Common Commands
See Device Object Common Commands for commands that are common to all device types.
Command | Description | Parameters |
Test Communication | When executed, ACM will poll a known OPC item from the device and wait for the response to see if the communication is good. | None |
Retrieve Trend | Requests the retrieval of trend records. | None |
Reset Trend Pointer | Clears the trend retrieval position so retrieval start at the oldest record. | Trend Index |
Reset Trend Raw Pointer | Clears the trend raw retrieval position so retrieval start at the oldest record. | None |
Move Trend Pointer Backwards | Moves the saved trend retrieval position. Provide the record count in parameter one. | Trend Index Records Count |
Move Trend Raw Pointer Backwards | Move the saved trend raw retrieval position. Provide the record count in parameter one. | Records Count |
Skip Trends Records | Move the saved trend retrieval position forward. Provide the record count in parameter one. | Trend Index Records Count |
Skip Trend Raw Records | Move the saved trend raw retrieval position forward. Provide the record count in parameter one. | Records Count |
Time Sync | Time sync with the device based on server time and time sync criteria defined | None |
ReInitializeIO | For RTU5000 V2 device, re-requests device version information on next polling cycle | None |