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Minimum Permissions to Perform ACM Database Updates:

The following instructions assume a DBA has created an empty database on the server, but the tables and objects in the database have not been createdThis page provides instructions to create two different types of users in SQL Server for ACM. One user has only the permissions required for ACM to run; the other has the permissions required for ACM to run and permissions to create and modify ACM database objects.

Table of Contents

Non-privileged User

These instructions detail the minimum permissions required for all ACM services to interact with the database. They assume the ACM database and all necessary objects exist. This user cannot perform database updates via ACM Monitor nor can they execute database updates during a new install or ACM Upgrade.

  1. Create a login on the server level per corporate requirements.

  2. On the “User Mapping” tab, :

    1. Check the checkbox next to the ACM database

    2. Make sure the default schema is “dbo”.

    3. Check the following roles in the “Database membership roles” box below the “Users Mapped to this login” label

      1. db_datareader

      2. db_datawriter

      3. public

  3. Select the “Securables” tab.

  4. With the server highlighted, select the “Grant” checkbox next to “View server state”. (This permission allows the user to view the Database Statistics in ACM).

  5. Click OK.

  6. Refresh the “Security/Users” folder in the ACM database,

  7. Right click the user you just created and choose “Properties”.

  8. Select the “Securables” tab.

  9. Add the “Control” permission other ACM required permissions for the ACM databaseBulk Manager and Archive Management processes:

    1. Click the “Search” button

    2. Choose the “Specific Types” option,

    3. Click OK,

    4. Search for Object types “Database”“Tables”

    5. Click the “Browse” button

    6. Select the ACM database you are working with

    7. Click “OK”. The database will show up in the “Securables” grid.

    8. With the database securable selectedfollowing tables:

      1. EdgeEFMConfigurationErrors

      2. tblArchiveStaging

      3. tblCommStatsStaging

      4. tblDailySummary

      5. tblHourlySummary

      6. tblItemStaging

      7. tblPubStaging

    9. Click “OK”

    10. For each table, check the “Grant” checkbox next to “Control”the “Alter” permission.

    11. Click OK

Minimum Permissions to run ACM Services


    1. .

Privileged User

These instructions include the minimum permissions required to perform ACM database updates and run ACM services. They assume an empty database has already been created on the server, but the tables and objects in the database have not been created.

  1. Create a login on the server level per corporate requirements.

  2. On the “User Mapping” tab:,

    1. Check the checkbox next to the ACM database

    2. Make sure the default schema is “dbo”.

    3. Check the following roles in the “Database membership roles” box below the “Users Mapped to this login” label

      1. db_datareader

      2. db_datawriter

      3. public

  3. Select the “Securables” tab.

  4. With the server highlighted, select the “Grant” checkbox next to “View server state”. (This permission allows the user to view the Database Statistics in ACM).

  5. Click OK.

  6. Refresh the “Security/Users” folder in the ACM database,

  7. Right click the user you just created and choose “Properties”.

  8. Select the “Securables” tab.

  9. Add the other ACM required permissions “Control” permission for the Bulk Manager and Archive Management processesACM database:

    1. Click the “Search” button

    2. Choose the “Specific Types” option,

    3. Click OK,

    4. Search for Object types “Tables”“Database”

    5. Click the “Browse” button

    6. Select the following tables:

      1. EdgeEFMConfigurationErrors

      2. tblArchiveStaging

      3. tblCommStatsStaging

      4. tblDailySummary

      5. tblHourlySummary

      6. tblItemStaging

      7. tblPubStaging

    7. Click “OK”

    8. For each tableACM database you are working with

    9. Click “OK”. The database will show up in the “Securables” grid.

    10. With the database securable selected, check the “Grant” checkbox next to the “Alter” permission“Control”.

  10. Click OK
