This wizard provides the ability to create a new database or update an existing database to the latest version.
Page 1 (Connection information)
Server name: Default = Server name from the previous form. If necessary, change to the name of the appropriate server.
Database name: Default = Database name from the previous form. If necessary, change to the name of the database to be created or updated.
Authentication/User name/Password: The authentication information required for secure access to the database.
If opting to use authentication, user name and password must conform to Microsoft’s guidelines found at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/strong-passwords?view=sql-server-ver15 (See note concerning the use of ODBC connection strings).
Azure Database: Default = Not selected.
Page 2 (Create table options)
Create a new database: (Default) Select this option to create a new database with an empty configuration.
Update existing database: Select this option to update an existing database to the latest version
Create tables and procedures in existing database: Select this option to create the necessary tables and procedures in an existing database
Drop existing tables first: Select this to delete existing configuration data, tables and stored procedures.
Selecting this option will delete ALL configuration data.
Select individual SQL files to execute from the ManualUpdates folder: Select this option in order to run specific SQL scripts against the database. See Apply new SQL Scripts to the Database for more information.
Page 3 (SQL Database options)
Recovery Model: Select the desired recovery model.
- Bulk-logged: Select this option if you want to be able to restore from a transaction log, but want a smaller transaction log. History data will NOT be stored, but configuration data will.
- Full: Select this option if replicating data, or restore from a transaction log with no loss of data.
- Simple (Default): Select this option if using SQL express, if NOT replicating data or to reply solely on backups rather than restoring from a transaction log.
Delete Old History: Default = Selected.
Days of History to Keep: Enter the desired number of days of history to keep for each history type (Hourly, Daily, Periodic, Audit, Meter)
Time of Day to Delete: Select the time of day that history will be deleted each day.
SQL Delete Timeout: Enter in Seconds.
Page 4 (Task Summary)
Select "Finish" if the action summary details are correct
Database updates may take quite a bit of time depending on the options selected. Do not shut the application down while the update is in progress.