BSAP Configuration

BSAP Configuration

See the Common Device Configuration guide for assistance configuring the General, Options, Details, and Logging tabs.  See BSAP Ethernet Connection Ports for information on how to configure the communication port objects used by this protocol.

Device Tab

Item For MSD Version

Any valid item defined within the RTU to be used by the driver to determine the Master Signal Directory (MSD) version.  Required for polling lists and archive files.

Max Bytes Per Message

Default = 232. Maximum number of data bytes allowed in a single message.

RTU Type

BSAP RTU Type: Network 3000 (Default), ControlWave, or ControlWave with Network 3000 items.

Item Browse File

Enter the .sig or .acc file that contains the signal names defined in this BSAP RTU. Enter only the name of the file without the folder path. All ACM item browse files must be stored in the \BSAP\TagFiles directory of the ACM SystemFiles folder.

The default location of this directory is: C:\ProgramData\AutoSol\Communication Manager\7\DataFiles\BSAP\TagFiles

However, the location of the SystemFiles folder is configurable, set by the ACM Monitor in the System Files tab.

Two types of files may be used as item browse files:

  • ACC files. These files end in .acc and contain the plain text source code for the ACCOL load that the device is running. Typically, Network 3000 devices run ACCOL loads and ControlWave devices don't.
  • SIG files. These files end in .sig and are created by the OpenBSI Signal Extractor utility. To run the Signal Extractor, OpenBSI generally must have access to the compiled source code for the program that is running on the BSAP device. For more information on using OpenBSI and its Signal Extractor utility, contact Emerson technical support.


If both types of files are available, it's best to use the ACC file, because it also defines list and array items, whereas the SIG file only defines signal items.

Time Sync Tab


Specifies the time zone the device's clock uses. Default = UTC-06:00 Central Time (US & Canada).

Time Synchronization Configuration

Click  to select or create the Time Sync Object assigned to this device. See the Time Synchronization section for more details.

Enable Time Synchronization

Default = Not selected. Select this to configure and allow time syncs to be performed, either on a scheduled interval or using the "Time Sync" command. 

Time Synchronization Interval

Select the desired Time Synchronization Interval relating to the Schedule object assigned on the Connection tab. Time Synchronization checks occur on the frequency of this interval.

Time Synchronization Priority

  • Low. Queues up with other Low priority items.
  • Medium (Default). Interrupts Low priority items, and queues up with other Medium priority items.
  • High. Interrupts Medium and Low priority items, and queues up with other High priority items.

TS/NRT Options

Send NRT on Request. When this option is selected, ACM will send a TS/NRT message upon receiving a TS/NRT request message from the device.

Send NRT on Startup. When this option is selected, ACM will send a TS/NRT message when the device first starts polling in ACM, but only if the Send NRT on Request option is also enabled.

Send NRT on Comm Loss. When this option is selected, ACM will send a TS/NRT message when communication is lost and then reestablished with the device, but only if the Send NRT on Request option is also enabled.

Use RDBE for Time Synchronization

Default = Not selected.  Select to use RDBE instead of NRT for time synchronization. For BSAP, the device time can be read or written using either default time items or the RDB Extension read/write time command.

Older Network 3000 Devices

Older Network 3000 devices (model numbers less than 3500) generally don't support RDB Extension messages, so don't check the option to use that. These default time items that are supported by most older Network 3000 devices will be used to read the time are:

#TIME.002. (year)

#TIME.003. (month)

#TIME.004. (day)

#TIME.005. (hour)

#TIME.006. (minute)

#TIME.007. (second)


Teleflows (model numbers 35xx) support RDB Extension messages. Check the option to use that for time sync. Read individual date/time fields with the RDBE Extension message using these extended items:








ControlWaves support RDB Extension messages and also support the following default time items, so either time sync method will work:

@GV._TIME_002 (year)

@GV._TIME_003 (month)

@GV._TIME_004 (day)

@GV._TIME_005 (hour)

@GV._TIME_006 (minute)

@GV._TIME_007 (second)

ControlWaves can also use the RDBE message extended items that the Teleflows use to read individual date/time fields.

Archive Collection Tab

Collection Priority

  • Low (Default).Queues up with other Low priority items.
  • Medium. Interrupts Low priority items, and queues up with other Medium priority items.
  • High. Interrupts Medium and Low priority items, and queues up with other High priority items.

Collection Intervals

Select the desired collection intervals relating to the Schedule object assigned on the Connection tab. Collections occur on the frequency of this interval.


If multiple schedule objects are selected for this device (Primary, Secondary, or Alternate) ensure that each Schedule has the same interval numbers configured.

Collect Audits

Default = Not selected. Select to enable and configure collection archives.

Audit Access

Click  to select or create the Archive Access object. See the BSAP Archive Access section for more details.

Audit Archive

Click  to select or create a Configurable Archive. See the Configurable Archive section for more details.

Event Map

Click  to select or create a EFM Event Configuration. See the EFM Event Configuration section for more details.

Alarm Map

Click  to select or create a EFM Alarm Configuration. See the EFM Alarm Configuration section for more details.

PGAS Flow Extension Filter Type

Select the filtering algorithm to apply to the Flow Extension value for the PGAS EFM format.

  • No Filter(Default)
  • Standard Filter
  • Teleflow Filter

Meter Runs Tab

Meter Run Settings

Select the meter run for which to configure the following settings:


Click  to select or create the Meter Object assigned to the selected meter run. See the Meter section for more details.  Assigning a Meter Configuration to the Meter is required. Only BSAP signal and analog array items may be used as addresses in the Meter Configuration object.

GC Write Config

Click  to select or create the Gas Chromatograph assigned to the selected meter run. See the Gas Chromatograph section for more details.

Configuration Item Token Number

Default = Number of meter run. Allows multiple meters to share a single Meter Configuration or Gas Chromatograph object, as long as the meters use the same item names for these objects apart from the run number. Items in the shared Meter Configuration and Gas Chromatograph objects will use a token instead of the run number:

  • ? - replaced by the token number: 1, 32, 255
  • ?? - replaced by the token number padded out with zeroes to at least two digits: 01, 32, 255
  • ??? - replaced by the token number padded out with zeroes to at least three digits: 001, 032, 255

For example, FC.FC1.RX_TAP_LOC, FC.FC2.RX_TAP_LOC, etc. would be entered as FC.FC?.RX_TAP_LOC.

When each meter accesses the shared Meter Configuration or Gas Chromatograph object, the tokens in the item names in that object will be replaced by the value of this field for that meter.

For example, if the token number of the meter run is set to 4, FC.FC?.RX_TAP_LOC will be polled as FC.FC4.RX_TAP_LOC for that meter.

Collect Daily/Hourly/Minute

Default = Not selected. Select to collect and configure access and archive objects used in collection.

Daily/Hourly/Minute  Access

Click  to select or create the Daily/Hourly/Minute  Access object. See the BSAP Archive Access section for more details.

Daily/Hourly/Minute  Archive

Click  to select or create a Configurable Archive. See the Configurable Archive section for more details.

Collect User Upload

Default = Not selected. Select to collect and configure access and archive objects used in collection.

User Upload  Access

Click  to select or create one the User Upload Access object. See the BSAP Archive Access section for more details.

User Upload  Archive

Click  to select or create a Configurable Archive. See the Configurable Archive section for more details.


Poll for RBE (Report By Exception) Data

Default = Not selected.  Enables the retrieval of ACCOL signal data using Network 3000 Report By Exception (RBE).

Since ACM does not currently support Ethernet RBE, this setting will be ignored if either the Primary or the Secondary Use BSAP Ethernet option is checked in the Ethernet Tab.

The BSAP device must be a Network 3000 device that is programmed with an ACCOL RBE system, which maintains a database of signals that are configured as RBE, scans them at a specified rate, and reports any changes in their values since the previous scan.

An RBE initialization message containing the configuration parameters from the Primary/Secondary tab will be sent on startup, when the configuration parameters are changed, and if requested by the device with a waiting for initialization message. A poll message to retrieve RBE data will be sent on the configured interval and priority.

ACCOL signal items will be read by both the RBE poll on the RBE Poll Interval and by a non-RBE item poll on the interval that the item is assigned to, unless item modifiers are used. The <RBE> item modifier will cause an item to be read only by the RBE poll. The <POLL> item modifier will cause an item to be read only by the non-RBE item poll.

Primary/Secondary Scan Rate

Default = 5.  RBE system parameter sent to the device by the RBE initialization message.  The minimum delay in seconds between RBE database scans at the device.

Primary/Secondary Scan Slice

Default = 1.  RBE system parameter sent to the device by the RBE initialization message.  Number of time slices that the device scan session is to be divided into.

Primary/Secondary Timeout

Default = 60.  RBE system parameter sent to the device by the RBE initialization message.  Number of seconds for the device to wait for the RBE initialization message before resending the RBE waiting for initialization message.

RBE Poll Interval

Interval at which a poll message is sent to retrieve RBE data. Select the appropriate interval for the RBE Poll Interval that is configured in the selected Schedule object.

RBE Poll Priority

Priority of the poll message sent to retrieve RBE data.

  • Low.Queues up with other Low priority items.
  • Medium (Default). Interrupts Low priority items, and queues up with other Medium priority items.
  • High. Interrupts Medium and Low priority items, and queues up with other High priority items.

Ethernet Tab

Primary/Secondary Use BSAP Ethernet

Default = Not selected. Select this option if communicating with a BSAP RTU through its Ethernet port.

Primary/Secondary Use UDP BSAP Connection

Select to indicate that the port will be using a UDP port as its BSAP connection.

Primary/Secondary Use Standard header

Use the standard header instead of the extended IBP header. The standard header does not include the IP address.

Primary/Secondary BSAP Sub Packets

Maximum sub-packets in a IBP packet (1-4).

Time Sync IP Address 1 & 2

The IP addresses on which to monitor the Time Sync port.

Time Sync Port

Port used to receive Time Sync messages from the RTU.


Be certain the firewall allows incoming UDP connections on this port. Time synchronizations using the BSAP Ethernet protocol are handled differently from those of other protocols. For ACM to successfully perform a BSAP Ethernet time sync, follow the configuration directions here.

Packetizing Delay

After the first sub-packet is ready to send, this is the amount of time in milliseconds the RTU will wait for additional sub-packets before sending the packet.

Alarm IP

The IP address to which the RTU should send alarm notifications.


As ACM does not currently support alarm notifications, it is not suggested to use the ACM Host computers IP address.


The IP address to which the RTU should send RBE notifications.


As ACM does not currently support RBE notifications, it is not suggested to use the ACM Host computers IP address.

BSAP Connection Settings Tab

Primary/Secondary Address Type

Type of addressing required to poll RTU.

  • Local (Default).  Local addressing is used when the message does not have to pass through one or more other BSAP devices before reaching the one it's being sent to, and the BSAP device's address does not include an extra group number byte.
  • Global.  Global addressing is used when the message must pass through one or more other BSAP devices before reaching the one it's being sent to.
  • EBSAP.  EBSAP addressing is used when the BSAP device's address includes an extra group number byte.

For more information on how to determine which address type to use and the values of the fields required to use it, see BSAP Addressing from OpenBSI Netview.

Primary/Secondary Local Address

Default = 1. Local address used to poll RTU.

Primary/Secondary EBSAP Group Number

Default = 0. EBSAP group number used to poll RTU.

Primary/Secondary Global Address

Default = 256. Global address used to poll RTU. 

The global address may be displayed by the device's configuration software as a hexadecimal number (ending in x), but it must be entered into ACM as a decimal

For example, 21x = 33 decimal, 22x = 34 decimal, etc.

Primary/Secondary Device Level

Default = 1. RTU level in the BSAP network. 

This should be one more than the number of other BSAP devices that the message must pass through before reaching the one it's being sent to.  A device that receives its messages directly from the host computer (and therefore should use Local or EBSAP addressing) is at Device Level 1.  A device whose messages pass through one other BSAP device is at Device Level 2, and so on.

Primary/Secondary Level 1-6 Devices

Maximum number of devices that can be connected at the specified level.  These fields must be set correctly if the device is part of a BSAP network with more than one level.  See BSAP Addressing from OpenBSI Netview for more information on how to find the correct values for these fields.

Primary/Secondary Line Initiation 

Default = 1. Number of leading null bytes to send before each message.

Primary/Secondary No Data Retry Delay

Default = 100. The amount of time in milliseconds between receiving an acknowledgement with no data and sending another poll message to check again whether the data is now available.

Primary/Secondary VSAT Slave Mode

Default = Not selected. Select this option if the communication port at the RTU is operating in VSAT slave mode.

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