile Portal"

    2. Physical Path: The path to the folder where you have published your application. This needs to be the root folder of the portal application with all of the DLLs, etc.

    3. Host name: This is the name we put in the browser to access the application.

    Click on OK to create the website.

    Next step is to configure the “Application Pool” for the site. The application pool name will be the same as the “Site name” provided in the last step

    Click to “Application Pools” from the left panel and double click on the default pool listed. It will open an “edit application pool” window. Select “No Managed Code” from the .NET CLR version drop-down.

  6. Grant Read And Execute, List folder contents and Read permission to the IIS_IUSRS group on the ACM Mobile Application folder so that it can access the Web.config file.

  7. Make Inbound Firewall rule if needed.

  8. Set up Certificates for https as required by your organization.

  9. Perform the Verify Installation steps below.

Verify Installation

  1. Access site as a ConfigurationAdministrator role and verify License settings are correct and working.

  2. Access site as a ConfigurationAdministrator role and configure Server settings to your organizational needs.

  3. Verify ACM security (if used) is configured for your users accessing the Portal.


Application Process Pool for the portal application needs to run under an account that can access the DB and Execute .Net code.

The majority of problems are caused by insufficient rights of the account assigned in the Application Process Pool in IIS. Problems that may be encountered as a result of this are:

  • The application does not run (display the login screen). Make sure Application Process Pool can run .Net processes and access folders, etc. Verify the Application Process Pool user account has the correct username and password.

  • Login is not honoring a user assigned as an administrator. Insure the database and SQL server have allowed the user account configured in the Application Process Pool to login and access the database.

  • Login is restricted to 2 minutes due to invalid License and/or Demo mode is not presented on install. The Application Process Pool user account does not have the rights to use crytp or the registry.


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