Setting up a new Device for EFM collection

Setting up a new Device for EFM collection

 Table Of Contents


This guide will cover setting up a new device to collect EFM in ACM, including creation and configuration of all objects required. In this example, the ROC protocol is used.

ROC Notes

This guide assumes the ROC device has already been configured using ROCLink.

Step 1: Create a Device

See the Creating a Device page. For our example, select the ROC protocol and assign a unique name.


Folders allow objects to be organized together in a logical manner. See Creating Objects for further information about creating the Folder object.

Step 2: Create a port object for the Primary Connection

For our example, the ROC uses a TCP/IP Connection.  ACM offers a number of different port types - see Connections for a full list of available port types. 

Create a TCP/IP Connection object. See Creating Objects for further information about creating the object.

Assign the new object to the Primary Connection property on the device Connection tab. Refer to Common Device Configuration for more information on how to configure the Connection tab for a device.

Step 3: Create a Schedule

Scheduled history collection is performed according to the assigned Schedule configuration. This schedule object is assigned to the device on the Device Configuration Tab.

Step 4: Create Meter Objects

Meters are created by the same method as other objects. See Creating Objects. Meters are assigned to run numbers in a device configuration. See Meters for more information about configuring the meter object.

For our ROC example, the order of the meter assignments is significant. Assignment of meters in the ROC is covered on the ROC Device Tab page including notes on assignments. 

Station Meters

Historical collection types such as events, alarms and periodic record data is often tied to a specific meter run number in the device. When data does not tie to a specific run it is often referred to as station level. In our example for the ROC, the Station Meter object is assigned a Meter object to allow publication of data that does not belong to a specific meter run number in the ROC device.

Step 5: Create Archive Objects

Archive objects facilitate historical collection from devices to the publishing features of ACM. ACM has several types including Configurable Archives and Archive Limits. See Creating Objects for how to create an archive object. 

For our ROC example, Archive Limit objects are used and assigned on the Archive Collection Tab of the device configuration. 

Step 6: Archive Mapping (Present on Some Device Protocols)

Archive mapping is used by some device protocols in ACM to further direct how historical data items are to be retrieved and stored in archive objects for later publishing. 

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