Item | Data Type | Description |
ActiveItems | I4 | The total number of items active or advised to this device. |
AllPollReset | Bool | Clears all of the "Total" poll statistics items. |
Barometer | I4 | An indicator of the communication status on the primary and secondary connections Note: The communications barometer represents the marginal success rate of communications. Each For each poll message cycle that is sent that does not receive a response causes for one or more poll messages, the barometer to will increase by two (2), with a maximum value of 100. Each For each poll message cycle that is sent that does receive a valid response causes does receive a valid response for all poll messages, the barometer to decrease decreases by 1, with the lowest value being 0. These barometer changes cause failures in communications to show up quickly as the barometer rises. However, good communications must be maintained longer and more steadily for the barometer to fall back to 0. |
CommStatus | I2 | Represents the status of the communication link to the device. The value will be 1 if a communication link to the device can be established – even if the device does not respond to polls. The value will be 0 if a communication link cannot be established to the device. |
IncompletePoll | Bool | Set to false at the beginning of each poll. The value changes from false to true if the last poll attempt was incomplete. |
ItemCount | I4 | The number of items that have been added by OPC clients. |
LastPollAttemptTime | Date | The date time stamp of the last poll attempt. |
LastPollAttemptTimeUTC | Date | The date time stamp of the last poll attempt in UTC (without time zone bias). |
LastPollFailureCode | I4 | An integer value indicating the result of the last poll. 0 = Success 1 = No poll initiated 2 = Error opening connection 3 = Error during modem initialization 4 = Connection failed 5 = Line is busy 6 = No answer 7 = Connection was dropped |
LastPollLength | I4 | The length of time (in seconds) of the last poll. |
LastPollSuccessTime | Date | The date time stamp of the last successful poll. |
LastPollSuccessTimeUTC | Date | The date time stamp of the last successful poll in UTC (without time zone bias). |
MinutesSinceComplete | I4 | Minutes since the last complete poll. |
ScanIntervals | I4 | Bitmask of intervals that the device is currently polling. |
Scanning | Bool | This item is true when the object is scanning. |
SecondsSinceComplete | I4 | Seconds since the last complete poll. |
Status | I2 | An integer value indicating the result of the last poll. 6 = Poll was not initiated |
StatusDesc | String | Descriptive result of the last poll. "Complete Poll" "Incomplete Poll" "Interrupted Poll" "Communication Error" "Failed Poll" "Poll Not Started" "Port is Closed or Disabled" |
TimeSinceComplete | I4 | Time (in minutes) since the last complete poll. |