



The name of this item


If checked the Edge ACM will poll this device when running

Publish Rate

The time, in milliseconds, between Device Data Messages

Alter Publish Rate on Point Limits

If enabled, tag limits are monitored by the publisher and the publisher will switch to the Altered Publish Rate if any tag is out of limits

Altered Publish Rate

The time, in milliseconds, between Device Data Messages if any tags assigned to this device are out of limits (Limits are set on the tag object)

Device ID

The ID of the End Device

Security Code

Second level of security used by the End Device to allow read and write if security is turned on. Four-character ASCII string

Max Data Block

Defines the maximum data block size, valid values 50-1024. Common values: 128, 256, 512, 1024.

Max Registers

The maximum number of registers to request in a single poll message, valid values 1-255

Tag Groups

The Tag Group(s) that are associated with this device. Edge ACM will only poll this device for the tags in the groups hilighted here

Connection Settings

The object that contains the connection settings Edge ACM will use to connect to the End Device


The parent folder for this item