To use these these tags with ACM in an OPC client use the USER_OPCODE_.DATA_mm:n tag.
The mm defines the point within the table, the n represents the table number which are zero-based; i.e. Table No. 3 in ROCLink will be referenced by the number 2 in the OPC item.
For example, to reference the first tag in the image above use:
USER_OPCODE_.DATA_01:3 (first point, fourth table)
Note |
Polling USERPolling USER_OPCODE_.DATA_01:3 will return the TLP of the tag, not the value. To poll the value you must apply the <T***> modifier such as: USER_OPCODE_.DATA_01:3<TFLP> for floating point or: USER_OPCODE_.DATA_01:3<TINT8> for an 8-bit integer. See the Data Types section above for a complete list of <T***> modifiers. |
Item | Data Type | Description | T.P:L |
DO.POINT_TAG_ID:n | STRING | 10 character name for the discrete output. | 2.0:n |
DO.TIME_ON:n | UI2 | Number of 50 msec. intervals the output is on. | 2.1:n |
DO.SPARE_1:n | UI1 | Parameter number 2. Not Used. READ ONLY. | 2.2:n |
DO.STATUS:n | UI1 | The current state of the output. | 2.3:n |
DO.MODE:n | UI1 | Bitmask settings for the discrete output. • Bit 0: Momentary (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 1: Toggle (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 2: Not Used (Do not set) • Bit 3: TDO Enable (1 = Timed Discrete Output, 0 = Normal) • Bit 4: CLR on Reset (0 = Disable, 1 =Enable) • Bit 5: Not Used • Bit 6: Not Used • Bit 7: Manual Mode (1 = scan disabled, 0 = Normal scan) | 2.4:n |
DO.ALARM_CODE:n | UI1 | Bitmask settings for the discrete output. • Bit 0-5: Not Used • Bit 6: Point Fail (FloBoss 107 Only) • Bit 7: Manual Mode | 2.5:n |
DO.ACCUM_VALUE:n | UI4 | Number of 0 to 1 transitions. | 2.6:n |
DO.UNITS:n | STRING | 10 character name for the Engineering Units. | 2.7:n |
DO.CYCLE_TIME:n | UI2 | The sum of the on and off time (1 cycle time) in 50 msec. periods. | 2.8:n |
DO.0_COUNT:n | I2 | The count in 50 msec. periods that represent a 0 percent output pulse width. | 2.9:n |
DO.100_COUNT:n | I2 | The count in 50 msec. periods that represent a 100 percent output pulse width. | 2.10:n |
DO.LOW_READING_EU:n | R4 | The EU value corresponding to the 0 percent count. | 2.11:n |
DO.HIGH_READING_EU:n | R4 | The EU value corresponding to the 100 percent count. | 2.12:n |
DO.EU_VALUE:n | R4 | EU value that corresponds to the amount of on-time for the discrete output. | 2.13:n |
DO.ALARM_MODE:n | UI1 | Indicates the alarm mode.
Note: Valid only for the FB107. | 2.14:n |
DO.SCAN_MODE:n | UI1 | Indicates scanning mode. Valid values are 0 (Automatic) and 1 (Manual). Note: Valid only for the FB107. | 2.15:n |
DO.MANUAL_STATE:n | UI8 | Manual state (FB107 only). | 2.16:n |
DO.PHYSICAL_STATE:n | UI8 | Physical state (FB107 only). | 2.17:n |
Point Type 3 - Analog Input Items
Item | Data Type | Description | T.P:L |
AI.POINT_TAG_ID:n | STRING | 10 character name for the analog input. | 3.0:n |
AI.UNITS:n | STRING | 10 character name for the Engineering Units. | 3.1:n |
AI.SCAN_PERIOD:n | UI2 | Time between updates in 50 msec. intervals. | 3.2:n |
AI.FILTER:n | UI2 | Percentage of last value used in calculating current value. | 3.3:n |
AI.ADJUSTED_ATOD_0:n | I2 | A/D value corresponding to 0 percent input. | 3.4:n |
AI.ADJUSTED_ATOD_100:n | I2 | A/D value corresponding to 100 percent input. | 3.5:n |
AI.LOW_READING_EU:n | R4 | EU value corresponding to 0 percent input. | 3.6:n |
AI.HIGH_READING_EU:n | R4 | EU value corresponding to 100 percent input. | 3.7:n |
AI.LOW_ALARM_EU:n | R4 | EU value representing the low alarm threshold. | 3.8:n |
AI.HIGH_ALARM_EU:n | R4 | EU value representing the high alarm threshold. | 3.9:n |
AI.LOLO_ALARM_EU:n | R4 | EU value representing the low low alarm threshold. | 3.10:n |
AI.HIHI_ALARM_EU:n | R4 | EU value representing the high high alarm threshold. | 3.11:n |
AI.DELTA_ALARM_EU:n | R4 | EU value representing greatest allowable change between scans before generating an alarm. | 3.12:n |
AI.ALARM_DEADBAND:n | R4 | EU value representing a dead zone above high alarm limits and below the low alarm limits to prevent spurious alarms. | 3.13:n |
AI.FILTERED_EU:n | R4 | The current value in engineering units. | 3.14:n |
AI.MODE:n | UI1 | Bitmask settings for the analog input. • Bit 0: Not Used • Bit 1: Low Low and High High Clamping (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 2: Temperature Compensation (0 = Enable, 1 = Disable) • Bit 3: Use Average Input (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 4: ALM Enable (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 5: RBX on Clear (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 6: RBX on Set (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) • Bit 7: Manual Mode (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) | 3.15:n |
AI.RAW_ATOD_INPUT:n | I2 | Raw A/D input reading: READ ONLY IN ROC 300 SERIES AND FB 407. R/W IN FB 100 SERIES AND FB 500 SERIES. | 3.17:n |
AI.ACTUAL_SCAN:n | UI2 | Actual scan time. Should be the same as Scan Period unless system is overloaded. READ ONLY. | 3.18:n |
AI.FAULT_EU_VALUE:n | R4 | Fault EU Value | 3.19:n |
AI. CALIB_ZERO_RAW:n | UI2 | Calibrated Zero Raw | 3.20:n |
AI.CALIB_MID_RAW_1:n | UI2 | Calibrated Mid-point Raw #1 A/D Value | 3.21:n |
AI.CALIB_MID_RAW_2:n | UI2 | Calibrated Mid-point Raw #2 A/D Value | 3.22:n |
AI.CALIB_MID_RAW_3:n | UI2 | Calibrated Mid-point Raw #3 A/D Value | 3.23:n |
AI.CALIB_SPAN_RAW:n | UI2 | Calibrated Span Raw | 3.24:n |
AI.CALIB_ZERO_EU_VALUE:n | R4 | Calibrated Zero EU Value | 3.25:n |
AI.CALIB_MID_EU_VALUE_1:n | R4 | Calibrated Mid-point EU #1 | 3.26:n |
AI.CALIB_MID_EU_VALUE_2:n | R4 | Calibrated Mid-point EU #2 | 3.27:n |
AI.CALIB_MID_EU_VALUE_3:n | R4 | Calibrated Mid-point EU #3 | 3.28:n |
AI.CALIB_SPAN_EU:n | R4 | Calibrated Span EU | 3.29:n |
AI.OFFSET_ADDED_CALC_EU:n | R4 | Offset to be added to all calculated EU fields | 3.30:n |
AI_CALIB_SET_VALUE_ED:n | R4 | Calibrated set value; desired ED value for a calibrated point | 3.31:n |
AI_CALIB_MANUAL_VALUE:n | R4 | Calibrated manual value; the current EU value of the AI while performing calibration | 3.32:n |
AI.CALIB_TIMER:n | UI2 | Calibration Timer-number of seconds until a timeout occurs | 3.33:n |
AI.CALIB_TIMER:n | UI2 | Calibration Timer-number of seconds until a timeout occurs | 3.33:n |
AI.CALIB_MODE:n | UI8 | Calibration Mode • 0 = Use current calibration • 1 = Start calibration • 2 = Calibrate input • 3 = Restore previous calibration values • 4 = End calibration Note: No event is logged for this parameter | 3.34:n |
AI.CALIB_TYPE:n | UI8 | Calibration Mode
| 3.35:n |
Point Type 4 - Analog Output Items
Item | Data Type | Description | T.P:L |
DO.POINT_TAG_ID | AC | Identification name for specific AO. Values must be printable ASCII characters. | 102.0:n |
DO.UNITS_TAG | AC | Describes the units used by the AO. Values must be printable ASCII characters. | 102.1:n |
DO.SCANNING | UINT8 | If disabled, no changes to the output will occur. If in Manual, only the user can change the values of the AO. If in automatic, anything can change the values of the AO. • 0 = Disabled • 1 = Automatic • 2 = Manual | 102.2:n |
DO.ALARMING | UINT8 | If enabled, alarms may be generated and sent to the Alarm Log. • 0 = Disabled • 1 = Enabled | 102.3:n |
DO.SRBX_ON_CLEAR | UINT8 | Indicates a SRBX alarm is desired if an alarm condition clears • 0 = SRBX on Clear Disabled • 1 = SRBX on Clear Enabled. | 102.4:n |
DO.SRBX_ON_SET | UINT8 | Indicates a SRBX alarm is desired if an alarm condition occurs. • 0 = SRBX on Set Disabled • 1 = SRBX on Set Enabled | 102.5:n |
DO.ALARM_CODE | BIN | If bit 5 is set, the Scanning (parameter #2) has been set to Manual. If clear, the Scanning (parameter #2) has been set to either Disable or Automatic If bit 7 is set, the Scanning (parameter #2) has been disabled. If clear, the Scanning (parameter #2) has been set to either Automatic or Manual. READ ONLY. | 102.6:n |
DO.FAILSAFE_ON_RESET | UINT8 | If enabled, the Status (parameter #8) will be set to the status indicated in ‘Failsafe Status Value’ (Parameter #22) on a restart of any kind. If disabled, the last Status before the restart will be used. 0 = Output Last Status on Reset, 1 = Use Failsafe value on Reset. | 102.7:n |
DO.STATUS | UINT8 | Indicates what state the DO is currently in, ON (1) or OFF (0). | 102.8:n |
DO.ACCUM_VALUE | UINT32 | Number of times the Status (parameter #8) goes from OFF to ON. | 102.9:n |
DO.MOMENTARY_MODE | UINT8 | If enabled, the Status (parameter #8) will be turned ON for the entered Time On (parameter #14) and then be turned OFF. • 0 = Momentary Disabled • 1 = Momentary Enabled | 102.10:n |
DO.MOMENTARY_ACTIVE | UINT8 | Indicates that the DO currently has the Momentary ability active. • 0 = Momentary Not Active • 1 = Momentary Active | 102.11:n |
DO.TOGGLE_MODE | UINT8 | If enabled, the Status (parameter #8) will be turned ON for the entered Time On (parameter #14) and then turned OFF for the same Time On. The Status will continue to cycle between the ON and OFF states. • 0 = Toggle Disabled • 1 = Toggle Enabled | 102.12:n |
DO.TDO_MODE | UINT8 | If enabled, the Status (parameter #8) will be turned ON for a calculated Time On (parameter #14) based upon the entered EU Value (parameter #20). After the Time On has expired, the Status will be turned OFF and remain that way until a new EU Value is entered. • 0 = TDO Disabled • 1 = TDO Enabled | 102.13:n |
DO.TIME_ON | FLP | Number of seconds the Status (parameter #8) will be turned ON for if in TDO, Toggle, or Momentary Mode. | 102.14:n |
DO.CYCLE_TIME | FLP | Number of seconds for when TDO Mode (parameter #13) and Toggle Mode (parameter #12) are selected. The Status (parameter #8) will be ON for the calculated Time On (parameter #14) based upon the entered EU Value (parameter #20). The Status will then be turned OFF based upon the Cycle Time minus the Time On. | 102.15:n |
DO.LOW_READING_TIME | FLP | Minimum number of seconds the calculated Time On (parameter #14) will be when the entered EU Value (parameter #20) is less than or equal to the entered Low Reading EU (parameter #18). | 102.16:n |
DO.HIGH_READING_TIME | FLP | Maximum number of seconds the calculated Time On (parameter #14) will be when they entered EU Value (parameter #20) is greater than or equal to the entered High Reading EU (parameter #19). | 102.17:n |
DO.LOW_READING_EU | FLP | Minimum EU Value (parameter #20) possible. | 102.18:n |
DO.HIGH_READING_EU | FLP | Maximum EU Value (parameter #20) possible. | 102.19:n |
DO.EU_VALUE | FLP | Value in Engineering Units. | 102.20:n |
DO.MANUAL_VALUE | UINT8 | Manual Value used when Scanning (parameter #2) is in manual mode | 102.21:n |
DO.FAILSAFE_STATUS | UINT8 | This is the status the output will be placed in when the unit is started and the Failsafe on Reset Parameter (Parameter 7) is set to 1, Use Failsafe value on reset. | 102.22:n |
DO.RESERVED | FLP | Max Scan Period READ ONLY. | 102.23:n |
DO.PHYSICAL_OUTPUT | UINT8 | Indicates the DO’s current state. Valid values are 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON). | 102.24:n |
Point Type 103 - ROC 800 Analog Input Items
Item | Data Type | Description |
GCWrite/Txn | Variant Array | Used for automated gas quality download. |
LastAlarmRecord/n | Date | Timestamp of the last alarm record retrieved from meter number 'n'. |
LastDailyRecord/n | Date | Timestamp of the last daily record retrieved from meter number 'n'. |
LastEventRecord/n | Date | Timestamp of the last event record retrieved from meter number 'n'. |
LastHourlyRecord/n | Date | Timestamp of the last hourly record retrieved from meter number 'n'. |
ClockSet | Date | Set the Date and Time on the device. |
LastTimeSync | Date | Timestamp of the last time synchronization attempt. |
LastTimeSyncResult | I4 | Result of the last time synchronization attempt. |
MoveDaily | I2 | Move the daily history retrieval pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of days to move. |
MoveHourly | I2 | Move the hourly history retrieval pointer for meter run 1. Write a positive number to move the pointer back in time, a negative number to move the pointer forward in time. The written value represents the number of hours to move. |
Reinitialize | I2 | Re-read the ROC configuration |
ResetAlarm | BOOL | Erase the Alarm history retrieval pointer for all meters (and recollect all Alarm history during the next retrieval). |
ResetDaily | BOOL | Erase the daily history retrieval pointer for all meters (and recollect all daily history during the next retrieval). |
ResetEvent | BOOL | Erase the event history retrieval pointer for all meters (and recollect all event history during the next retrieval). |
ResetHourly | BOOL | Erase the hourly history retrieval pointer for all meters (and recollect all hourly history during the next retrieval). |
ResetHistoryPointer | BOOL | Erase the hourly, daily, minute, event, alarm, batch, and extended retrival pointers for all meters (and recollect all event history during the next retrival). |
RetrieveHistory | I2 | Retrieve enabled history. |
RetrieveMeterConfiguration | I2 | Retrieve enabled Meter Configuration. |
SkipDaily | I2 | Skip enabled history |
SkipHourly | I2 | Skip enabled history |
TimeSync | I2 | Perform time synchronization. |