Standard Items
Protocol Items
The FBNET protocol implementation supports the item names listed below for use by client applications.
APC Control
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CASINGOPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Current casing valve operating mode. Valid values are: • 0 = CASING_OFF_MODE • 1 = CASING_DELAY_MODE • 2 = CASING_ON_MODE |
CASINGOPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Casing valve time in seconds. |
CONTROLLERMODE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Contains controller mode for well Valid values are: • 2 = CTRL_AC_PLUNGER • 3 = CTRL_AC_TANK • 4 = CTRL_AC_INJECTION • 7 = CTRL_AC_ECL |
CURRENTHGHLINEDELAYTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | High line delay time in seconds. |
ERRORTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Error time in seconds - active when AC Err Status contains other than AC NO ERROR. |
EXTCONTACT/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
FASTRETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of fast plunger arrival counts. |
GOODRETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of good plunger arrival counts. |
NORETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of no plunger arrival count. |
NUMCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of off cycle starts since last clear totals. |
OPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Current PECL and Injection operating mode. Valid values are: Current tank valve operating mode. Valid values are: |
OPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Auxiliary valve time in seconds. |
PLUNGERCOUNT | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of plunger arrivals logged since last clear Totals. |
PLUNGERRUN/0 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Most recent 9 plunger run times in second. Index 0 is the most recent plunger run. This array is not updated on a no arrival. |
SALESMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains current operating mode. This pertains mainly to sales valve. Undefined if the well is in Manual Mode. Valid values are: |
SLOWRETURN | UI2 | V1, V2 | History of slow plunger arrival counts. |
SMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Sales valve time in seconds. |
TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of tanks valve open cycles since last clear totals. |
TTLINJTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total injection valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve close time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLTANKTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total tank valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of tanks valve open cycles since last clear totals. |
TTLINJTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total injection valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve close time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Contains total sales valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TTLTANKTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Contains total tank valve open time in seconds since RTU was reset or the value rolled over. |
TANKCYCLES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Number of tanks valve open cycles since last clear totals. |
VENTOPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Current vent valve operating mode. Valid values are: |
VENTOPMODETIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Vent valve time in seconds. |
WELLSTATUS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains 2 if in automatic control mode, 4 if in manual control mode. |
APC Control Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Current afterflow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
AFTERFLOWADD | UI4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment added to afterflow time on fast arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
AFTERFLOWENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil enables afterflow on a slow arrival during the on cycle. Writing 0 to the coil disables this feature. |
AFTERFLOWSLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Adjustment subtracted from afterflow time on slow arrival in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
AUTOPERMITSALESVALVEENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to automatically "permit" the well after a safety valve close. This value remains until the host turns it off. |
AUTORESTART | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to restart the control module in the last set mode - manual or automatic - on power-fail or hardware reset |
CATCHMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to enter the plunger catch mode at next plunger arrival. |
CLICKTIME/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
CONTROLOPMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains control operating mode directing RTU to perform the requested control algorithm. Valid values are: |
CURREARLYCOUNTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | Clears the early arrival counter. |
CURRFAST | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current fast plunger arrival count. |
CURRGOOD | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current good plunger arrival count. |
CURRNONE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current no plunger arrival count. |
CURRRECOVERYARRIVAL | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current recovery counter. When 0, the RTU will use the Recovery off time value if enabled. Ignored in shared flow controller. |
CURRSLOW | UI2 | V1, V2 | Current slow plunger arrival count. |
ENABLEEARLYARRIVALTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Enable or disable early plunger arrival. |
FLOWTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Sync mode flow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. Ignored in shared flow controller. |
HIGHTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a good and slow arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a good arrival. |
INITFAST | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial fast plunger arrival count. |
INITGOOD | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial good plunger arrival count. |
INITNONE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial no plunger arrival count. |
ININRECOVERYARRIVAL | UI2 | V1, V2 | Indicates if the mode is in plunger recovery. |
INITSLOW | UI2 | V1, V2 | Initial slow plunger arrival count. |
LLTANKMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Set by the host to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) the liquid-lift tank mode of operation. |
LOWTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time in when the RTU determines the difference between a fast and good arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a fast or early arrival. |
MANUALPERMITSALESVALVEENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | This Boolean field manually permits sales valve open when off inputs are gone. |
MAXAFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Maximum afterflow time in seconds. Maximum value is 99:59:59. |
MAXOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Maximum time to allow off-time to be adjusted to. |
MINAFTERFLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Minimum time to allow afterflow to be adjusted to |
MINOFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | The minimum time the RTU will adjust the off time to. |
OFFDURINGAFTERFLOW/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Off Input Only During Afterflow selection bit map. If the bit is 1, the equivalent "Of" input is only honored during afterflow. Valid values are: |
OFFTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Current off time in seconds. Maximum value is 999:59:59. |
OFFTIMENONE | UI4 | V1, V2 | Off time to use in the case of a non-plunger arrival. |
OFFTIMESLOW | UI4 | V1, V2 | Off time to use in the case of a slow arrival. |
ONTIME | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time where RTU determines difference between good and slow arrival time. Anything less than or equal this value is considered a slow arrival. |
PLGERARRIVALADNDISABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil disables plunger arrival adjustments. Writing 0 to the coil enabled this feature. |
PROPORTIONALADJENABLE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil enables proportional adjustments. Writing 0 to the coil disables this feature. |
RESETAFTERFLOWTOMIN | UI1 | V1, V2 | Resets afterflow time back to minimum. |
SHAREDFLOWMODE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to enter the shared flow mode. This mode is mutually exclusive with Sync mode. Ignored in the shared flow controller. |
STATE | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
USETRENDEDANALOGS/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Bit map to indicate to the control code to use trended analogs for control decisions. Values are: |
ACP Demand
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CLEARTOTALSFLAG | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU clear totals. |
DOTRIGGER/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
OFFBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to start an AutoCycle Plus "Off" cycle. |
ONBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to start an AutoCycle Plus "On" cycle. |
TUBINGCLOSEBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to close sales valve. |
TUBINGOPENBUTTON | UI1 | V1, V2 | Writing 1 to coil directs RTU to open sales valve. |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ANALOGALARMACTIVE/1 | UI1 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
ANALOGALARMLEVEL/1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BATTERYAALARMACTIVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BATTERYALARMLEVEL | R4 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BOARDTEMPAACTIVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
BOARDTEMPALARMLEVEL | R4 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
DIGITALALARMACTIVE/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
DIGITALALARMLEVEL/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
SOFTALARMACTIVE/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enables alarm. |
Alarm Notify
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AANOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable auto notify. |
DINOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable DI notify. |
FCUAANOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable Flow Computer notify. |
SOFTNOTIFY/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable Soft Point notify. |
Alarm Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AA1_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA1_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA1_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA1_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA2_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA2_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA2_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA2_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA3_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA3_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA3_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA3_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA4_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA4_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA4_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA4_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA5_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA5_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA5_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA5_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA6_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA6_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA6_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA6_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
V1, V2AA7_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA7_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA7_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA7_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AA8_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High alarm set point |
AA8_HIGHHIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | High High alarm set point |
AA8_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low alarm set point |
AA8_LOWLOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Low Low alarm setpoint |
AAACTION/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
AAENABLE/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
BATTERY.HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | Battery high set point |
BATTERY.LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Battery low set point |
BATTVOLTS | BOOL | V1, V2 | Last read or filtered engineering unit value for battery voltage |
BOARDTEMP | BOOL | V1, V2 | Last read or filtered engineering unit value for board temp |
BOARDTEMP.HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | Board temperature high set point |
BOARDTEMP.LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | Board temperature low set point |
DIACTION/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
DIENABLE/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
DISETTING/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
SOFTENABLE/1 | BOOL | V1, V2 | |
WAITTIME | I4 | V1, V2 |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CURVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Current volume from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
DP | R4 | V1, V2 | DP from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
LP | R4 | V1, V2 | LP from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
LT | R4 | V1, V2 | LT from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
MBSTATUS | I4 | V1, V2 | |
PREVVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Previous volume from FCUif last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
RATE | R4 | V1, V2 | Instantaneous rate from FCU if last read succeeded, -10,000.0 otherwise. |
FCU Alarm
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ALARMLEVEL/1 | R4 | V1, V2 |
FCU Alarm Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
AA1_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA1_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA2_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA2_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA3_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA3_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA4_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA4_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA5_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA5_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA6_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA6_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA7_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA7_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA8_HIGH | R4 | V1, V2 | |
AA8_LOW | R4 | V1, V2 | |
ALARMENABLE/1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | |
ADDRESS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Address of attached Modbus slave |
APREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing AP (LP). |
BASEGROUP | UI2 | V1, V2 | Custom group number to configure used for AA TOTAL_FLOW only. |
COMMSETUP | UI1 | V1, V2 | Bitmap for parity and # of stop bits Bit 0 - LSB, Bit 7 - MSB Parity (bits 0,1) 00 = no parity 01 = odd parity 10 = even parity Stop bit count (bit 2) 0 = 1 stop bit 1 = 2 stop bits Baud rate (bits 3,4) 00 = 1200 baud 01 = 2400 baud 10 = 4800 baud 11 = 9600 baud 7/8 bit ASCII mode (bit 5) 0 = 8 bit mode 1 = 7 bit mode |
CURVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing current Volume |
DPREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing DP. |
FCUPRESENT | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
FROMTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long, float, double. |
ISASCII | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU talking ASCII or RTU protocol? |
ISSLAVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU a slave or broadcast device? |
LTREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing LT. |
NOKDT | UI1 | V1, V2 | If true, the RTU turns on RTS, disabling KDT |
PREFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send before the Modbus device address. |
PREFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of prefix bytes to send |
PREVVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing previous Volume |
RATECONV | UI1 | V1, V2 | Conversion type for rate register. |
RATEREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing inst. Rate. |
SCANTIME | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of seconds between scans. |
SCANTIMEOUT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of 0.1 seconds to wait for a response from the FCU. |
SUFFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send after the last CRC byte. |
SUFFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of suffix bytes to send. |
SWAPTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Type of swapping needed before conversion. |
TYPE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Type of Modbus FCU device attached. |
TIME1-35 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time Stamp |
VOL1-35 | R4 | V1, V2 | Volume |
FCU Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ADDRESS | UI1 | V1, V2 | Address of attached Modbus slave |
APREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing AP (LP). |
BASEGROUP | UI2 | V1, V2 | Custom group number to configure used for AA TOTAL_FLOW only. |
COMMSETUP | UI1 | V1, V2 | Bitmap for parity and # of stop bits Bit 0 - LSB, Bit 7 - MSB Parity (bits 0,1) 00 = no parity 01 = odd parity 10 = even parity Stop bit count (bit 2) 0 = 1 stop bit 1 = 2 stop bits Baud rate (bits 3,4) 00 = 1200 baud 01 = 2400 baud 10 = 4800 baud 11 = 9600 baud 7/8 bit ASCII mode (bit 5) 0 = 8 bit mode 1 = 7 bit mode |
CURVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing current Volume |
DPREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing DP. |
FCUPRESENT | UI1 | V1, V2 | |
FROMTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long, float, double. |
ISASCII | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU talking ASCII or RTU protocol? |
ISSLAVE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Is the FCU a slave or broadcast device? |
LTREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing LT. |
NOKDT | UI1 | V1, V2 | If true, the RTU turns on RTS, disabling KDT |
PREFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send before the Modbus device address. |
PREFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of prefix bytes to send |
PREVVOLREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing previous Volume |
RATECONV | UI1 | V1, V2 | Conversion type for rate register. |
RATEREGISTER | UI2 | V1, V2 | FCU register # containing inst. Rate. |
SCANTIME | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of seconds between scans. |
SCANTIMEOUT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of 0.1 seconds to wait for a response from the FCU. |
SUFFIX | UI1 | V1, V2 | Byte to send after the last CRC byte. |
SUFFIXCOUNT | UI1 | V1, V2 | Number of suffix bytes to send. |
SWAPTYPE | UI1 | V1, V2 | Type of swapping needed before conversion. |
TYPE | UI2 | V1, V2 | Type of Modbus FCU device attached. |
FCU Previous Volume
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
TIME1-35 | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time Stamp |
VOL1-35 | R4 | V1, V2 | Volume |
Find Address
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
ADDRESS | UI2 | V1, V2 | RTU Address |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
VERSION | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the RTU code revision number |
FEATURES | UI2 | V1, V2 | Contains a bit map of RTU capabilities |
Gas Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CPRIME | R4 | V1, V2 | C Prime set point. |
CURPRODVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Current production Volume |
DPCUTOFF | R4 | V1, V2 | Differential Pressure cut off set point. |
INJGASMETERFLAG | I1 | V1, V2 | Injection gas meter flag. |
LOCATMPRES | R4 | V1, V2 | |
PREVPRODVOL | R4 | V1, V2 | Previous production Volume |
Meter Parameter Calibration
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
MPCAL1ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL1SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL1SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL2SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL2SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL3SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL3SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL4SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL4SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL5SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL5SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL6SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL6SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL7SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL7SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8ENG1 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG2 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG3 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG4 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8ENG5 | R4 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration engineering value |
MPCAL8SAMPLE1 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE2 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE3 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE4 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
MPCAL8SAMPLE5 | UI2 | V1, V2 | Meter parameters calibration sample |
Pressure Overrides
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
CPHIGHFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPhighsetpoint for a fast arrival |
CPHIGHNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPhighsetpoint for a no arrival |
CPHIGHSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the CP >= this set point |
CPHIGHSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPhighsetpoint for a slow arrival |
CPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival |
CPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPlowsetpoint for a no arrival |
CPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the CP is <= this set point |
CPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the CPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival |
DPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the DPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival |
DPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the DPlowsetpoint for a no arrival |
DPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the DP is <= this set point |
DPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the DPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival |
FLUIDSLUGSETPOINT | R4 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the (CP-TP)/(CP-LP) <= this set point |
HLINECLEARDELAY | R4 | V1, V2 | High line pressure shut in clear delay |
HLINECLEARSETPOINT | R4 | V1, V2 | High line pressure clear set point |
HLINETIME | I4 | V1, V2 | High line pressure delay time on 0.1 seconds |
LDIFFTIME | I4 | V1, V2 | Low differential pressure delay time in 0.1 seconds |
LPHIGHSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the LP is => this set point |
LPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Closes the plunger valve if LP <= this set point |
MAXCPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the maximum CP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override. |
MAXDPSETPOINT | R4 | V1, V2 | Maximum DP pressure set point |
MAXIPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the maximum IP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override |
MAXTPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the maximum TP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override |
MININJECTPRESS | I2 | V1, V2 | Minimum injection pressure required before the RTU opens the injection valve |
MINTPSHUTDOWN | I2 | V1, V2 | Contains the integer portion of the minimum TP the RTU allows before shutting the well down for a safety override |
MININJECTPRESS | I2 | V1, V2 | Minimum injection pressure set point |
OPENPURGEONARR | BOOL | V1, V2 | Not used by the RTU, contents undefined |
TPHIGHFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPhighsetpoint for a fast arrival |
TPHIGHNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPhighsetpoint for a no arrival |
TPHIGHSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the TP >= this set point |
TPHIGHSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPhighsetpoint for a slow arrival |
TPLOWFASTADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPlowsetpoint for a fast arrival |
TPLOWNOADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPlowsetpoint for a no arrival |
TPLOWSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Close the plunger (sales) valve if the TP is <= this set point |
TPLOWSLOWADJ | I2 | V1, V2 | The amount of adjustment the RTU makes to the TPlowsetpoint for a slow arrival |
TPLPDIFFSETPOINT | I2 | V1, V2 | Opens the plunger (sales) valve it the (TP – LP) >= this set point |
USEUTFORLP | UI1 | V1, V2 | Contains TRUE if the RTU is to use the UT (unit temperature) analog channel for LP overrides, FALSE otherwise |
Remote Shutin
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
PERMITTED | UI2 | V1, V2 | Enable remote shut in |
REVISION | UI2 | V1, V2 | |
STATUS | UI2 | V1, V2 | Status |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
V1, V2 |
RTU Meter Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
V1, V2 |
RTU Parameters
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
V1, V2 |
RTU Reset
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
RTUANDBUFFERS | BOOL | V1, V2 | Reset RTU and buffers. |
RTUONLY | BOOL | V1, V2 | Reset RTU only. |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
TIMESTAMP | UI4 | V1, V2 | Time Stamp |
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
V1, V2 |
Well Comm
Item | Data Type | FBNet Version | Description |
V1, V2 |
Extended Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
GCWrite/Txn | Variant Array | Used for automated gas quality download. |
LastAlarmRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last alarm record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastDailyRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last daily record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastEventRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last event record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastHourlyRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last hourly record retrieved from meter number 1. |
LastTimeSync | Date | Timestamp of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTimeSyncResult | I4 | Result of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTrendRecord/1 | Date | Timestamp of the last trend record retrieved from meter number 1. |
MoveDaily/1 | I2 | Move the daily history retrieval pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of days to move. |
MoveLogPeriod/1 | I2 | Move the log period pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of periods to move. |
ResetDaily/1 | BOOL | Erase the daily history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all daily history during the next retrieval). |
ResetEvent/1 | BOOL | Erase the event history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all event history during the next retrieval). |
ResetLogPeriod/1 | BOOL | Erase the log period history retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all log period history during the next retrieval). |
ResetTrend/1 | BOOL | Erase the trend retrieval pointer for meter 1 (and re-collect all trends during the next retrieval). |
RetrieveHistory | I2 | Retrieve enabled history. |
RetrieveTrend | I2 | Retrieve enabled trends. |
TimeSync | I2 | Perform time synchronization. |