Code Block |
docker load -i ./postgres_32.tar
docker load -i ./edgemanager3451_32.tar
docker network create autosol
docker run -d --name database --network autosol --restart always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres POSTGRES_DB="ASIServerDB" postgres_tar:latest
docker run -d --name edgemanager --network autosol -p 8080:8080 --restart always edgemanager_32: |
Code Block |
docker volume create db-vol
docker run -d --name database --network autosol --mount source=db-vol,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data --restart always -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres POSTGRES_DB="ASIServerDB" postgres_tar: |
Note |
Warning: mounted volumes can preserve bad data as well as good; if a container is created with an error in database name or the wrong architecture .tar is restored, you will need to delete the volumes before a new container can succesfully be run! |