Service Name | Description | Accesses the ACM Database | Optional |
asiLOGGER | Writes all log messages from all services to a file and is required for all other services to work correctly. | ||
asiDATA | This is the Polling Engine. It is also responsible for managing all changes to configuration data. It can be started upon opening a Configuration or OPC Client. | Yes | |
asiARCHIVE* | This is a process of asiData that accepts EFM records from protocols and writes them to files for bulk importing. It starts and stops with asiData. | Yes | |
asiPUBLISH* | This is a process of asiData that retrieves the records waiting to be published and publishes them to the correct output. It starts and stops with asiData. | Yes | |
asiSCHEDULE* | This is a process of asiData that manages all schedules. It starts and stops with asiData. | ||
asiCONFIGSERVER | This service must be running to open the ACM Configuration Client and manages the connection between the ACM Configuration Client and the ACM Server. | ||
asiLOGSERVER | This service must be running to view log data in the ACM Configuration Client or in the ACM Logger. | ||
asiREPORTSERVER | This service must be running to use the Reports and Archive Management tab in the ACM Configuration Client. It is responsible for running scheduled reports and the Archive Management Process. | Yes | |
asiBULKMGR | This service loads files created by asiArchive into the database. If this service is not running, the files will queue up until the service is started. | Yes | |
asiITEMSERVER | Required to see dashboard data in the ACM Configuration Client and to publish data to an MQTT broker. | ||
asiOPCUA | Required to provided OPC UA clients access to real time ACM data. | Yes | |
asiFlowCalScadaRequest | Monitors FlowCal FLOWCAL for GC Write Request processing. | Yes | |
asiGCRequestManager | Processes and executes GC Write Requests created by the other GC Write monitoring services. | Yes | |
asiGCWriteFileService | Watches for new files and creates GC Write Requests from these files. | Yes | |
asiGMSParserService | Watches for new GMS files and creates GC Write Requests from these files. | Yes | |
asiScancomManualImportService | Watches for SCM (off-line Barton laptop historical files) files and imports into the database for publishing. | Yes | |
asiTotalflowManualImportService | Monitors off-line Totalflow laptop historical files and imports into the database for publishing. | Yes | Yes |
asiBridge | Subscribes to MQTT SparkplugB formatted data and makes it available to OPC DA clients. | Yes |
*asiArchive, asiPublish and asiSchedule are not services that run independently. They are processes belonging to asiData.