
See Object Commands for how to locate and execute a command.

CommandDescriptionParametersImpact on Published Output
Publish a DeviceImmediately publishes the first 1000 historical records, according to record timestamp, for the given device starting at the selected date.  

Device ID. Provide the object id of the device.

Date/Time. Provide a specific Date/Time.

Republishes the archive records for only the chosen device. This will only publish a max of 1000, starting with the oldest record first according to the record timestamp.

Note:  If the publisher has a filter assigned, the device and/or it's meters must be included in the filter.

Reset Publish Position to a Specific DateMoves the publish position back to the provided Record Timestamp.Date/Time. Provide a specific Date/Time.Next time this publisher runs, it will republish all archive records COLLECTED after the selected date, sorted by record timestamp. 

Note: This will potentially publish duplicate records if history has been retrieved multiple times.
Refresh Published RecordsRemoves the "Last Published Date" records for meters no longer associated with this publisher (according to its filter).NoneNone. Used for data clean up.
Remove Published RecordsRemoves all "Last Published Date" records from the Published Records table for this publisher. Meters will be re-added to the table the next time they are published by the publisher.NoneNone. Used for data clean up.

The following commands should be used with caution as they may result in ACM republishing large amounts of data.

CommandDescriptionParametersImpact on Published Output
Reset Publish Position to First Collection of Device/MeterMoves the publish position back to the oldest Record Timestamp for the selected Device or Meter.

Device ID. Provide the object id of the device, or leave blank for all devices or to a use a meter.

Meter ID. Provide the object id of a meter, or leave blank for all meters.

The next time this publisher runs, it will republish all archive records collected after the oldest record with the data sorted by record timestamp. This includes records for devices and meters other than that entered in the parameters. This may take a very long time. 

Reset Publish Position to the Oldest Collection in Filter ListThis will find the oldest Record Timestamp according to the devices and meters that the filter matches and use that date to move the publish positionNoneOnly execute this command if you intend to republish all archive records for this publisher. This may take a very long time. This is similar to "Reset Publish Position"

Reset Publish Position

Moves the publish position back to the oldest Record Timestamp in the archive for the selected publisher. NoneOnly execute this command if you intend to republish all archive records for this publisher. This may take a very long time.